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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. This is good, especially at 14:00 (file under "funny cuz it's true")
  2. It does, it's our collective asses getting *****, balls deep.
  3. I would love to see a comp of all the "technical difficulties" that have occurred during these Swampy interviews
  4. Nobody owes this Daz guy a single ***** response.
  5. They are the Constanza Party, "taking it to the Hamptons". (A nice new idiom....the new "jumping the shark")
  6. "I support the party that uses STASI surveillance, because I prefer their social and economic policies"
  7. Yeah, it's Flynn's fault. He's to blame for this whole mucky-muck...not the guys trying to frame him.
  8. I got this guy blocked by his 6th post, earliest yet.
  9. Deep thoughts, maaaan. I believe he is an idiot who has been so coddled by the jock sniffers that have surrounded him most of his life, that he believes his own bull####.
  10. Blackmail Barry...he is a real mother *****. 2013
  11. I like that this article mentions Obama ***** over other Democrats to advance....I so want some of those Democrat voices to chime in to expose Obama. Journalists should be contacting Barry's old rivals.
  12. ***** you Section C3, and Q-Baby...Just ***** you.
  13. Yes, I'm so looking forward to these people throwing each other under the bus. Thinking there might be another "suicide" coming soon.
  14. I can picture Trump tossing allusions to crimes and secrets he has become privy to, into conversations with people like Schumer to seriously ***** with their heads.
  15. You know, in the original photo he looks so happy. Look at the genuine happiness in their eyes. Must have been some of the best days of his life. I hope if he manages to outlive Killary, he can get back together with Monica. They were a perfect couple. Best Wishes to ya Bill! It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all!
  16. Tibs, Q Baby, etc...all gone. All waiting for word on the new narrative.
  17. Cuomo is a piece of *****.
  18. That was then, this is now.
  19. Imagine if he had been say, a Dallas Cowboy, or New York Giant...
  20. Happens all the time, and you know it... https://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/story/opinion/2016/11/19/hundreds-plead-guilty-later-exonerated/94071858/
  21. I was just about to post the same thing.
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