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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I know, bro. He was has had a big media presence both during and immediately after his career, and I believe that influenced his induction, bro. I thought that was obvious, bro.
  2. He's on TV all the time, and popular. He was not a HoF performer.
  3. Nope. Instead he kept the curdled milk, Frank Gore. If he really knew better he would have at least had another back ready to replace Gore...they might have won the division, and had a better shot in the playoffs.
  4. They don't care. They are all full of *****. In most cases, it's all just public posturing, a way to fit in, and make themselves appear to be concerned citizens. Trump is just the perfect bad guy that provides them an opportunity to make a big show of their virtuous outrage. ***** em. One conclusion that I have reached is that most of them know things like 10+million illegal aliens, caravans of refugees rushing the border with their children in tow, troops in places like Syria, unbalanced trade agreements, etc. are bad. But the Liberals just want to let Republicans do the dirty work, and make the tough decisions, so then the Liberals can still feel good about themselves. They have to hold on to their self image as "the Good, Compassionate People, against the evil Repugs". There is no reasoning with them. It's just barrel through their bull#### with laughter and a smile. None of these whiners are actually desperate enough to have some kind of civil war. How many Pink Hatters do you think have, say, gone a single day without eating (aside from some self-inflicted fast)? For the vast majority of them, they are either better off now, or at least no worse off, than before Trump was elected, or can't trace any of their problems to one of Trump's policies. They still have their health care, a good economy...no Muslim concentration camps, no mass round up of Mexicans, no violent "White Nationalist" uprising, no Police on a rampage against POC, no escalation of wars, no Kurdish massacre, no overturning of Roe vs. Wade, no declaration of martial law, blahblahblah....none of all the terrible things we were promised would happen. They ain't gonna do *****, except continue to go to Whole Foods, Starbucks, giant Music Festivals, Burning Man, Craft Beer breweries, and pay for Netflix, post selfies on social media, lease fancy cars and SUV's that they would never have been able to buy, take yoga classes, get tattoo$, buy cheap Chinese goods, vape weed, snort coke, and take Molly or Adderall...there is no real desperation. Again, ignore these whiny *****.
  5. Nah, if it wasn't this, it would be something else. There is no avoiding these egregious attacks
  6. Now that I've read the whole article, it doesn't seem so outrageous. What a creep. And of course he is using a walker to get around. He doesn't even pull that off, as he is obviously moving easily. The scarring on his body, like burns, is creepy as well.
  7. Seems farfetched. If true, why haven't any other accusers noticed?
  8. BiM is not worth the effort, DR.
  9. I thought "the end of America as we know it" was what they wanted? I thought the Good old USA was a terrible, racist, sexist country?
  10. Pathetic. These people are so full of *****. Their lives are very likely no different, yet somehow they want to act like it's The Occupation.
  11. Is professional trolling really that lucrative? Can't you just take back bottles or something?
  12. Tax dollars. I DIDN'T SAY I WANTED THAT! The point was, to leave the subway system unattended, without police presence, is insane. OK?
  13. Who's next? What other country will leave the EU, and hopefully knock the dominoes? Italy?
  14. I guess I could be convinced that the Subway should be free, but no police presence in the underground? Can you imagine?
  15. Not sure f this has been mentioned, but has anyone Google searched "Eric Ciaramella"? The results are all smaller Conservative outlets, nothing from any of the msm outlets.
  16. He was a good dude.
  17. Honestly, I have seen so many posts about "He changed the game!!! They changed the rulebook because of Tasker!!", but I had never investigated "the Tasker Rule", and when I found out what it was about, I was surprised. It was like "Really, people consider this some kind of HoF accomplishment? This is what they are hanging their hats on?". I really liked Tasker, and he was a big part of the 90's Bills team's success, but get a grip.
  18. Here's are just 11 of them, many of the players are not in the HoF... https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/26939/11-nfl-rules-named-after-people And now that I looked up "The Tasker Rule", it's kinda comical to consider it a feather in his cap. He would intentionally run out of bounds to evade blockers on kicks...sounds more like something people here would attack Bill Belichick for doing. Stretching the rule book. It's not like they had to change the rule because he was overwhelming people with his athleticism. "He changed the game!!!" .....LOL here are some more.... https://www.si.com/nfl/2014/08/19/nfl-rules-and-the-players-who-inspired-them
  19. All kinds of rules get changed because of something a player has done, and many of those players aren't well known or considered "great" (didn't I just ***** write that in my first post?) I doubt Tasker was the SOLE reason they added a spot. Regardless...HE AIN'T GETTING IN! deal with it.
  20. You mean they changed a rule because of Tasker? Other players have caused the NFL to change rules, and no one can remember them at all...BFD.
  21. My dad told me "Break one law at a time. You can often talk your way out of one, but when there are more, it gets exponentially harder".
  22. That is so cool. Tulsi is at least "alright".
  23. I like Spain alright. I hope they have make an upgrade at OT, though
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