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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I said he was good, but Coughlin is better. Coughlin won Super Bowls with less talent than those Bills teams, and beat juggernaut Patriot teams. Coughlin>Levy There are many different coaching styles that can work, with each guy having his own nice sounding maxims. "Don't confuse effort with results".
  2. Yes there was. They don't have a good outside runner on the roster, so the Giants didn't have to respect that. I don't know, or care what Karlos Williams 40 time is, he doesn't have the game speed to get around the corner. Whenever he tried, he never got turned upfield, and was instead caught sideways and lost yards. It was ugly, and a good outside runner (yep, even Bryce) would have fared better.
  3. I sure hope he starts making pre-snap adjustments. I mentioned this elsewhere, and it's Brady-luv, but Brady mentioned that he never runs a play that is unfavorable to the offense. He doesn't waste plays. If the QB either can't, or isn't allowed to change the play, it's a severe limitation.
  4. I guess, but I would want to know who and how, it was determined that he hasn't "earned" it. I'd also like to know what QB's Roman has worked with, that did "earn it". Even if he has some power to change the play, I definitely think Roman should have figured out that running the ball up the middle wasn't working, and that he should stop calling those plays every first down, and beyond. That's on ROMAN for sure!
  5. Yeah, but he wasn't repeatedly calling the running plays into the middle of the line. Roman didn't give Tyrod a chance to control the game, but instead insisted on using Karlos. I'm not gonna blame Tyrod for this one. If you wanna label Tyrod a failure after a game without the 2 primary weapons playing, it's up to you.
  6. Coughlin is better than Marv, or Rex, and he is actually coaching in the NFL right now. I would much rather Ryan emulate Coughlin at this point. What is relevant about comparing Ryan to Levy right now? Why try to impose Marv Levy's philosophies on to the current Bills? If you want coaching maxims, there are plenty from coaches far more accomplished than Marv Levy (who was very good).
  7. It seems like something about throws short of the 1st down marker needs to be cleared up. The reason there are so many throws in that area, is because that is what the defense allows. They set up right around the marker, so you have 2 choices, throw over them (takes more time, lower percentage throw, and often leads to INT's/tips), or throw it short and run for the 1st. The play design (having other receivers in position to block) is important, the ball placement (hitting the guy in stride, so he can square his shoulders upfield), and the receiver's running ability, are the keys. I don't know which of these were the problems for each of the Bills plays (I recall the receivers not turning upfield, but instead running across the field, and some good defending), but I do know the reason why it is common THROUGHOUT the league to throw short of the marker. To just blame the QB is ridiculous. That said, I think Tyrod needs to improve the kind of timing throws that are being used to nullify the Bills D-line. I don't see many of those kind of plays.
  8. If you feel Woods is better than Hogan, fine. Neither are very good. My real point is that Robert Woods isn't even a good #2. He is nothing special, yet some act like he is a strength of this team. Without Watkins he is invisible, he makes some dumb plays, and he pouts.
  9. Tyrod is fine. The offense stalled because of the poor running game, and poor drive starts. Tyrod is easily the best thing to happen to this team in a decade.
  10. Yep. I think Roman played it safe. Without Watkins and McCoy, he thought "let's rely on Karlos"...bad idea. They couldn't run outside and the Giants knew it. They should have realized it way sooner, and let Tyrod throw it downfield. That might have opened up the ground game a little too.
  11. I've never heard a bully refer to himself as a bully. Let other people call you a bully. Once Ryan started talking, he laid the groundwork for the team identity. Well, they are acting like a bully that just got punched in the face. Their lack of composure when things get tough is "bully tough".
  12. I mentioned this elsewhere. They have no speed at RB, so the Giants didn't have to respect the outside at all today.
  13. I still believe in Tyrod (and the Bills), but he needs to keep learning, and honing his game. I felt the loss was more about the coaches decisions than anything else, and I RARELY feel that way.
  14. I know people will call me a Pats fan, but the quote from Brady about never running a play against an unfavorable defense really stood out to me. YOu just can't waste plays in close games. There are too many instances where Tyrod just runs a play where it's obvious that the defense has the advantage. I don't know if he doesn't see it, or doesn't have the freedom to change the play.
  15. And the end of the 1st half! What were they doing? I figured that Tyrod might be able to get some passes downfield against a prevent defense at the end of the half, but they didn't even try.
  16. Yeah, I could see that, but it wasn't a hard shove. The offical should have been able to tell that it was the defender's own momentum. That's just it, they WEREN'T calling that kind of stuff, they were letting them play physical. It was inconsistent.
  17. Hogan gets open, and catches the ball. Woods rarely does that.
  18. Tyrod needs to get better. Robert Woods isn't that good (not even as good as Hogan). Percy Harvin is not a guy that should have short routes over the middle. The Bills need another RB with speed while McCoy is out. Is Bryce Brown available?
  19. Silliness. He was hugging the defender, and Tyrod was running behind him. Holding. The call that bothered me most was the call on Clay pushing off. There was lots of physical play from the Db's, and that was really mild.
  20. The Patriots were scoring practically every time they had the ball for the first 3 Quarters. The defense kept the score low for most of this game, (and the Giants had pretty good drive starts), but without anything out of the offense the game eventually got away.
  21. The defense struggled, but the offense lost this game. It was NOTHING LIKE the Patriots game. The Giants were held to 16 point for most of the game, but the Bills offense was stonewalled.
  22. Children with an indulgent father. (GreggyT, where are you?)
  23. They were no threat to run outside with Karlos (they tried and failed, badly). Without McCoy to test the outside, and Watkins to pull defenders away from the line a bit, well....they sucked. The Bills would be smart to find a RB with some speed, while McCoy is out. Even a one trick free agent (or try to trade Robert Woods. He is nothing special, and not even as good as Hogan).
  24. Yep. Karlos is no threat to run outside, and they stuffed him repeatedly going up the middle, but the Bills insisted on "establishing the run". The game totally had the feel of a Coughlin game. Boring, with few penalties, and field position emphasized. They controlled the tempo, and the Bills gameplan fit right into what the Giants wanted them to do.
  25. I think not having Watkins or McCoy is a good excuse.
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