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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Imagine the scene if the Sabres needed a season ending loss to complete the tank, but won a nail-biter against the Penguins, with the players celebrating to spite the fans.
  2. Not really comparing...it's way worse. Yep, an organization colluding to lose games for an entire season is WAY worse than an organization pushing the rules in order to win. I have mountains more respect for the Pats organization, than for the Sabres. I'm pretty sure most of the world does too, if only because the Sabres are practically invisible to the common earthling, but the Brady/Belichick Pats are world renowned.
  3. I'm just trying to help, and you guys don't seem to have any practical ideas on how to stop this team. I'm actually not that upset about the tank, but I think it's way worse that letting some air out of the football. Basically, I think you guys have a ridiculous double standard for your own teams.
  4. I wonder if the players union still allows it.... remember when Dudley used to make the team ride the exercise bikes after games, to improve conditioning? I think the GM has to step in and start punishing this team for their effort. Just wear them out, so they are dead tired for the remainder of the season.
  5. Please don't get mad at me, Juice. It gets scary! Go ahead, start an "Is EJ Manual the Answer" thread too, it's cool.
  6. The only guy worse was Marv Levy! HOW many "Tasker deserves to be in the HoF"-threads do there need to be each year?
  7. I was told the players have been trying all along? Why shouldn't they try, when it's their own career on the line? Most, if not all, will be gone by the time any championship would be won by this team, and their performance will directly effect their paycheck. They are essentially auditioning for other teams, and playing to stay in the NHL. How anyone could expect them NOT to resent the "fans" cheering against them is beyond me. It's got to be the most humiliating experience of any of their careers. There is nothing in it for them, to tank.
  8. Step back, and get some perspective. You sound insane. I am a huge Bills fan, and have plenty of pre-deflation posts expressing hatred for the Pats, and love for the Bills. But the myopic, and self righteous opinions of some fans here, regarding the actions of the Pegula owned Sabres and The NE Pats are completely hypocritical. Now you want to ban me from the site for noting the double standards of some fans here...not ALL Buffalo fans. I don't know what you are afraid of.
  9. I don't know if it's full of irony, but it is definitely full of "lulz"!
  10. I think the situation is rife with irony, and may end up a legendary sports irony. And no, it doesn't make me happy.
  11. Hmmm...maybe something HERE will be considered ironic? I am certain there is some irony somewhere in this whole tanking thing. Yolo, what do you think...ironic yet?
  12. That's exactly what I didn't say. I said it's "what I would wish upon any other city/team/fans that were doing this" and that most here would too.
  13. HoF Watkins Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:53 AM "Yeah , but the Dolphins are still our most hated rivals right? I mean, they beat us for an entire decade? And the Pats only beat us 21 out 23 the last 13 years... And Miami had Brian Cox giving us the finger while our Bills trounced them, much worse than running up the score on a nationally showcased home game (56-10, if you don't remember...) I hate the Patriots, and I'm sickened, astonished, an enraged by this ridiculously long domination of the Bills. It churns my stomach, and has ruined my Bills fandom for over a decade. It just pushes in my face the fact that the Bills as a team and organization have really really sucked. " Sounds like the words of a guy that loves the Patriots, huh?
  14. Nope. Prior to the ball deflation "scandal", I rarely mentioned the Patriots. Why throw this at me.... "Shouldn't you be claiming Aaron Hernandez's total innocence and conspiracy theory against him by now?" ? I think Hernandez is violent creep, lock him up forever. I think Belichick is a obsessive jerk. I think Brady is great, and seems to be a decent human.
  15. Nope. I'm a Bills fan to the core, and though I would love to see more comical bitterness from people here after more Patriots domination, it's not enough to change that. I'm just keeping it real, man. The Pats are the champs, and have dominated. Can't change the past...Every season brings a new Bills opportunity. The more you wallow in the Patriots' accomplishments, the more importance you lend them. Thank you.
  16. A team that kicks the rest of the league around for over 10 years would most likely be talked about, especially by fans of the bottom feeder of their division, that is on pace to set the bar for futility. Thank you.
  17. Would THAT be ironic? This is exactly what I would wish upon any other city/team/fans that were doing this....pretty sure many people here would too.
  18. Neither of those teams have dominated the way the Pats have, not even close. The Brady/Belichick Pats are at a whole different level of fame and success. Thank you.
  19. Hahahahaha! No, it was full of hope, and admiration.... It's pretty hard to describe the situation without a hint of condescension. A completely "positive" description would sound sarcastic.
  20. Nice to see you, Tom. Sharing in this celebration of the New England Patriots 2014 Championship Season with you has been a pleasure. (That's really what all this amounts to. The "haterz" make it sweeter for the winners. I'm not gonna hate, I'm gonna move on.) Let's hope we can celebrate a Buffalo Bills of New York championship at the end of the 2015 NFL Season. (It's time to move forward) Have a nice drive home.
  21. Here's what we know as a fact: The Patriots are once again, the champions. Thank you for your thoughts. Have a nice drive home.
  22. I can't believe anyone that knows a thing about football, could pick any of these guys over OJ. It's more like "Is OJ the greatest NFL back of all time?" As terrible of a person as he is, no other Bill, at any position, tops OJ. Greatest Bill Ever.
  23. It's trying to back your way into a championship. People hold signs with tanks on them? How you can support that is beyond me.
  24. I have watched plenty of Sabres games. I was there the night Gretzky broke Espisito's scoring record. Watched tons of Sabres games until around the time they switched uniforms. Moved away, and have lost interest. I now have the perspective of someone that has moved away from Buffalo (18 years). I don't care what Murray has or hasn't done, tanking is pathetic, and cheering against your team is not what fans "deserving" of a championship do.
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