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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I was chased out of the other thread, because dissent is not tolerated. I feel it is a minor transgression, worthy of a 15 yard penalty if caught during the game, with a fine later. I think it is being fueled by opposing fan's pettiness, and a click baiting media. Anyone else feel similarly?
  2. I guess there is no room for dissent in this thread.
  3. YOu really think this will divert anything? I am just investigating the questions that the situation brings up. Should I start a separate thread?
  4. I wonder how many kickers have overinflated the ball? SO this hypothetical question...If Norwood had made the kick, and later it was discovered that the ball had been overinflated, what would your response be? And do referees regularly turn a blind eye to this kind of thing (for all teams) during games? All this whining is going to lead to longer commercial breaks before kicks...Someone needs to invent a digital ball measuring device for the sidelines. There will be representatives form both teams, and the league, regulating ball pressure before each change of possession and kicks.
  5. Who lied the first time? And how do you know who is responsible for the deflation, and that they are the same liar? Why is it okay for you whiners to jump to conclusions (it's Belichick, or it was coordinated by a group of people), but I can't venture to guess that the Pats probably aren't the only team where this kind of thing has been done? Yeah, but they are slanted to your favor. I didn't say those things., and they are different from my intent (AND YOU WERE AWARE OF THAT!). I am not convinced that deflating the ball is a serious transgression. That is the essence of my position. It is worthy of a 15 yard penalty and a fine.
  6. Those are NOT quotes from me. Re-read my posts, dude. And don't detach the statements that you are responding to from my quotes, because it misleads other further down the thread, because they don't see my actual quotes. That is unethical, and I can see people here are very concerned with ethics. I said it's not a serious transgression.
  7. Because no one wants to admit that the Bills have sucked all on their own, that the Pats are greats, and that this kind of cheating is not only commonplace, but that it is about as severe a "crime" as receivers using illegal sticky substances, or setting picks for pass plays, or trying to get away with illegal formations. Nevermind that the whole league is fueled on illegal PED's and painkillers (let's take away the 4 Steeler Super Bowls, it's common knowledge they were juiced). It's just a media driven frenzy, and if people can focus on it often and strongly enough, they can convince themselves that the pressure of the ball is one of the most important aspects of the game.
  8. How certain are you that throughout the league there aren't QB's messing with the ball psi? I mean, there is a precedent for "ball manipulation" in the league, so what makes you think they are the only ones? It should be penalized... during the game (15 yds. Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Fines after the game. It's a game time foul, that is the responsibility of the game officials.
  9. I heard they were also inflating them with Helium, and that they had Professor Brainard develop Flubber soles for their footwear, allowing them to jump higher.
  10. The latent pettiness among some Bills fans, is perfectly matched to Belichick's own pettiness. None of this is gonna cure 15 years of bad Bills teams.
  11. Holding is cheating. Illegal Formations are cheating. Pass Interference is cheating...
  12. Ultimately, it is up to the game officials to enforce the rules, including that the ball is at the correct psi. It's on the officials, and anyone claiming that they don't "handle the ball in the same way" is being disingenuous. Teams and players attempt to skirt the rules (cheat) in all kinds of ways, during and before the games, REGULARLY. When it happens, they blow the whistle and dole out a penalty, or don't allow the situation to continue. The officials are there to enforce the rules. It's on them...
  13. It will be interesting to see if this kind of accusation opens the gate a bit, and players/coaches start making more frequent accusations against each other. Of course, that might make the league look bad, and unsportsmanlike. In any of the books from the 90's Bills are there any allusions to "skirting the rules"?
  14. Are you a cop? Anyway, I think you are right, the kid should GO TO JAIL. A 5 year sentence, because stealing is stealing! It's the same as robbing a bank! This is another media frenzy, click-baiting story. Everyone HAS to have an opinion on football inflation, and the more it's focused on, the more serious the charges appear to people. "Wow, it's obvious that they built a dynasty with these deflated balls!" "This is VERY serious, and I think they should a have a crew of ball measurers on the sideline measuring the ball before EVERY play. It's only fair"
  15. Ha, I am a die hard Bills fan, and hate the Pats. I don't like ANY other NFL team. I don't even like fans here showing concern for their "2nd team". THERE IS NO 2ND TEAM!! I was one of the few that argued the non-call on Gronkowski against the Panthers was the RIGHT call. And took all kinds of abuse. I loathe them! But to see petty whining from Bills fans, about a superior team (nay, superior ORGANIZATION) nauseates me.
  16. Pathetic whining. Anyway, why is everyone so quick to say Belichick is behind this? Or that the whole effing organization was somehow behind this dastardly crime? It's more likely Brady that wanted the balls to his own specs. "Let's strip the Hasek led Red Wings of the Cup, because his pads were an inch too wide. It's the only fair thing to do" "Let's disqualify the Yankees, cuz when we went back and watched the tape, Jeter's bat had too much pine tar!"... "Let's give Buffalo the Super Bowl, because Mark Ingram's socks weren't regulation!" If we are gonna find something wrong every step, and want every thing to be accounted for, let's drug test EVERY player after every game, and disqualify , or even give losses to both teams is anyone fails...that would be great for the NFL. I wonder how Bruce Smith would have felt about that....
  17. Yeah, they deserve a harsh penalty for sure. A 1st round pick would be harsh, but that's probably what will be doled out. If it had somehow been uncovered during a game, it would probably be a 15 yard Unsportsman, and a fine after the game.
  18. Quarterbacks around the league will be against it. All that is needed closer monitoring.
  19. THis is a "Stickum" level transgression. A "too much pine tar", "Goalie Pads too wide", "Hockey Stick too curved" level transgression. It's not even a "Corked Bat" level transgression.
  20. I know, that's already been established throughout this thread, so I didn't think it needed repeating. Thanks.
  21. Yeah, what does that have to do with ESPN, and your other nonsense?
  22. Lose a draft pick, some fines . New procedure to keep tabs on ball inflation. Done.
  23. I didn't allude to anything like that, I hate the Pats, and know full well they get the benefit of many calls. I only stated that Jerry Rice doesn't want the Pats to be held higher than his 49ers. YOu think that's not true?
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