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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. "That's not true. It makes great sense"
  2. Well, no matter what I say, you can just say "that's not dumpy, that's great". "Dumpy" is a bit harsh, but it's wide for her proportions. She definitely hides it, and a photo like the one in jeans gives a hint why....
  3. I don't have any pics of myself from behind, I'm not a celebrity with people taking photos of me from all angles, over decades. You are really pissed, huh?
  4. Seriously man, NO pics of her ass exist. That doesn't strike you as odd? Thousands of photos as a sex symbol/celebrity, over close to 50 years, and we can't find a single photo?
  5. I think she has short legs, and a dumpy ass. She is alright looking, but I see women more attractive walking around every day.
  6. Without a doubt
  7. You would think they might at least play deeper cuts by the same classic artists just to expand the playlist a bit.
  8. Nope, a prickly pete
  9. I love her voice live, on the recordings they seem to want to keep it smooth. Live it's raw.
  10. ? I know there are photos of her wearing pants....but not one of those shows her from the back....so why post that link in response?
  11. I do think she is hiding it. For realz.
  12. This will sound crude, but has anyone ever seen a photo of Stevie Nicks' "behind" in pants? She is virtually always photographed wearing skirts/dresses, and in the relatively few photos of her in pants, in my 50 years, I have never seen the back.
  13. Haha...sure. How about "Go full throttle promoting Deep State, globalist, Leftist policies and positions"? She is the person she portrayed on Seinfeld, an angry, ugly, vindictive B word. P.S. I just searched Youtube for some Seinfeld/Griffin clips "Seinfeld Kathy Griffin"...the top clip is one somebody filmed pff their TV screen (and doesn't;t mention KG in the title), after that it's either apologetic and "nice" videos referencing that episode, or official clips from other episodes. It's odd.
  14. There will be a revolt within the party to replace him. Eventually enough Progs and Feministas will say that the only reason he is the Dem candidate is because he is a white male. He is trying to appease them with his coming VP selection (they know he wouldn't make it through a term, so the VP would take over). But he looks so bad, that plan is in jeopardy. This is great.
  15. Joe Tha Space Invader! What the ***** is going on?
  16. Good. I can't wait to hear them wax poetic about McCain. They'll probably start talking about a "John McCain Day" national holiday to replace Columbus Day.
  17. Most know it's nonsense, but "they don't have access" etc. has been the go to excuse for so long that they all fall back on it. Disingenuous parrots (liars).
  18. Am I to assume this was the guy who had the taped Biden/Poroshenko conversations?
  19. I just did a search for Maxine Waters on YouTube and it's a continuous stretch of videos that support and "explain" her actions. I want someone to ask her about Obama's "data system" that she carelessly talked about in an interview back 2013. I posted it here before.... she is a ****ing idiot, and as corrupt as the day is long. Even when you put the exact title in the search, it still comes up 3rd.
  20. What convoluted nonsense. Another person that can only relate it to the Bills (and even only this current team)....SMHWTF or "I know the Bills will lose because of this, that's why I don't like it" Pretty simple minded. This is a big change in the game, and would go way beyond just this team, this season. It amounts to an extension of the extra point play, because the team is retaining possession of the ball...it's the "Bonus-Extra Points Obstacle Course" where a team can have one long 16 point possession.
  21. I more see them acting like some games aren't exciting enough when they're blowouts, so the league needs to come up with some way to keep people interested. Problem is, when some gimmicky nonsense like this affects a close match, between good teams, in an important game, it will feel really ****ing cheap.
  22. It wasn’t a scheme to stop cross-border smuggling. It was a scheme to send traceable guns to Mexico where their use in crime would be an excuse for stricter gun laws in America. It was another political abuse of law enforcement power, of the sort that was common under Obama, and the Trump Administration should help Mexico get to the bottom of it, and ensure that the wrongdoers are punished appropriately. F'ing A-holes.
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