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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Great logic And why is all this being connected to his college career? I realize he had some incidents during college, but wasn't it Law Enforcement that dropped the ball (gee, how many students (and professors!) smoked some weed today, half-a-million?) This has nothing to do with college (or even pro) football. Murders happen all the time, it's just that these (apparently) involve a player. It's not like crime rates are going to fall if the measures you mentioned are implemented. He is a violent psychopath, regardless of whether he plays football or not. He doesn't appear to be very smart, but I don't know if he had serious academic problems, and plenty of smart guys are killers (and idiots law abiding).
  2. Has anyone on this board ever bought an AH jersey? Know anyone that has an AH jersey?
  3. Like I noted, NOW people are likely talking, but I never got the impression that one of his associates or "friends" led the police to him. The poster is free to express himself.
  4. Why post an opinion, if you don't want people to react to it (especially one that implies some kind of special understanding of the situation)? Your post implies that you figured out that someone ratted him out, and I have no idea what there is about his becoming a suspect that indicated someone snitching on him. It appears more likely that the evidence pointed right at him, and that is one of the key points that makes the story interesting, the ineptness of the crime.
  5. How much talking was needed at the start, when there were things like the text messages from Odin to his sister, a vehicle in his name near the body, and a set of keys in the dead man's possession that were to a vehicle rented in AH's name. There are likely things I'm missing, but how did this lead you to "there must be a snitch'? So many hindsight sleuths here... Is there "talking" going on now? Probably, but at this point that's "no sh** , Sherlock".
  6. Yeah, this story has a long way to go to match OJ. OJ was like "the perfect storm", a big audience watching the NBA playoffs, daylight chase with live coverage. The hot chicks, and C-list celebrities. It was as much a Hollywood scandal as a football scandal. This one reminds me of Daryl Henley, when a violent idiot with gang connections just does stupid, violent crimes (tries to arrange a hit on the judge, OVER THE PRISON PHONE!) There isn't anything too surprising about this (we all know these kind of murders happen), except that AH is a "very good" football player. The "supportive fans" outside his proceedings is a bit strange though, I must admit. In Mexico, these kinds of killings happen frequently. For it to spill over into the NFL finally, really doesn't shock me (no, we're not sure it is "gang-related" yet).
  7. Perhaps, but the description used was " most surreal". I can't think of anything related to the NFL more surreal, than watching the Michael Jordan of his generation in a live television slow-speed freeway chase, being cheered on by crowds while he holds a gun to his head with his best friend driving. This is just a guy that plays football that has killed some people, and I don't consider it "surreal".
  8. This is nowhere near the surreal spectacle of OJ, who was also a MUCH bigger public figure. The Bronco ride, Al Cowlings, etc.
  9. I don't know, he is pretty bad ass. I expect he will work from the top more than the bottom. Again, how is the family better off with a violent psychotic heading the family?
  10. I get the feeling that the Hernandez family would be better off without him around anyway. He appears to be a very violent dude.
  11. "Yeah, so he says to us, uh "let me get out of the car in this field for a second", We let him out, we hear a few shots, run over, and there he is, looking dead". "We weren't sure if we should get the police, cuz we thought he might just be playin' around. He was real funny like that. So we just went over to Aaron's house". Case closed.
  12. So it's possible to ride around in a car, hang around in clubs etc, all night with 3 other guys, shoot one of them, and as long as nobody says "I did it" or "he did it", everything is fine, and nobody can be held accountable legally?
  13. Great point. I've been worried about that too. Winslow on the Pats would be devastating.
  14. If I remember correctly, the Pats signed him last year and he quit the team. I really doubt that the Jets signed him to keep him away from the Pats.
  15. If the people involved have loyalties beyond their own interpersonal relationships, that might be adding to their resistance. I don't know if there is any organized crime involvement, but if the guys have to answer to someone else, they would be way less forthcoming. And if that is the case, there are lots of other facets to what is happening.
  16. You are way too serious about this. No one here is convicting him, we are all speculating. None of us has been called to the witness stand, or called for jury service. We are speculating about a guy that does indeed have a history of aggressive behavior. And as far as "giving him the benefit of the doubt", I don't doubt him all. He presents himself as an arrogant, aggressive "bad boy", and I never doubted him. It is the image he developed for himself. And as the case develops, more and more of the speculations are proving true. Of course there is all kinds of "Yahoo news"-style titillation used in the reporting, and it's annoying, and has led to some ridiculous comments. But that is the nature of media nowadays. No one has convicted him here.
  17. And... 5) for a long time, he has been widely known to be a hot-headed douchebag (why leave that out?).
  18. Actually, all the cliches are falling right into place in this case.
  19. WGaF? I don't think it really matters that much. The real point is somebody shot him, and it was allegedly Hernandez, with a gun that wasn't registered to him.
  20. They may be completely separate (as I mentioned) but that isn't any better, really (maybe worse). Just means he was involved in more than one violent crime (allegedly).
  21. Without jumping to conclusions, all this suggests deeper criminal activities/dealings gone awry. I checked out a Pats forum just to see what the feeling is, and they are clueless, trying to convince each other that the guy getting shot in the face was just trying to get a payday, and Hernandez would have only a small inconvenience. If he shot the guy, it is more than likely that he will go to jail. Hernandez, even if he didn't kill the guy himself, is definitely in deep. These 2 events might not even be connected (but it would seem likely), but even if they aren't, how many people are involved in 2 unrelated events like these in 2 weeks time? Only someone in deep, and now the cops have his computer, phone records, etc.
  22. Honestly, I don't dislike him personally, but people claiming that he was on the verge of becoming a good Qb "before the concussion" just drive me crazy, and I can't see the point in discussing him NOW, when the team has such a nice prospect to look forward to watching. TE is gone FOREVER, and the people that were here with him are gone too. It's over.
  23. ooooh...Craig Nall! It's HIM! Trent Edwards =Craig Nall, that is the right guy! I forgot all about him (how appropriate!), but he is the perfect comparison for TE. He even looks a bit like TE. Man, if it wasn't for that hammy injury, he woulda developed. TE is to the Eagles, what Craig Nall was to the Bills.
  24. Okay, Joe Dufek Vs. Trent Edwards? .....Vince Ferragamo Vs. Edwards.... Am I shooting too high? Okay Billy Joe Hobert Vs. Edwards....and it's my final offer!
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