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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Randy Moss was fine. There are only 2 players I can think of that I would have refused to accept as Bills, one was Kellen Winslow II (and that turned out pretty bad), and Beckham (we'll see how that ends up). They are insufferable.
  2. GFYS One is judging people for their attitude. The other is coming to the conclusion that everyone dislikes Beckham because they consider him a "character risk". I don't care if he is a character risk, I don't like HIM.
  3. Yeah, and he's funny too! "Everybody is a character risk"...not to me. I just think he a complete a-hole and don't want to cheer for him, or any team he is on. I can accept many players with baggage. You are painting the people that don't like Beckham with a broad brush....stereotyping.
  4. I would go so far as to say, anyone that likes this guy is an a-hole. If they sign him, I'm no longer a Bills fan.
  5. I can't even stand the stupid look on his face. The guy is just an utter A-hole. And no, ""great players" don't all act like this. And he is definitely at a higher tier of A-holery. But then again, some people like this guy, and think he is cool.
  6. They don't need him. They can acquire good players that aren't diva's for less money. He is not worth the trouble. I don't want to cheer for that d-hed
  7. I can't stand Odell-Beckham. He's a douche.
  8. I see some here who want the Bills to copy the Patriots style of a bunch of "good, smart" move the chains receivers, as opposed to one centerpiece WR. While I like that approach, I think it is all wrong for Allen at this point in his career. Allen is a home run hitter right now, and would be best served by having the right tools to hit a home run with. To force him to become a short pass, move the chains guy, would be a big mistake. He can develop that along the way. I want them to get an elite WR if possible. Definitely not a first round TE. A good TE would be nice of course, but to really get the most out of Allen right now, they need an elite downfield WR.
  9. I don't know, I think it's up for grabs every year. He probably was the only guy there who cared. I've had enough of the Steve Tasker ball washing.
  10. I'm fine. Just a few more years, then I'm out. By then the rents will be beyond my means, the traffic unbearable, and the people turning on each other.
  11. I am surrounded by these people. I hate them.
  12. I have no idea if that was a memorial (I doubt it, though)...but what really has me shuddering, is that people really sit through this kind of *****. I can't figure out who would ENJOY this. I get that people would sit through it in tribute out of respect. But someone has to conceive this, and put it together, as some kind of "entertainment".
  13. Call me a cynic, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out they intentional released these shoes, to then make a big display out of pulling them off the market.
  14. What's to take personally, you haven't attacked me? I don't even want to draft this guy (I like him, but not at 9). So what player do you feel meets your requirements? Added: I watched the play at 6:10 again, and that's a ridiculous criticism...he gets up (he doesn't "dance"), and a guy comes over to celebrate with him (blocking his view of the rest of the play). He then "reactivates" when he sees the play is still live, after the other guy gets out of the way. There are about 3 players out of the 22 on the field that didn't think the play was over (most of them looking directly at the ball, unlike Polite who is 10 yards away, with his view blocked)...cross ALL those other guys off your draft list. Just admit you were wrong, and everything will be cool....?
  15. Why would they hold a secret memorial? I can't imagine them doing it for sentimental reasons, so why?
  16. The guy caused so many fumbles, that ONE play, where the ball has sailed 10 yard downfield, and half the guys on the field also think the play is dead... shouldn't be enough to condemn the guy's mentality. That's a harsh judgement, especially after seeing him hustle his ass off in the other play.
  17. Frankly, I question the IQ of anyone who uses the term "Football IQ". In the video.... 2:10 - I don't know, I wouldn't consider that play a glaring example, he was facing the other way, it seemed like an incomplete pass, and he probably didn't;t have a shot at recovering. 2:40 Same again, and even more ridiculous to attack this guy for celebrating, when he is out of the play at that point. 6:18 this is the only play that could legitimately be criticized, but he just made the play, got up, and the ball is downfield, where plenty of other players on the field also thought the play was dead. Not a big deal. The whole video is of him causing fumbles! There are plenty of plays where he causes the fumble and attempts to recover. Geez, when you cause as many fumbles as this guy did, there might be a few where you think the play is dead. WTF! I can see critiquing his pro prospects, but he is a ***** wrecking machine in the video, and I think some here are being taskmasters regarding his celebrations. I'm not a big celebration guy, but this guy isn't taunting, and the plays are BIG, and I can see why he celebrates them.
  18. There are complaints here about him celebrating while the ball is still live, but there is also a play where he hustles his ass off winding his way around players to get 25 yards downfield to make a tackle. I think he's a awareness is fine.
  19. Hahaha, you eff-ing hipster....you only listen to vinyl too? Anybody have a Bills Thong? I refuse to wear the Bills Jamz shorts, and insist on pre-Flutie era thongs...they look FABULOUS with my fire engine red chaps! My Royal Blue/Scarlet Red parachute pants? Had to discard them when I popped the zipper after the bigBigBIG Bengals win.
  20. She is/was a BuzzFeed writer...what a shock.
  21. I save them for Pride Week marches!
  22. Yeah, it would be folly for the team to alter Free Agent or Draft plans because of his signing.
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