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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Hahaha! It's true, no proof. And you are right, I'm gonna send Matt a sympathy card.
  2. I don't know and it doesn't matter, because I know he has had some huge contracts in his career. His is no sob story. Chan, this is all motivated by your rejection of EJM. Cassel isn't worthy of this much discussion.
  3. He was getting updates from his financial advisers. I'm the last guy to claim things like "these guys are making millions to play a game", or "I don't care what this guy wants, he is paid to...blahblahblah", but to act like this guy got shafted is ridiculous. He can hire a slew of servants to take care of any move, and his wife will be fine. It's part of the business, and he has made out like a bandit. He isn't some guy making the minimum, bouncing around the league, desperate to make a team, playing through injuries that will last a lifetime. I mean, there are guys that just get churned up by the NFL. Cassel ain't one of them.
  4. The emotionless guy you see with the media is an act. How many of his ex-players say bad things about him? Very few compared to other hardass coaches. He is well-liked by his players.
  5. I don't feel it would be "tainted", just not a chance to improve their ability to grapple with Brady, which I will be needed later for bigger games.
  6. Just post anything that pops into your head, man. We're here for you.
  7. It's hard to gauge how much would be gained by getting some hits on Brady. You can't always measure the effect of a punch in the face. I do know the Patriots were racking up ridiculous yards against the approach Ryan used in this game.
  8. I believe that the Bills will have a better feel for how to beat the Patriots, because they played against them with Brady. Do I think that offsets a loss on the record...I'm not sure. They could have lost the game if Garoplopablow had played anyway.
  9. Which did Brady throw it to, and what was the result?
  10. Is worth what? Anything you can get for Cassel is "worth it". It's already worth it.
  11. Yeah, well they were grasping for nice things to say about Cassel... "oh boy, you should see him in the film room!". David Lee didn't say "He is doing a great job, at a level that I just can't imagine anyone else achieving". Sure Cassel has some usefulness, but that doesn't mean his "mentoring" role would be hard to replace. And I'm sure there are other ex-players out there that would take an Asst. QB Coach job.
  12. They have QB coaches in the film room and on the sidelines, I'll never buy that argument. There are all kinds of "mentors" you can surround a player with that don't need a roster spot. If he needs another mentor, hire some recently retired QB to hang out with EJM.
  13. Well, if it's that predictable where he will throw it, then the Bills have the benefit of knowing where too. Even if he were to catch on that the Bills were luring him, at least he would have some hesitation taking a mismatch for granted.
  14. I keep hearing that Brady knew where he would be going pre-snap, that he was picking out who was the mismatch and immediately throwing to that receiver. I have to think the best way to combat that is to lure him into certain throws. At least if you know where he will throw it, you might be able to take advantage of it.
  15. You can always just block me.
  16. I just think Cassel was the veteran that would replace Tyrod if something happened mid-game, and EJM would start the next game. Ryan mentioned that "they wish they had figured out earlier" that EJM would have a better chance to develop during practices as the #2. Then when Dallas called they had a chance to get something in return for Cassel.
  17. Yes. It was a good learning experience that they will need for the next matchup (and possibly the playoffs). They had a chance to measure themselves against the "real" Patriots. Hopefully they were humbled, and will be better prepared for the next meeting.
  18. I think stepping up in the pocket leaves a QB more vulnerable to a big hit from behind, or just getting engulfed and crushed. I think that makes Tyrod (understandably) uncomfortable. Tyrod is on the short and narrow side of things, so I don't expect any Roethlisberger-style throws, with guys draped all over him, and he is probably better off leaving the pocket, but doing it more decisively, like Russell Wilson.
  19. I couldn't care less where Cassel is, as long as he isn't on the field with the Bills.
  20. Regardless of what Ryan might have felt, when they are racking up 500 yards of passing, it's time for a change. One thing that stuck out, was the lack of big hits by the Bills defenders. I think it had at least a little to do with the type coverage scheme they used. I don't buy heavily into "bullying", but sometimes getting physical with receivers can be effective.
  21. He has been. Cassel was the guy that would finish a game if Tyrod was injured, EJ was the guy that would start the next game.
  22. Nice read. I still don't understand why they wouldn't change up the coverages, after repeatedly being shredded. Even if it was just to see what adjustments the Patriots receivers would make to tight man to man. What the Bills were doing wasn't working at all, in fact it was spectacularly bad.
  23. The League isn't going to dole out a punishment to the team, but you can all do your part. Take care of it "in house". I think Bills fans (that care) should punish themselves (take one for the team), to cleanse themselves of this sin. That way youze guys won't feel guilty should the Bills win the Super Bowl. How about striking your own toe with a ball peen hammer? Maybe some self-flagellation out in the parking lot?
  24. It's an odd call, but for QB's throwing, it's not challengeable. I haven't heard anything about that being a mistake by the officials.
  25. I've never seen a team run the same play twice in a row as often as the Patriots. They will throw a quick pass to the wideout at the line repeatedly, if the CB gives him too much of a cushion.
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