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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Lots of the glory, with less of the physical abuse.
  2. I like Brown, but I can picture Allen hanging him out on a line, and.....bad things.
  3. Geezus, lighten up...if he had injured himself it would be different...but he didn't. "Next up, don't laugh at a player's foolish mistake, it may have taken real food off his children's plates!!!!" "Don't laugh when a QB throws an interception, he would have donated money to charity!!!!!" "When a team loses a playoff game, realize how many vendors will lose out on another payday!!!!!"
  4. Then maybe that's overrated?
  5. I heard a couple years before he was arrested, that Pete Townsend was a pedophile from people that were friends of a band that recorded at his studio. I just dismissed it as hearsay, second/third hand gossip. But when the guy was arrested 2 years later....hmmm.
  6. I think they were concerned with the QB situation during all those seasons, so devoted more money/high picks to RB's to compensate, until they were satisfied with their QB. They now have a QB.
  7. Now he just might have the opportunity to exercise during the national anthem, at the S-U-P-E-R B-O-W-L So stoked for Shady!!!!
  8. Keeps Peterman around to help coaches with chores and run errands.
  9. There is obviously some problem with the guy, but to say that he wasn't a decent prospect is a bit silly....
  10. Well, everything's already been damning....I'm all damned out. But unless someone is charged, and convicted, no one that isn't following this stuff closely will know, and any partisans will just blow it off as Trump noise. If it's damning, but Comey still won't be charged, who will? Who from among the Anti-Trump team has been charged and put on trial?
  11. I think this whole Duke Williams thing is overblown. He is Just A Guy. I don't care if they keep him or not, but trust the coaches to know their players.
  12. maybe that explains it
  13. The tranny/gender-fluid movement is the most obvious Progressive nonsense, and should be the first to fall into the "Fads of the 2010's" historical category. It will be REALLY funny in about 20 years, when it will look like electro-shock therapy, blood-letting, or Radium-laced products. Well, funny to those that didn't cut their **** off...
  14. Tyree Jackson isn't a good prospect.
  15. Steve Tasker is overrated.
  16. I appreciate the work you do, and understand why you want to try to organize things a bit....but I didn't like it.
  17. I think this stuff is rampant. Worldwide. "Yachting", Instagram hoe's.... I have to think many of the "young ladies" in porn (particularly in foreign countries, where there might be even less monitoring of the "performers") are actually underage, and recruited like this.
  18. The thing is, the white guys will be the first to realize it, because white guys are the ones that the card is being played to. There are plenty of racial injustices, but crying wolf over a situation like this only weakens future claims.
  19. Funny how they had to add "and unrelated to an all-time great".... I think he is getting extra chances because he is Jim Kelly's nephew, not because he is white. I don't know that any team was willing to sign him besides Frank Reich's Colts. No doubt Uncle Jimbo has made many appeals to people throughout the league to get "the kid" more chances. He also isn't intentionally a pain in the ass, going to the press to stir up trouble (like Krapernik). Kelly gets himself into stoopid situations, Krapernik attacks the League and it's fanbase with accusations of racism. That's a way more volatile situation. Of course, both you and the writer know that... The Race Card is played out, but go ahead and roll around with it. It makes great click-bait, but it's half-life is dwindling very quickly.
  20. I'm so excited for this entitled d-bag!!
  21. I guess what I posted was worthy of a challenge, however nitpicky...but him saying "this" started 2 or 3 weeks ago doesn't necessarily mean he hasn't been seriously considering it, or making other plans prior to that. He was pretty unemotional (unlike most early retiree's), so it makes me consider that he may have been contemplating this for more than a few weeks.
  22. Chad Kelly has been a lifelong a-hole. I don't care that he is Jim Kelly's nephew. I would sooner root for Nathan Peterman, and I don't care about him either. In his interview, Luck sounds like he knew this was coming for awhile. His talk about his next steps being clear to him, etc. sound very odd.
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