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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. Damn British cant talk right! All these years I thought it was mute!
  2. Thanks PG I believe the negative outbust yesterday was in frustration that we still have not made any improvements to our OL. The Royal signing just strike me as moves that TD would have done... addresses a need but it's a need that at the bottom of the list.
  3. LOL very funny!
  4. She is an animated porn star who works with that dog Blue from Blue's Clues Oh wait you ment La's Girl
  5. Burn her... she's a witch! "turned me into a mute she did!" I got better! BURN HER
  6. I don't know a lot about Tripplett... but his stats look average to me. Any guesses on how much Marv will pay him? I would guess 5 years 19 mil with a 5 mil signing bonus
  7. May he burn in hell!
  8. As i feared... The Bills will have to over pay FAs of any caliber to get them to sign. Not Good!
  9. Opps you stole my thunder... Great minds huh?
  10. That video shows me one thing... He tackles WAY to high. He likes to go for the head and shoulder pads. And will get hurt early on if that is not corrected
  11. I think you are WAY off base here my friend. What business man doesn't try to place limits on spending. Oh yeah those people are call owners of baseball teams... And they have turned that sport into a joke!
  12. I don't know much about those two guys... but a 2x4 stuck in the ground would be an improvement over what we have
  13. Mcgee He hasn't scored a ST touchdown ALL off season! Cut the bastard
  14. Great news!! Congrats!
  15. News flash... TD is no longer employed by the Bills... or any other football org.
  16. Glad I was not on the cut list... I feel I can contribute... Just want to bring this board back to the glory days! I feel the Dean will sign on to another Board maybe in a teacher role.
  17. How about Raising Arizona? I laugh my butt off everytime I see that movie! I think Cage is a very good actor... always picking roles that challenge him. (except that one where he was on an Airplane full of excons... that one sucked) I bet everyone here could name one movie of his that they really enjoyed!
  18. Thanks and great post. I would be happy if the Bills draft Vernon. And really happy if some team wants him so badly that they would give up a 2nd rounder to swap. (we have a lot of holes to fill)
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