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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I think I hate the Patriots MORE than the whiners. If there was one thing I couldn't stand, it was the self-pitying fans who would concede losses to the Patriots before the games were even played. "Those are 2 losses right off the bat", or "We need 3 more wins to make it to 10 wins, that means we have to beat Indy, KC, and and the Steelers., because you know we can't beat the Pats*" that kind of wallowing....and those same posters are the ones that are now the most extreme attackers of Brady. I'm way more interested in seeing the Bills trounce the Patriots WITH Brady, than whining about past losses, and some kind of slight advantage they might have had with a deflated ball.
  2. Actually, I linked to a post from early last season attacking the Pats. I can't stand them, and I can't stand that the Bills have lost to them all these years. I don't believe the Bills have sucked because of what the Patriots have done. I think they would have sucked in any division. You have blinders on.
  3. Where have you seen me "rooting" for the Patriots? I'm 100% Bills fan. I follow no other sports team, at all.
  4. I'm a huge Bills fan, and not remotely interested in any other sports team. period. The situation that Tom Brady is in right now, could EASILY happen to one of our own players/coaches. It something that has been blown all out of proportion. Bitter fans attacking a successful person, and a media driven frenzy...ugly to watch, and provides a platform for the most extreme, and most vehement nut-jobs.
  5. I'm not a cheater, or bitter. And if you are telling me you would rather be a bitter football fan than a 4 time NFL Champ, MVP QB widely considered the greatest of all time, who deflated the ball....well, I just don't believe you.
  6. 15 years of bitterness on display.
  7. I have no doubt that there are WAY worse things going on in the NFL than ball deflation. I expect there to be more accusations against teams in the coming seasons. The Colts claimed that it was common knowledge that the Pats were letting the air out of the balls...but no one filed a complaint before this. Now Belichick is pissed, and I can easily see him stirring things up.
  8. A Timothy Tebow fan... It didn't bother me in the least that Clinton denied it all. Perhaps he will pay in the after-life.
  9. Am I going to get my comeuppance or something? I don't really care what happens to the Pats, because I'm a Bills fan. I fully expect the Patriots to continue to win a bunch of games. I still expect to see a remarkably disciplined team, that wins even against superior talent.
  10. Now I expect accusations of cheating against other teams these next coming seasons. I expect Belichick to turn some of his attention to dragging down other players/teams that he suspects are circumventing the rules. It's open season! I think there is a dark underbelly to the whole NFL that would make deflating balls a little, seem like no big deal (it's really a trifle). "Playmakers" style.
  11. Wrong (again). I stated plenty of times that I thought a few games suspension, and a fine were what I expected. It was the "Strip the titles", "Coach and QB suspended for a year", ...all that crap was ridiculous.
  12. I think it's a little harsh, but what I expected. Of course, it doesn't change my thinking that Brady and Belichick are the greatest of all-time. I doubt there will be much fall off in their performance either. I'm a little disappointed that the Bills won't have a chance to beat them at full-strength in week 2. I wonder if Jerry Jones pushed for a 4-game suspension? No doubt great show will be made of the ball pressure throughout the season.
  13. Where did I claim that they didn't do it? I just don't think it's a big deal. I think a few games suspension, fines..that's alright. I think "Stripped of titles", "Coach and QB suspended for a year" and all that jazz is WAY over the top.
  14. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/10/is-football-inflation-a-big-deal-its-too-late-for-the-nfl-to-say-it-isnt/
  15. I think Jon Stewart is one of the greats. I have to believe that only right-wingers would have a problem with him.
  16. I thought you were "blocking" me?
  17. I didn't say it was the same thing. There are surely similarities that any intelligent reader can find, though. Maybe read it again?
  18. These guys too.. http://www.csnne.com/new-england-patriots/san-diego-chargers-2012-towel-violation-similar-to-patriots Maybe a there should just be a round robin of 2 teams suspended each season?
  19. The most interesting part to me is in the Colts letter, where they say that it's common knowledge that the Pats deflate the balls. Basically that means that NOBODY CARED (or they were also doing it). The only reason the Colts complained is because they were sore losers. So, once the league gets the letter, it's "measure the goalie pads"..."measure the pine tar"...."check the gloves for stickum".
  20. oh boy...you are about to be skewered as a traitor, communist, and terrorist.
  21. Yeah, but that ruins the fun. It's way more comforting to believe that the Patriots only win because they are constant cheaters, illegally creating big advantages, than to accept that the Bills have sucked due to their own incompetence for so long.
  22. I'm not going to try to claim that he didn't know about it, but even if he didn't, I'm pretty sure he would want to talk to those 2 guys after the story broke. To claim that proves that he was up to something is ridiculous.
  23. OK, I'll bite. I have loads of anti-Patriot posts. I was a Bills season ticket holder, and have no interest in any other sports team (baseball, hockey, or any other sport). I'm probably a more die hard fan than most people on this board. My feelings about the Patriots transgressions, have nothing to do with my devotion to the Bills.
  24. For me, if the Brady is suspended for a season, and the Bills win the Super Bowl, it won't be as gratifying.
  25. I am very happy that this will have a negative effect on any political aspirations Tom Brady might have.
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