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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Who was better? Let's get to the bottom of this...
  2. The thing is, I think Joe Dufek was mishandled by the coaching staff. I mean, he had the smarts (Yale). With a better O-line I think he could have been a journeyman NFL Qb. And Mathison? Well I heard that when Dan Fouts was asked about Mathison he said "I like Bruce".
  3. Who was better? Let's get to the bottom of this!
  4. He goes out in Hollywood wearing a "Lights Out" T-shirt. More trouble ahead...
  5. It was the end alright. But I'm still trying to find the beginning...
  6. Are you a close friend of TE? Or maybe while he was here you argued for him to start over Lossman so vehemently, or bought his hype as a starter so deeply, that your personal honor is at stake? I can't be sure what it is, but I am sure that I knew long before he was hit in AZ, that he wasn't ever going to be a good NFL Qb. I said GOOD DAY SIR!
  7. Please. He has done NOTHING since he left the Bills. He sucked, still sucks, and was always gonna suck. It wasn't the coaches fault (they didn't help). He has had MANY opportunities since then, and no coach has found any gold. Why is that so difficult for some to accept?
  8. I don't like Smith, but I think he was saying that Fitzpatrick was who Manuel has "to replace" and "succeed" (as in "follow"). That's accurate, though confusing because Fitz is no longer with the team. It is still who Manuel will "be compared to" (as well as to the other QB's, still with the team).
  9. Backwards hat....not a good start.
  10. I think teams are going to pick on McKelvin. I think he will make the occasional big play (mostly because they will throw at him so much), but will get burned quite a bit.
  11. They don't need to, they are raking in the dough. Why are so many here acting like they know how to make ESPN money? The joke is on you. They are making tons regardless of how cleverly some may put down their programming. The point of the story is that a big chunk of working people are losing their jobs (not the on-air people). Few of the on-air people that posters here like to sh** all over are gonna lose their gig.
  12. It's not really the on-air people that are being cut so far as I can tell. It's the behind the scenes people. Colin Cowherd isn't going anywhere, and if he was fired he would get another job offer before he cleaned out his desk. I get the impression that they are reaping in profits (not mismanaging, or losing ratings, like so many here are hoping), the top guys just want more of the profits. It's America baby! I was fired along with 400 other people (all the union employees) by an insurance giant (Delta Dental) that was doing just fine. All I can say is, until it really effects the masses, no one is going to do anything to change the way things are going. It takes real desperation to get the masses moving. But for now, let's just cheer for Team Red (Elephants) or Team Blue (Donkeys). Cuz they really make a difference. And don't forget to vote!
  13. Those aren't "professionals", but I don't agree with the post you responded to. I do think virtually every NFL player is involved with PED's of some kind though.
  14. Jabberwocky? Here, take some of these...
  15. I can't even imagine how widespread pain killer use is in the NFL, probably even more than PED's.Well, maybe not that much...err....well, they probably vacillate between them if they aren't taking them all at the same time.....err well, in the morning there are probably more PED's being used, but at night I would think painkillers. I think that's a fair assessment....I'll stick with that. I only have hatred for two kinds of humans...lawyers and despotic tyrants.
  16. A great chance to spew "wisdom", but still a poor excuse. Whatever saying, or adage, or figure of speech, or idiom, ..... it's all bulls***. She is wrong to try to keep the ring, and the fact that she is trying to keep it lets me know all I need to know.
  17. She may not have only been after his money, but any person with a shred of integrity would return the ring.
  18. It means NOTHING! It's just "filler" sportswriting from guys that have to churn out football articles. Press the "Ignore" button...
  19. This team/organization has changed radically. To act like it hasn't is just being a contrarian. The changes might not equal success, but they are going about things differently for sure.
  20. I always feared him when he was playing the Bills. He was seemed bigger than Dickerson, and reminds me of Eddie George (but better). He ran upright, but still pounded, and at his best seemed the perfect combination of size and speed, and seemed unstoppable.
  21. Not as concerned as I would have been about not having a QB, WR, or MLB.
  22. There were 4 or 5 very good reasons that have been discussed on this board, on other boards, in the national sports media, and by the Bills organization directly. It's really not hard to figure out.
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