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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Is there a thread here where people can post what they feel should be the penalty? It would be a good place to just keep a record. (If I post one, no doubt it will be shut down with "this topic is being.." Maybe if someone else does it though, it will be okay..like one of the "insiders")
  2. See. Now I'm supposed to rewrite my response to that question AGAIN? Yes, the fact that it is common lessens the seriousness of the violation, in my mind.
  3. I was thinking the same about "Plenzoid" (sic). You can ignore me. I just think it's wrong for a poster to try to organize others against another poster.
  4. Now we want to talk about what MIGHT happen? Every situation is different.
  5. Here you go... I think it's something that lots of QB's do. Then comes "that makes it right?" And I say..."no, but there are degrees..." so on and so on...
  6. I typed it out MANY times, and it will only lead to MORE answers that I will be asked to retype.
  7. A few games, big fine, something like that.
  8. This aspect was discussed ad nauseam months ago, if you really want to relive that, I suggest you read that thread. I'm not going to retype it AGAIN.
  9. Because it's not that serious of a transgression. How many times does it need to be stated that I feel that way? I don't believe in the death penalty for running a red light, either (even if you tell the cop and judge "I didn't do it").... I know, my morals are loose.
  10. I think they should banish the franchise, erase them from the record books, and award championships to the teams they beat. I mean, cheating is cheating, right? There are no degrees of "wrong". The death penalty for all felonies, I say! see above. Really, "do it for the children"?
  11. The report has nothing to do with this poster repeatedly trying to organize other people to ignore me.
  12. What is up with your "group think" pleadings? What are you afraid of? I must be striking a nerve with the truth, for you to plead with other posters like this, over and over.
  13. In some people's minds, but not in mine. I feel exactly the same about them. They have been the best team for the last 15 years.
  14. QB tosses around a few game-balls, and says to the equipment guy "these feel a little too hard".... I think that likely happens now and then, around the league. You would feel that too, if this situation involved a successful Bills QB.
  15. NOPE. I NEVER said they didn't cheat. I knew it was a possibility. I just don't think it's that serious of a transgression. A fine, a short suspension. That's fair to me. Stripped of Titles? A year suspension?....Bitter loser talk.
  16. How do you know? The season hasn't played out yet. McCoy is already becoming a pain here, I can totally understand not wanting him around. DeSean Jackson? Not hard to figure that one out. NIck Foles blows. Bryce Brown? Fumblitis
  17. There is going to be a lot of this. It's what happens when Rex Ryan is the coach. That's why so many here HATED him when he was with the Jets, remember? Why is it a "social injustice" if the coach doesn't want guys questioning him, or challenging his authority? I really doubt there is some kind of infringement on the player's rights going on. If Chip Kelly prefers guys that are quiet (McCoy is a loudmouth, d-bag in my opinion), and can be successful with them, more respect to him. There are plenty of black players still on the Eagles roster.
  18. ahhh...Okay, Thanks. This could work out even better than a supplemental draft, for him, because he can actually choose where he goes.
  19. Can he just go to the highest bidder, or is he held to some kind of rookie pay scale?
  20. PED's are rampant....every team is cheating.
  21. Jerry Falwell college...OMG! Sounds awesome. I have heard it's a great place to duck face.
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