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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. ...You are surprised? You want the press secretary to scold the media? Things have gone beyond that. Wait until the cartels in LA start using their weapons... Across this next day, the poser radical kids (they have their selfies with the burning cop car), and "casual" looters will get scared away by the night time violence, and the real ugliness will get underway. Tonight in LA there were a few car chases...they looked pretty effective for the looters, because the cops just follow behind and kind of wait for a way to box them in. I can picture a bunch of car chases at once, and it would be really bad, because the cops have to be so careful, and follow regulations. Picture a bunch of these going on at once. The truck was filled with 5 or 6 guys in all black. They only caught 1. The SUV has tinted windows, is heavy duty, and was able to go as fast as 120 mph. *****I just noticed it's not the same chase, but it is the same type of SUV. https://abc7.com/police-chase-lapd/6226157/ It's not gonna just end. And even if things are quelled soon, between now and Election Day there will be more.
  2. No, Morticia was had a better body than Stevie Nicks... Nicks is nice looking, but really a Girl Next Door type, with a strong sense of fashion. I see women as good looking or better every day I leave the house.
  3. Who? I don't know. We don't know how things will unfold. Biden might be completely incoherent long before the election, and there could be demands for him to step aside, regardless. He's a disaster. Why would they not happen? Civil War
  4. If there is any election, I can't see the Dems not having a Black VP, or maybe even replacing Biden. The elections are a long way off, and I'm not counting on them happening.
  5. I have been wondering about the bricks that turned up in the downtown areas of big cities. Don't they have cameras around that would show who put them there? With so many surveillance tools, I would think even with masking, I would think they would have some clues who some of the violent and organized rioters are.
  6. I was going to use the laugh emoji, but it's just too sad.
  7. I think that is a woman. Women are in red from what I see there. This photo falls in line with the people I know that are enjoying these riots.
  8. I want to start seeing photos of the more serious perps. I can see why they are so angry and bitter.
  9. The Shakedown
  10. She is probably waiting for the narrative to come up solid. It's bounced around so much she didn't want to commit to a stance....meh, that never stopped her. IDK
  11. Celebrities, Pro Athletes, Members of the Media....
  12. Now that the anti-Trump coalition has been accusing Trump of doing nothing, of allowing so many of them to loot and pillage, cheered on by their celebrity supporters, and enabled by weak local and state leaders, now will come the claims that he is creating a fascist state.
  13. The father should have spanked the kid right there at the door. I'm surprised they let him turn himself in like that.
  14. Ok, great...what's next....another month of paper being pushed around? Then another? And another ?
  15. It's not gonna be that easy. And unless there is a big reveal of incredible evidence against the opposition, there will be huge riots, lots of election tampering, and who knows what else between now and November.
  16. Because they support them, and perhaps have even deeper involvement.
  17. Are you guys still looking for logic from these people? smh....
  18. Do you actually pay the Washington Post for a subscription?
  19. They don't care...they are "Social Democrats".
  20. Yeah, a bunch of dead kids on the White House lawn...great.
  21. Right...so when will it be acted upon?
  22. I have to believe that there are agents collecting information on the people leading these riots. They had to have been monitoring some of these Antifa people. I'm still waiting for the response from Trump. The scene in LA seems to be quieting down, with a 6pm curfew, but I think that instead of big gatherings of people, there will be lots of small scattered incidences overnight.
  23. Right, and all these people looting just can't help themselves, and shouldn't be held responsible for turning up day after day to loot and pillage. Sounds legit.
  24. We need more than evidence of crooked politics from people trying to undermine Trump. It's time for evidence of crimes against The PEOPLE. And it needs to be easily understood, and damnable.
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