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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. They have the schedule of a last place team in the division. I hate all this whining, especially because no one knows what teams will be good at this point.
  2. WAAAAAAAHHHH! I think it's fine. Every year it's whining! Some years it's been justifiable, like when they play a bunch of division games against teams coming off a bye. For all we know Manning will be hurt, or the Packers will suck....I can't believe people here just write off a month when they see these kinds of games. I get it the Patriots are tough, but they have to play them sometime.
  3. So there is ONE? And that is a guy of known value, not a guy that MIGHT end up being worthy of being picked 9th in an extremely deep draft. Great!
  4. I'm not going to judge him, because I didn't know him. He has become a symbol for something positive (...I think? I'm not exactly "pro-war"). So much of his story has been turned into propaganda, that it's impossible to get a feel for "the truth". I suppose people can project onto him whatever they want, and hopefully it can inspire positive actions.
  5. It's not a popular opinion to have...but I agree.
  6. Ralph Wilson was a pretty low-key owner, and never really bought into celebrity. I think a patch would be appropriate. Dreaming up grand schemes to honor him doesn't ring true to me. There will be plenty of mentions from players, coaches, and on NFL talk shows (especially if they are contending) throughout the season. It seems like some fans want to get attention for the Bills from this. Like "let's make a big spectacle and they will talk about the Bills". It's not needed, and won't really accomplish anything. Rest In Peace RW.
  7. No team is going to select Ebron at 9 or higher.
  8. Does every city need some kind of slogan like this? I don't get it...
  9. Getting Canadian businesses to hold conventions in Niagara Falls, Canada, is a whole different thing than getting American companies to hold conventions in Niagara Falls USA. Obviously, Toronto is the biggest city in Canada, and for Canadians Southern Ontario is a real destination (and they certainly aren't going to book on the US side). For American companies, heading north to WNY is, well...not so appealing. WNY will never be a big area for conventions. Obviously, one of the buyers is interested in moving the Bills to NF, but I don't believe it will happen for the variety of reasons people have posted here.
  10. This. The Bills are connected to the businesses and politicians of Erie County. Logistics, and toxic waste aside, it's unlikely that all that pie is just going to be taken away, and served to the politicians of Niagara Cnty, and Niagara Falls. So much of the political support that keeps the Bills in the area is dependent on those Erie County based connections. Without that, there isn't nearly the same motivation to keep them in "Buffalo".
  11. "Crimes against humanity" as far as I'm concerned. Niagara County is a toxic mess, and corruption runs deep. The people that have controlled it are last people that should benefit from anything the NFL might bring to the area. I don't believe it will happen anyway, so I'm not gonna worry about it.
  12. Oh...okay. Thanks. I guess they should just stick with the Fan Sacrifices.
  13. Let's turn Niagara Falls, one of the 7 Wonders of the World, into a fountain light show for the the NFL. https://picasaweb.go...feat=directlink I think there should be a drawing every year (just from the area residents), where the lucky family gets to sacrifice the youngest of their household to the Buffalo Bills each Opening Day. Fill that stadium right up. Or maybe dig up the grounds of the old chemical plants and build there. In fact, that might be the best way for those companies to evade any multimillion dollar cleanups or giant lawsuits...we all know the NFL can take care of just about anything.
  14. A big reason why some positions aren't as easy to hit, is because fewer people can do the job at a high level. And naturally, those are the positions people are trying to fill with high picks. Honestly, they can find a decent lineman without using the 9th pick. Isn't that obvious? They haven't prioritized it enough, but that doesn't mean they can't get a guy without blowing the 9th pick.
  15. WEO is right on virtually all counts. NF will not get the Bills (thank God).
  16. Now rate the impact each position has on a game...
  17. I think they have been trying to shore up the weaknesses, but that the 1st pick will be BPA. If they don't select a O-lineman with that pick, I believe they will address it later. I definitely believe that the O-line is the weakest link at this point, but they don't necessarily need to use the 9th pick to get the kind of improvement necessary. The 9th pick, in a loaded draft like this, should be an impact player, and it's not the place to worry about "filling holes". I want a play-maker, and hopefully it's position that touches the ball.
  18. I want an upgrade at TE too, I just don't believe that Niklas is going to be a significant upgrade over Chandler, so why use a high pick on a guy that will likely only improve the offense slightly? Use the pick on a position that is below par, or use it on an elite athlete at a position where there is room for more than one (most of the time, there is only one TE on the field). I think this points out an important factor. Most positions, if the drafted player is good, he just pushes the weakest link at the position onto the bench. A tight end, a QB, a center, ...these guys take the only spot, and the guy he replaced doesn't play. Not the best way to use high picks (of course, you have to get a QB).
  19. That is pretty much how I feel about him. He will be gone by the Bills 3rd pick anyway.
  20. I'm trying to figure out why people want to take a position that isn't a strength, has pretty much never been a big feature of the team, and turn it into the focus of the current team? I want them to get a better TE, but I haven't heard them talk about using 2 TE sets, it's all message board daydreaming. I think it's Patriot envy. I also think that if anyone is gonna know how to shut down 2 TE's it's gonna be the Pats, so it's probably not the best way to beat them. I think they should concentrate on getting the best playmakers they can (not force a 2 TE set offense with guys that aren't stellar TE's), and figure out how to use them. I was joking, because people were daydreaming about Moeaki, Niklas, and Chandler. I don't think those guys are good enough to become the focus of an offense.
  21. I don't think he will be significantly better than Scott Chandler as a pro. He won't make the offense much better (if at all). I really hope they don't select him. And leading the league in "pretty good Tight Ends" isn't that thrilling to me. How about getting other positions up to a decent talent level before stockpiling all these TE's? NIklas is lumbering, and not very athletic compared to Ebron or Jenkins.
  22. Great thread idea.
  23. I really don't think a petition is needed, there will be some kind of dedication on the uniform.
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