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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. They need to do more, but they came close to the playoffs with less last season. I think they can make the playoffs with this roster, but won't get far. Most here seem to find that satisfying enough. Then again, I think that will be the story of the Rex Ryan Bills, close but no cigar. I think they won't select high enough to land an elite talent at QB, and will have too much money tied up in defenders to land a good free agent QB. Getting past the Brady Pats, and after that, the Luck Colts, will be tough without an above average QB.
  2. Not particularly, but they aren't awful to watch. I didn't enjoy the 2009 NY Jets though.
  3. I wonder how long it will take until Watkins, Woods, or Harvin (or all of them) start complaining about not getting the ball enough? Running around full speed, with nothing to do for "50 plays", might get a bit tedious, especially if the team isn't winning like expected. Not meeting contract incentives... Now of course, someone will respond "they get paid lots of money to do what the coach tells them!", but anyone at the NFL level that is used to getting opportunities to make plays wouldn't be happy. These guys want to play, not train all year, practice all week, to get 2 or 3 throws a game coming their way. Sounds dull. These are the NY Jets wide receivers on the 2009 roster. 87 David Clowney 89 Jerricho Cotchery 17 Britt Davis 14 Marcus Henry 2 Paul Raymond 16 Brad Smith 83 Chansi Stuckey 7 Mario Urrutia 18 Huey Whittaker 15 Wallace Wright Those are the kind of guys that accept 2 or 3 throws a week. A bunch of "I'm just happy to be here" guys, not "I wanna be the best in the game" guys. I will be very happy if the Bills make the playoffs or more, but I hate teams that just play "kill the clock" football.
  4. I get the feeling that "Walter" is a Bills fan. He seems little more emotional and involved when writing about the Bills.
  5. To me, Tyrod is the kind of guy that can come into a game midway (say after an injury, or a game that is getting away), and because he is a wildcard, can mount a quick comeback. He might be alright for a game or 2 while the starter is out injured. Cassel is the game managing vet, a guy that if the starter is out for the season (or has sucked so bad that he is benched), is there to lead the team, and finish the season, ala Orton. I'm sure the other guys will be given a look, but EJM is the starter, with Cassel the fall-back option.
  6. I'm encouraged. I definitely believe they will be better this season.
  7. Yes those Lakers had age against them, one kind of problem. These new Bills have different problems. Harvin has all kinds of troubles. Felton has been suspended. McCoy can be a pain in the ass. Incognito...yea. Don't know much about Clay. And of course, none of the QB's are very good. There is only one ball, and keeping all these guys happy might not be easy, especially with bad QB play. New system, new faces, big contracts, blah,blah,blah. The point is, I see these kinds of player lists often ("look at these guys, unstoppable'), whether it's defenses or offenses, or baseball ("look at this bullpen!"), football, any team sport, and it's never what it seems. People were making these kinds of lists when the Bills signed Mario Williams...there is more to a team playing well. It's more than just the sum of it's parts.
  8. It always looks better on paper. Remember when the Lakers had Karl Malone, Gary Payton, Kobe Bryant, and Shaq? People said "this team might go undefeated", and that kind of nonsense. They are making some nice strides, but I would trade all these guys for an elite QB and an excellent O-line. I would swap this whole offense for the Colts offense,.
  9. I didn't know much about him, but I like these highlights. He is quick and agile for a TE.
  10. It's not "semantics". I clearly lay out the difference. Basically, I think Rex creates a cheesy, undisciplined atmosphere that leads to undisciplined play. The others guys are over aggressive jerks, but they stress disciplined play, and their teams reflect that.
  11. Acting trashy, and being a D-bag are 2 different things. I didn't say Ryan was a D-bag (or wasn't), I said he brings a trashy atmosphere to the team that I don't like. Trash talking, empty boasts, openly D-bag players, etc (you know, all the things people here clowned Ryan's Jets for. Remember?)...And I said I feel that undisciplined behavior transferred to the field. I don't like those coaches, and being a jerk as a head coach can be very successful, but those are VERY disciplined guys. I like Rex, but I don't think the atmosphere he creates will lead to championships.
  12. I can't make sense of this question....
  13. I'm sorry you're a trashy dude, Greggy...very sorry.
  14. About what? I will be happy if they win a Super Bowl, and certainly give Ryan a lot of credit...but I don't think that will happen. Gee, I guess I would have to "eat my words" or post an apology to all the trashy white dudes out there. I hope it happens.
  15. I hope Roman makes a difference, but there have been MANY head coaches who favored one side of the ball too much, tried to compensate with hot shot coordinators, and failed.
  16. I'm not so concerned about whether the guys are d-bags. I'm more concerned about the undisciplined atmosphere that Ryan seems to create, and guys like Harvin and Incognito will only add to. Ryan's Jets never made it to the Super Bowl, and were an undisciplined team. Lots of trash talking, and goofy behavior. Remember when Ryan had them go out for pizza or something, instead of practice before a Bills game? Many people here clowned him for it. That silly kickoff where TJ Graham laid down in the end zone? Not a big deal, but gimmicky, and somehow I associate that kind of whimsy with Rex Ryan. The guy is clueless about offense (just like his dad, and they have had very similar careers) and QB development. I think he is too much of a "player's coach", which to me, means the d-bags are given more freedom to "express themselves", giving everyone a chance to see what jackasses they actually are.
  17. Ha, I was really referring to the players that have been here just prior to Ryan coming in. OJ= Supercreep.
  18. I'm not a Pats fan, and don't find them "classy", but they aren't "trashy" either. I get it, anything I post, you will relate to my opinions about "deflate gate". It's really not that clever, but I guess since that scandal went limp, and of course, you went limp, you are anxious to unload your bitterness on me.
  19. Yeah, I know. Plenty of teams don't have a white trash head coach, and they still win plenty of games, no?
  20. I think Rex Ryan brings a trashy feel to this team. I really don't like it. It's not that I think the players are necessarily worse people than those that have been here in the past (how much do we really know about ALL the players?), but these guys are already notorious. It's more the atmosphere Ryan creates, and who he attracts. It's not exactly "classy". I'm expecting some embarrassing behavior at some point this season.
  21. It's all here... https://books.google.com/books?id=O8w1cyT65ZIC&pg=PT395&lpg=PT395&dq=songwriting+devices+modulation&source=bl&ots=TVQ4fxHf5f&sig=SJnAF9l3Ihjx9Ox2dALgAko9R_I&hl=en&sa=X&ei=V5rrVMnMPNayyATz0IDgBA&ved=0CDMQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q&f=false Silly boy band, revolutionizing popular songwriting, what a bunch of clowns...they can't touch Al DiMeola or Yngie Marmsteen. Faster fingers, more better.They shoulda practiced their scales more. Or sang about serious things, like working on the assembly line, like Bob Seger. Then they mighta been good. And Ringo...gee just think how much better they coulda been with say, Neil Peart back there? Someone with some "feel", and 45 drums to hit (and determined to hit them all, every song!). You know, a "real" musician. And never mind all the accomplished musicians (many of whom people here think surpassed The Beatles) who were openly in awe of their talent....yep just an overrated boy band.
  22. Willis ain't getting in.
  23. Does he really need your help, No Saint? I understood what he meant, but none the less he directly contradicted himself, with snark even.
  24. Make up your mind.
  25. Sounds great huh? Let me continue.... Then the Bills continue for a few seasons with crap offenses, eking their way into the playoffs, but never having a high enough pick to get an elite QB. After a few of these type of seasons, they fall off sharply. Finally in 2020, a new GM and coach select a "franchise" QB to lead a depleted roster of also-ran's.
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