We don't trade down at all... We pick M Huff... (Then a OL in the 2nd round) folllowed by a DL
Mike Huff will be the best availible at #8 and with no one offering trades the Bills pick him because he is the highest on their board. (take it to the bank)
All the talk about teams trading into the top 10 will be proven to be false leads. There will be no trades and this will end up being a "by the book" draft an be very boring!
You watch... BORING!
Go Bills!
For those who like Ayn Rand, try reading Terry Goodkind novels. Her idealogies (sp?) are the foundations of his writtings
Adventure/SiFi fans need only apply.
I'm running a web design and web management business. Just starting out, but I some nice experience. I focus on small to medium businesses and not-for-profits. I have a few nice clients including a local college. (need more tho ) If anyone is interested in hearing more PM me.
Let's face it... Darin and I set the bar WAY to high!
If FAT was to be started again we would need to set up some boundries about the questions... Mark IV's assine questions about woodchucks chucking wood and so forth while funny to respond to really do nothing to improve the lives of the people stupid (I mean F'd up) enough to ask this board for help.
I mean really Mark ever hear of Google!
On a serious note... I'm working for myself now... so my time is limited.
didn't his Mom pass away last year? Can't we cut him some slack, and say, "Gee this guy had a lot of things going through his mind" He loses his mother and he is what? 20 years old and we expect him to play at his top form every play of every game?
Will Marv build a champion level team or go for immediate needs.
Version 1 AKA plug holes
A DT - most likely our first selection in the draft
an OT or OG - Second round selection
and a Safety... That is just to have a chance of going 7 - 9 for the season
If we are willing ot have a 4- 12 season and build for the future
We should draft
V Davis or Huff in the first round
followed by an OT then a G and then a DT
I will be curious to see how marv will run this draft. Will he look building a championsip team in 4 years or a competitive team that might win 9 games in 2007
KFFL Reports:
Wilson has stated that he want to open up contract talks with Bobby Chandler's agent. Wilson then ended his press conference with: "The Almighty is not returning my calls at the moment"