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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I'm waiting for the payoff. But you never know when it might come, so you hang in there. Plenty of people don't. They find "a 2nd team" (or pick a front runner) so they can feel like they are participating in the national pastime.
  2. That is NOT what I said. That is what you try to convince people I said. I can't see why anyone would be upset about this. The media (TV, books, blogs, magazines, etc) provides recognition of the achievements of the team. It provides the context of the event. It archives the history of the game, and it showcases the event to wide audiences. Without media, it's 22 guys running around the field in a pickup game.
  3. I guess you guys have your own outlook, but threads about wanting attention from the media, feeling disrespected by the media, or wanting to be considered "relevant" are constant topics on this board. I know the reason why, and accept it.
  4. I didn't ask you to "lay out all of my deep seated emotions regarding the Bills", I asked other posters. So why are you berating me for something I didn't ask you to do? Did you even read the thread? Greggy challenged my assertion and told me I was ridiculous, another called me sad, so I responded with more in depth reasoning. Then a bunch of other posters jumped in.
  5. Again, you don't know these people personally. They represent the city, and people want recognition for the city. The media provides the recognition. People that say they don't care what the media says, are like the guy that doesn't want to admit he likes a particular woman, because he is worrying about being rejected. Attention from the media is the only way to get recognition of a team's accomplishments.
  6. You didn't have to get involved. Greggy challenged me, so I laid out my thoughts. I'm not trolling, and what I posted is absolutely true. I don't think it's sad, or bad, you guys do! The thread was started because people want attention for the Bills from the media. What's the problem?
  7. I didn't ask YOU to. I asked the people that challenged me. So you disregard ESPN...great. Other posters brought ESPN into the picture, I am talking about the media in general. No one has provided a reason why they enjoy a particular sports team's victories. They just say "I like it because me and my friends can enjoy it". Look deep inside, and ask yourself what is gratifying about your sports team winning. It's not your own accomplishment, you don't really know the participants...so what is it?
  8. Nope, you do that, and then post the relevant info here.
  9. Interesting. Tell me then, what do you find satisfying about the Bills winning, and why?
  10. Oh Greggy, thinking small again... The satisfaction you get from a Bills victory, is only relevant if other team's fans know and care about the game. It's not a personal accomplishment. It only derives power from how it relates to other communities. The media (ESPN, SI, fan blogs, websites...large or small) gives it a forum, and relays the news of the teams accomplishments.
  11. Ha. National sports teams are basically cities competing for attention. If no one else knew about it, you (or your friends and fellow fans) wouldn't get anything from it. It's only importance is gained from how it relates to other cities teams.
  12. National media attention is basically the only reward for having a good sports team. To say that you don't care seems a bit disingenuous. What else is there?
  13. The next scandalous revelation will be "Over-Inflate-Gate", with Manning adding air to balls so they will go farther and faster. Wasn't it both Manning and Brady that wanted QB's to have their own balls? Hmmm...
  14. Yeah, it was awkward. No big deal, he was busy getting the team ready, not studying Bills history.
  15. Has anyone mentioned the post-game interview with Rex Ryan? He was asked about Lou Saban, and then mentions how his son is a pretty good coach too. He seemed to think that Nick Saban is Lou Saban's son.
  16. IIRC there was movement on the Bills D-line, then the Colts center moved the ball, and then Jerry Hughes jumped, all this as the clock was running down. I don't think that should be held against Hughes. I don't even know if a penalty was specifically charged to Hughes by the referee, or if all concerned (the announcers/viewers) have just assumed that Hughes was who the penalty was called on.
  17. Where did I say he was at the top? I said "Google 'Rex Ryan penalties' ". Ryan's teams seem to have games where they collect a bunch of penalties. I think the Bills will continue to have games like this one, and I expect them to finish in the top ten for most yards penalized. You can disagree all you want, and throw it in my face at the end of the season if I am wrong (I know I will when I'm right).
  18. Google "Rex Ryan penalties". This isn't going to change any time soon.
  19. The first guy didn't make contact, the guy that was pushed WAS the SECOND defender.
  20. I much prefer the 70's helmet.
  21. The Colts player was pushed into the punter. The right call was made. The one on the Bills was bad though.
  22. Put Darby on him, that way you can be assured that Brady will throw it to him. Knowing this, you have some bigger boys kinda in the area, and they can pounce on him. Do this repeatedly. It may cost a touchdown, but if it beats him up, it's worth it, and they were probably gonna score anyway.
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