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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. HUH? I hope you told him that "Its an Ipod World Now"
  2. I hate to say this but City revenue folk have realized that the huge growth in the housing bubble means more taxes for the local governments.... Every house in my City (CHILI) has been reappraised... Every house appraisal is at least 30K higher then it was 2 years ago. Which is great for older folks who want to move out of this God Forsaken State! Sucks for us younger folks who are trying to raise our families here.
  3. Just curious, why the colored effects?
  4. Saturday showing for me. Then I'll see it again on Sunday!
  5. Evans Price Reed Parrish Aiken Davis Wilson on practice squad
  6. Gus Ferott (sp?) For head butting a concrete wall and getting a concussion. (washington redskins) Lost his starting job because of it (dumb ass!)
  7. Happy Birthday! Enjoy it
  8. damn right they don't!
  9. I'm thinking that Levy should build this line from the Center on out!
  10. How much of a QB success is due to his Center. And does this point to TDs biggest failure as a GM? And did Levy blow it when he passed on C Mangold in the last draft. Just a quick thought for a MOnday
  11. Dude, that only works with a Mac!
  12. Best damn post of the week!
  13. How many of your 17K posts are from this type of thread?
  14. LOL!
  15. LOL I've said it before and I'll say it again... You are a funny man!
  16. I hope it is not to late to say Thanks!
  17. The real test will be if Marv and Company can STICK to the plan when RW sticks his nose into it. -or- When the Fans and Media question every FA pick up and play call that goes wrong like Marv should have a crystal ball or something!
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