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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. It's been portrayed that way in the media, and it's just one example of how some of the information that has been released can be misleading, or misinterpreted. RI suddenly shutting up is "funny how after the voicemails he suddenly goes quiet". Well, that may be true, but did he shut up because he was told to by the team, his lawyer, or even just because he now realizes this might end up in court. Or maybe he now knows he is guilty and the jig is up? ANY of those could be the reason, but on this board it's because he knows he is guilty. Martin has checked into some hospital for mental issues. Is this a calculated move, or does he have serious mental issues? I'm not sure, but an awful lot of posters here seem sure, and they are going to chide anyone that is a bit skeptical, because they know someone that had these issues etc.
  2. "So" I'll let you figure out the difference.
  3. I agree. When an article proclaims "RI threatened Martins family in voicemails" it's a bit misleading. I just think people are interpreting some of the information in a way that suits some point they would like to make about society at large. I'm certainly not a Richie Incognito fan.
  4. I never put forward the idea it was friendly or "goofing around". My point is, did Martin truly feel PHYSICALLY threatened, or was it just a really obnoxious, VERBALLY abusive co-worker who constantly busted his balls? I'm not claiming what RI said was in any way acceptable, but if he was doing this for a season and a half, it would seem that Martin didn't actually think Incognito intended to go after his mother.
  5. "Your mother drives a pickle wagon."
  6. "So....", now everybody can just piece it together into a narrative that suits what they want to believe, or what they want to express to others about how THEY feel about bullying, mental illness, how to "be a man", and parents from Harvard?
  7. I haven't heard it, but it could easily be read like a WWF wrestler. We don't know enough about their relationship to know how seriously to interpret the comments. They are stupid and immature, no doubt. But I don't know if Martin really felt that Incognito wanted to "s*** down his neck" (or whatever he said), or that Martin REALLY felt RI might KILL him. And if he did, wouldn't he go to the police? When Lawrence Taylor shouts at a QB "I'm going to rip your head off" is it time for a restraining order?
  8. I think No Saint is jumping to a lot of conclusions, and writing an EASY narrative. None of us really knows the nuances of the situation. It's obvious that Incognito is at least an annoying douche, but much of the "incriminating evidence" (like " Richie incognito hates taxes and rookies poster in his locker") can be open to interpretation. I think many people are projecting their own experiences onto this situation (family mental illness, workplace bullying), and going off on tangents, then coming back to this situation with skewed perspective. Also, it should be mentioned that Martin hasn't pressed any charges, and his Harvard educated lawyer parents haven't started any legal proceedings.
  9. The Bills haven't had competent quarterbacking for at least 15 years, and now everyone is wondering why they haven't found three! Matt Leinart was just mentioned...if Leinart had started the KC game, the BIlls would never have even made the game close. The cards unfolded poorly injury-wise at QB this year. The coaching staff tried a few different things that didn't work out. There weren't many options. In the past we were "fortunate" and the crappy QB's usually remained uninjured, or at least they didn't have to resort to 3rd string guys. Most teams that have reached the 3rd string guy, are pretty much out of the playoff picture. Get a grip.
  10. There is no reason to sign him right now. Let the young guys get experience if they are pressed into service again. Way more productive than bringing in a washed up Db.
  11. The Bills have gone 15 years without a decent starter, and now people are befuddled why they haven't found 3.
  12. Sometimes loser's at life, make the best football players. What teams really want is someone whose self-esteem and identity, is completely based on success in football. And that can be applied beyond football. I think of some salesmen I know, who if they aren't making a quota are wrecks. My ex (a Countrywide mortgage agent) went to pieces when she didn't TOP the sales chart.
  13. So this team can win 6 in a row, but beating the Pats is unfathomable? I think beating the Pats, and losing a few of the six is lots more likely.
  14. ^^^^ Is this a joke?
  15. No doubt, if they had run a QB sneak and it failed, this board would be lit up with people complaining about it. Am I wrong?
  16. Is that the percentage on the goal line?
  17. How can anyone claim that Tuel has hit his ceiling, after one start in his rookie season? Arm strength had nothing to do with the real turning point (the endzone pick 6).
  18. More ridiculous statements....How do you reach this conclusion? It's his first start! Against an undefeated team that wins with defense.
  19. Ridiculous. He isn't any different than the average NFL Qb out there. Plenty of GREAT QB's have been way worse. His problems lie elsewhere.
  20. NO! (well, "YES!", but lots better) But to act like the guy doesn't deserve to make a team is overreacting. This on a board where some STILL insist that Trentative could play. Tuel is a development project, that was forced into action against an (overrated) 8-0 team with an excellent defense.
  21. Exactly. Tuel blew it, no doubt. But at least he moved the ball. The mistakes he made were mostly experience related. I don't want him starting, but as the 3rd string QB, it's not a big deal. Cutting him because of that performance would be silly.
  22. With more experience (I hope he never gets it on the Bills), Tuel will be better than Losman, or Trentative. I know that isn't very good, but the guy is the 3rd or 4th string QB. I felt way better with him out there than with Trent Edwards.
  23. What makes you think Flynn is going to be better than Tuel? Flynn can't stay with a team. At least Tuel is likely to improve some.
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