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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. He seems like a large part of the problem. I think Taylor is good when healthy, I just don't think he will stay healthy enough to carry the team for a complete season, let alone for multiple seasons.
  2. I think it's Ryan. His defenses don't get sacks, and they haven't had many turnovers in recent years..... A quote from this article http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2327123-rex-ryan-must-be-careful-not-to-repeat-previous-mistakes-with-bills "a lack of edge pressure has been one of the recent downfalls of the Jets defense. Despite being known for an aggressive pass-rushing scheme, only three times (2010, 2013, 2014) did Ryan's defense rank in the top half of the league in sacks. Ryan's defense never mustered more than 45 sacks in a season. " and this http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/defense-carrying-jets-statistically-team-best-2009-article-1.2393213 "The Jets were particularly unlucky when it came to turnovers a year ago. Last season, they ended only 5.6% of opponent drives in a takeaway, the lowest rate in the league since 1997" P.S. - and his offenses suck, and his teams get dumb penalties.
  3. I still think the key isn't "cover everything", but instead to figure out what Brady does in a particular situation, and lure him into it. If he is basing his decision on what he sees pre-snap (which he must be doing, to get the ball out so quickly), there has to be a way to anticipate where he will go. It would involve lots of risk, and some big plays will happen, but it could rattle Brady and get him questioning himself. I don't like the "onside kick every time" type of stuff, it basically tells the players that they are outclassed and need gimmicks to beat another team. It also undermines the players confidence in the coaches ("the coaches don't know what to do, so they are just going to roll the dice"). I think that is bad for a team's mindset.
  4. The fans can take control, IF THEY REALLY WANT IT! http://www.wikihow.com/Develop-Telekinesis Not even cheating can counter the power of "The 12th Man".
  5. Face-painters slouched in their seats. House parties filled with forlorn fans. Torn down decorations, passed out drunken fans. Parking lot fights. Snowed in cars with Bills flags. Fans being arrested for DUI...it's a real struggle being a Bills fan. It's like a breakup every year.
  6. EJM is a home run hitter who strikes out a lot. Matt Cassel is a bunter.
  7. Geezus. Can we just agree that they both suck? I think there are some games/teams that EJM might match up better against, and some that Cassel might do better against....so what? Wringing hands over these 2 guys is ridiculous, because these Bills find so many ways to lose, that anyone can ruin a game for them. The coach, a QB, a backup safety, a fumbler, a ball- dropper, a kicker, a special teams penalty specialist....these guys find a way. There is no way to know how Cassel would have fared, and no way to know who else might have stepped forward to contribute to a loss if Cassel played. Anyone backing either Cassel or EJM in any way at this point, is just being ridiculous.
  8. I can't see why teams wouldn't take the "let him catch it, then pound him" approach. They will likely score anyway, so why not play coverage for the hit?
  9. People here have dismissed it, but I can easily see the Patriots being framed. Like the current sweep of the Jets locker room for bugs. There are other teams with people just as corrupt as the Patriots, so nothing would surprise me. It would be easy to plant a camera, or a microphone, and the Patriots would be assumed guilty. It wouldn't need to be proven, because...well, look at this board.
  10. I never look at things this way. I'm only concerned with what the Bills are doing to make themselves better. That's probably why I don't get upset about the Patriots accomplishments. I don't care what the Patriots may have been up to, because the Bills have been so far out of contention. The Patriots only serve as a model for how to improve.
  11. Right, so Brady shouldn't even have one decent weapon. Nope, he has to be depleted to prove himself. Swap out Gronkowski, and give him the best receiver from just about any team, and Brady will still kick a55. They don't have anyone special in the backfield either. Bitterness.
  12. So we want to go through all the Hall of Famers that probably used PED's?
  13. Yeah, it will be great to strut around and gloat..."haha, silly Tom Brady, embarrassing my team for 15 years, dominating the league at an unprecedented level. You are now a loser Mr. Brady! Sure, my Bills have never won anything, and our team still blows after 20 years without the playoffs, but you suck Tommy Boy!" That will hurt him terribly. Ha, the whole NFL is fueled by PED's and painkillers. They wouldn't vacate a single Patriots victory, any more than they would vacate the Steelers steroid powered championships. More bitterness. It's Brady and Belichick, and anyone without a head full of hate, knows it.
  14. I wonder who wrote it for him?
  15. Where is the team muzzle? Ryan has already stated that he won't muzzle the players, but maybe the muzzle needs to come from the GM or owner? Rex needs a muzzle, too.
  16. Here is a synopsis..."EJ really sucks".
  17. Nah, they are in hiding, waiting for Rex to turn the Bills around, and the Patriots to fumble.
  18. Those quotes didn't mean a thing to the Patriots. They are a well-coached, self motivated group, with a long history of competing at a high level, regardless of any pre-game trash talk. The problem is with the boasting Bills players themselves, who are trying to convince themselves that they can overcome the Patriots. The empty boasting reveals THEIR OWN insecurity, and lack of focus. I was lambasted by a bunch of posters here when I mentioned that Ryan has problems with penalties. Look at my sig. Ryan is too emotional.
  19. Oh, okay. Thanks. You have changed my mind on this. Forget Mallett, apparently he sucks.
  20. No no no! It's a gift from the football gods! C'mon, dude. Opportunities like this happen once in a millenium! THIS IS IT!
  21. What a great story! Troubled, but talented young QB is released mid-season by the worst team in the league, and is picked up by troubled, but talented team in a town starved for playoff success. And right after an international humiliation! It's a perfect fairy-tale! It's all coming together!
  22. He is a good QB "except for his inability to overcome the jitters". But that's the problem. He crumbled, right there in front of the world. He just lost it, and that is the biggest no-no in football, especially for a QB. It's over, EJM will never be reliable.
  23. Seriously. How about some new maxims to hang our hats on? I mean, EVERY coach has those. And I'm done living in this team's past.
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