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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. So everyone is satisfied with his career? Cool, nothing more to discuss. I guess he is truly on his way to the HoF.
  2. If you don't play, you can't have an impact. Lol.
  3. That he is both overrated, and not being used properly, and that possibly he is going to waste with this coaching staff. Is a team message board the wrong place for opinions about the team? I believe there are enough "variables" to keep him out of the top 20. I can be convinced that there are enough variables to keep him out of the top 40. But he is not even in the top 60. Does anyone here think he would be in the top 20 if he played for the Browns? Would he be having Travis Benjamin's season, or better? I don't think he would be doing any better. He is not having enough impact, and none of the counter arguments are convincing. They sound like apologists.
  4. What if they aren't? I thought I made clear that I am a fan of his, but so far the sum total of the HC, OC, game plans, QB's, and Watkins, is not a lot of production, and a 5-4 record (and not being on the field still counts). The many of the guys ahead of him on the list play for some real dysfunctional teams. Like, they have Johnny Football, and Josh McLown passing to them. I am as ready for the big change as you, but until it happens I ain't gonna get giddy about his footwork.
  5. I have some tolerance for injuries, but not when he also has a game with zeros for a stat line. I'm a fan of Watkins, but there are some problems, and I'm not convinced that they are easily solved. I guess I'm just not that into gloating about his footwork, and clowning Revis while Watkins is sitting below Kamar Aiken on the achievement list.
  6. I looked at the list more, and realized that the Browns have three guys higher on the list (20,22, 58), the Texans two (3,47), Redskins three (45, 59, 65), the Jags two (8, 18)....those teams have just as many (if not more) problems as the Bills. It's ridiculous.
  7. I expect improvement, but then I have expected a lot of things to get better that haven't. For about 20 years. I'm more concerned about the people around him, than about Watkins.
  8. I have high hopes for Watkins (obviously), and it's cool to admire the nuances of his game, but when I pull up the list of leading receivers this season...he ain't on it. http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/player/_/stat/receiving 69th (just below Kamar Aiken). There are lots of guys on the list that aren't close to his level of skill and talent. Something needs to change.
  9. I swear they showed this guy in the stands during the broadcast of the game. Anyone else see it?
  10. gee, solid reasoning there.
  11. It's ironic that I believe going into EVERY game, that the Bills will win, while the same people that consider me a traitor, often concede games to the top teams before they are even played.
  12. And I thought you were just trying to be annoying... Picking the lotto numbers is random. Evaluating a team's chances for success based on their history, the skill of their players, their competition, etc, etc, is totally different. I could be wrong, but like everyone here, I'm speculating about this team's record. Nothing about the way they have played suggests they will be able to put together 5 more wins.
  13. What is with you and the emoticons?
  14. Back again? Let's talk penalties, Greggy Boy.
  15. Yeah, I am (and that this team can't win without all 3 of those players). I'm also noting that these guys appear to be nursing injuries that kept them out of games (or serious affected their performance) earlier this year. Do I know the old saying that "everyone is injured at this point of the season? Sure, I also can see when guys get up limping on the same leg injury they just came back from, or favoring a shoulder that was injured. I don't think it's silly to think they might have a recurrence, and that it could bring back the kind of limpid offense we saw without those players (and the offense wasn't very good yesterday). This team is not going to win 5 more games.
  16. I think 4 wins is the about the best that can be expected They have only this week finally put together back-to-back wins, and all 3 of their main offensive weapons sure seem like they are on the cusp of re-injury (Tyrod, Watkins, McCoy). Lose any of them for more than a game, and it's all over. I see 9-7 or 8-8...a miracle might get them into the playoffs with 9-7.
  17. What is going on with barely getting plays off against the play clock? This has been a problem often this season. They haven't run a hurry up offense well at all, either. Roman is to blame. They seem to only have one pace they are able to operate at...slow. This is a big liability, and I don't see it changing.
  18. I searched this forum, and found no references to this. It's a really messed up situation. This video deals with one aspect of the crisis, and it's ugly. No doubt there are many angles to the situation. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/11/watch-anti-migrant-video-going-viral-across-europe/
  19. I like that the sign was torn down, and like that it was Newton that took care of it even more. It's a great dramatic gesture, and that's all it was to me. And they won the game! I'm not worried about "immaturity", or whether he was being a douche to the opposing fans, it was a cool way to rile up the fans, and victimless. They won the game, Newton is playing excellent and they are 8-0. Looks like he knows what he is doing... Newton is loopy, but he hasn't been busted for PED's, cheating, racing cars, drugs, or beating up women. There is nothing to get upset about here.
  20. I think you are giving Ryan's "system" too much credit. I think it was the players, and Fitz and the gang sucking so bad that done it.
  21. Woods needs to come cheap. He is very replaceable. I could see him having some pretty good seasons if he signed with a team that has a strong QB.
  22. Several? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pro_quarterbacks_with_5,000_passing_yards_in_a_season#NFL_players_with_4.2C000_passing_yards_in_a_season
  23. "Where else would you rather be than right here, right now?"- Marv Levy, on the sideline in street clothes.
  24. Trade them the whole D-line (because none of them fit the Ryan Scheme apparently).
  25. That's optimistic? I fear it's true though.
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