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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Hopefully, they are emptying all the prisons at the same time. "Arsonists, rapists, and thieves, oh my!" I want CAL-Exit. They truly deserve to control their own destiny. I am trapped here for a couple more years, then I'm out.
  2. So cool!! I hope they use these in my area soon. I wanna live in a cutting edge society. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/08/tech/singapore-coronavirus-social-distancing-robot-intl-hnk/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_content=2020-05-16T05%3A31%3A09&utm_source=twCNN&utm_term=video
  3. Honestly, I don't think Democrats will care. ALL of the Dems I know consider Trump akin to HItler, and it's apparent from their disingenuous deflections that they have always known it's all bullschift but heartily approve. Certainly African-Americans will continue to herald Obama as a Great Man. Many of them hate regular working class people, considering themselves morally and intellectually superior, and are generally a bunch of elitist #######s I'm beginning to accept that it's "Us Vs. Them" at this point, and eventually there will be some kind of separation. It could take a few decades, but it's coming.
  4. Not only crowded public transportation, but it's a more vertical city, with lots of people using elevators daily. It's not like that in Los Angeles, for sure.
  5. Remember the Bush funeral, and those envelopes? I was going to relive that with you all here, but when I searched YouTube, I couldn't pull anything about it up. Instead, a long list of MSM videos. Of course, the top comments for all these refer to the envelopes.... Surely they have been buried, and will only come up if you search for a specific channel. This is the only one I found that shows footage (it's a lame host, but the footage is pretty interesting). Jeb looks frightened and confused.
  6. Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that email....there are just so many cracks in their stories that I lose track.
  7. Very sad to read this. Take care, and I hope things go as well as possible.
  8. That's "enhanced", but not much...
  9. It's common to fire people that try to undermine you.
  10. Certainly, it's a stud farm. "Prickly Pete by two lengths!"
  11. Haha check it out at 5:00 It might be worth it for the Republicans to secretly fund a "host" ($100,000 "donation") and then ask Killary uncomfortable questions, and get it on video. Talk about "technical difficulties"....I hope someone does it.
  12. RBG is backseat driving to the Hamptons.
  13. It's not the best comparison, but not really message board worthy either.
  14. Let me know when we get to the end of Long Island...
  15. I'm a bit skeptical, but at this point any way to get the MSM to report on Obamagate is fair game. It's not a big deal, and is surely a tactic used by any administration.
  16. Not that it isn't fair play at this point, but that seemed like a planted question, because she has notes ready to go.
  17. No way! Not now, you've saved us all.
  18. Gee , thanks Alf. I was thinking of shooting some up at home, with a few buddies.
  19. They'll just replace her with another nutty progressive anyway.
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