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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Angel dust is used by gangsters before they engage in activities like driveby shootings because it makes a person feel invincible, and very quick to anger. Fits right in line with AH's behavior. It is still in use.
  2. I have been assuming this from the time he was injured. Maybe this will cut in half the "doomsday" posts.
  3. i thought most here didn't expect them to make the playoffs, and had written this season off as a rebuild anyway? I think that as long as EJ plays, they will have a chance to win games (and I expect him to start in the opener). Did you think they were gonna challenge to win the Super Bowl, but now they are out of it?
  4. The Pats are gonna cut Tebow as soon as possible, with the hope that the Bills will pick him up...
  5. how about "Preseason" ?
  6. Right, they blame the fans, when it's actually the bad product.
  7. I remember him at USC, but not his NFL career. Really sad, and makes you step back, and think about some of the players that get heat from fans. Really sad, the hand some are dealt.
  8. I think you may be right, and that this is very common throughout the NFL. It may not be "professional", but I can see why guys wouldn't be real anxious to sacrifice their bodies for a lost cause.
  9. The 49ers sucked for a long time (when they didn't have a QB of course).
  10. It happened, and could continue to happen. Perhaps some college guys are better prepared for the pro game now? I don't expect Manuel to "dominate in this league" (at least as arookie), but I think he has the potential to run the offense smoothly, and to improve as the season progresses. I think he can match Fitz's performance at least, and surpass Kolb, even at this time. The don't have any better options...
  11. I think they will be a lot better than last year. I expect them to contend for a playoff spot, and 2nd in the division. I think Fitz was a serious liability to the offense, Spiller is a great weapon, and the WR's will make more big plays. I think the defense will be a whole different animal, and will be much better. I believe a huge part of the game is mental, and that the new coaching staff will get them in the right frame of mind to succeed. I expect them to be in the upper 3rd of the league.
  12. I agree. This team isn't expected to make the playoffs, and it ain't happening if Kolb plays anyway.
  13. This is what jumped out to me as well. The ball placement was always right on. He has a strong and accurate arm, and there hasn't been an arm like that here in a long time. I realize that holes are smaller, and DB's are quicker when playing against the starters, but if you can't be accurate against the scrubs, you aren't gonna get better against the starters. Fitz was inaccurate against ANYONE.
  14. He placed the ball very nicely (better than EJ), and I think that will continue, even against 1st stringers. He isn't going to the practice squad. At the very least, it was a relief to see an offense that looked competent. I remember last preseason, and how it was expected that Fitz was going to be better because he had a full season under his belt, knew the playbook, blahblahblah...and they still looked dreadful. Then everyone said "it's just the preseason, they are working out the kinks", but it never really improved. Lossman, Fitz, Edwards...they all looked like crap in the preseason. New offense, old offense, rookie QB, veteran QB, 3rd-4th stringers, 1st stringers, new coaches, old coaches, blahblahblah.... it never looked good, no matter what the circumstances.
  15. An interesting thread. Any of the posters want to update their opinions of Tuel?
  16. I would venture to guess that he is pissed off at some black security workers stationed around the stage/backstage area.. What do ya'll think?
  17. He has also said things like "That 90's Buffalo team was better than any of the Belichick/Brady Pats teams" and that it would be a dynasty in today's NFL. Why should he follow bad teams? Or even more to the point, why should he discuss dull, boring, losing teams? The Bills were incredibly boring for most of the past decade. I mean, there was nothing to talk about, aside from their astonishing devotion to being boring.
  18. Watching Janikowski really turned my thinking around. The combination of the league rules, and the defenses designed to operate under those rules, seem to allow lots of "easy" yards in the middle of the field. If you have a kicker that can consistently hit 50-55 yarders, it can cause bad things man.
  19. I have ignored it for the same reason. I think he makes some big plays, but until the defense as a whole is much better, there is no one worthy of the top pay for any of the positions. I mean, they already have one, and it didn't have much effect. What kind of clown front office would field a bottom third defense with 2 of the highest paid players at their positions. FTG.
  20. While I agree with the rest, that isn't really on spot. Just because the football player didn't get a scholarship, it wouldn't necessarily mean that a scholarship would go to a different person. No football team, wouldn't mean the school starts giving more scholarships to low-income medical students or something. Football brings in massive revenue to schools, and while I don't have stats, I'm sure that some of it benefits other students/the facilities/other types of scholarships. That's where there is probably lots of room for improvement, and where more of the money should be directed.
  21. Ha, you are fine, and I may be one of the worst. I don't take this stuff that seriously, and sometimes try to fan flames a bit, but I think that can bring out more impassioned responses from people. A little competitive spirit for the board can be good, but sometimes it is a negative. You are rarely abrasive, and I respect your views. I actually can't stand Hernandez, and took an immediate disliking to him the first time I saw him play. And I hope they can get rid of some of the creeps that populate the league. It's just that I don't know what the standards should be, or even if AH would have technically been beneath them.
  22. I don't really care what Mike Brown said. It's not where my point lies.
  23. As they should, but I listed rape, and bar fights, both violent acts that players have been involved in.
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