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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Why does this keep being brought up so contentiously? If he plays great, I'm sure he will keep the job. If he plays pretty good, there may be some controversy, but why assume that the coaches won't want to win? At this point either QB playing well makes the organization look great, because both guys were brought in by the current staff. Why are people constantly looking for things to complain about, especially when it's so unlikely?
  2. While I might have been unkind in my predictions above, I think Tuel will be able to get a little bit of offense going (not necessarily by his own doing, but with lots of help from the backs). I just don't think it will be enough to win, especially on the road.
  3. 2 ways I see this unfolding.... BENGALS: Tuel starts and the Bengals defense wipes the floor with him, but MAYBE the Bills defense just gets them by for a fluke win at home. or White starts, and the Bengals defense wipes the floor AND walls with him Then... DOLPHINS: White starts, Dolphins defense wipes the floor with him. SAINTS: White starts, Saints defense wipes the floor, walls, and lobby with him.
  4. I saw the game....he blew. I know that, you know that, we all know that, and I haven't indicated at all that I thought he played well. He was making his NFL debut, unexpectedly, on the road, mid-game, on the national stage. Some hardasses will say "that's his job" but easier said than done. I'm not a big Jeff Tuel fan, and definitely wasn't one of those guys that wanted him to start ahead of EJ. I think he can perform better with a week of preparation, and with the offense geared towards his strengths. No matter who the Qb is, the running game will obviously be the focus. Tuel will have more plays at his disposal, a little chemistry with the receivers, and the coaches already know what he does well (limited though they may be). To say the Bengals will put 11 guys in the box is silly. Tuel doesn't have a big arm, but he can hit a WR with a couple steps on a Db downfield. He has nice touch, and throws a nice fade too. Pat White and Dennis Dixon are unemployed for a reason, and I don't know that either is known for picking up offenses quickly (they may be, I don't know). I realize their strength is their athleticism, and that can be a big asset in these situations. I am in no way claiming that he is going to do well, just that he may be the best option this coming week.
  5. We shall see. I'm not so sure that White or Dixon can surpass Tuel in 5 days.
  6. I didn't say Freeman wouldn't. He would be better than Tuel immediately. I'm talking about the running guys, like Dixon and White. I don't expect ANY of them to succeed right away, just to suck at different levels.
  7. I know that he may not start. But whoever they bring in has to face the same Bengals defense. And if they've been on the street, there is no guarantee that they will immediately be any better than Tuel. Or that once they get to Buffalo, they will be able to run the offense any better than Tuel, on such short notice.
  8. I think that if Tuel starts against the Bengals, he will do well enough to keep the likes of Pat White, or Dennis Dixon (or any run first QB available) on the bench.
  9. Don't even bother. Anyone that thinks Nassib would be a good acquisition right now, is too far gone to bother with.
  10. Too bad for the Cowboys...I will always hate them, and can't believe any Bills fans cheer for them.
  11. There are 30 other teams with backup Qb's. Any one of them could contact the Bills about a deal, knowing that the Bills will now need to sign a Qb. Teams that thought the Bills wouldn't be interested in a trade earlier, might come back to test the water, knowing that the Bills are specifically looking for a Qb.
  12. Thing is, we aren't talking about what you, me, or any other poster would, should, or could do. We are talking about what we think the BILLS will do.
  13. Giants 0-5....can we put the fork in now ?
  14. Carr is the guy I expect. He isn't in high demand, has plenty of experience, expects to be a back up, and can manage a game (kind of).
  15. It's only a few games. 1) Tuel has been working with these guys since training camp. They aren't going to be throwing the ball around to the receivers very much no matter who is the QB, so that's a non-issue. In fact, I would expect them to throw the ball MORE with Tuel than Pat White. Tuel is no runner. None of the WR's are going to learn more with Pat White than with Tuel for a few games. 2) I agree they need a backup, they will obviously sign someone. But if they considered Pat White to be any answer, they would have signed him after he was cut. Not that they won't sign him, but I don't think they expect him to be a better long term answer than Tuel.
  16. Freeman is the only one worth pursuing. The Bills can lose with Tuel as easy as any of the others. I mean, a loss is a loss, why complicate things?
  17. If Favre could make any team a playoff contender why would he retire? He retired because he couldn't play at a high level anymore. This is the opposite side of the "the Bills want to trade Byrd for Ryan Nassib"- coin. Instead of bringing a 3rd rookie to a team with no veteran QB, to replace an inexperienced rookie, that replaced an injured rookie, the Favre fans think a 44 year old QB, who has been retired since 2010, is a good choice, and will instantly make the Bills a playoff contender. Let's bring back Jim Kelly is about the only suggestion that could be more ridiculous.
  18. Seriously, "they want to trade Byrd for Nassib" is the silliest suggestion I have ever seen on this board. It hasn't played out yet. The Bills may have been contacted by another team after EJ went down.
  19. Tarvaris Jackson!
  20. Are you insane? You think they want to bring in a 3rd rookie to play quarterback NOW?
  21. I think the read option is the wrong offense for him. He isn't a very graceful runner, and with his size, he seems easy to hit, and not very good at preparing to take a hit. A big target. He seems better suited to a Roethlisberger type approach.
  22. he is gonna play, and play well. And everything will be fine until the offseason.
  23. This is nicely done, but these seem like the kind of mistakes that every rookie that ever played in the NFL has made. I wonder how many examples there are of virtually the same situations, that he made the correct or better play? Plays where he went to the next read, moved up in the pocket, or ran for the first. I think it's a matter of experience. I think he will get better at these kinds of situations. My main worry is his accuracy.
  24. I prefer Tuel.
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