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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I have heard guys play super technical drum parts, but who can turn around and play a simple part with a ton of groove. Guys that can play the "silences" too. Neil Peart is all technique. He could never play something like "Beast of Burden" by the Stones, because he can't find the groove. he can't push and pull, instead only hit machine-like, right on the beat. There are plenty of guys that can do both. Peart is just "more is better", cramming as many hits in as possible, and doing it with his @55 tightly clenched. I never claimed Ginger Baker was "the Best", but he is damn good technically, plays great grooves, and plays melodically. Peart tries to make a science out of magic.
  2. I'm hopeful, but I don't know where that kind of consistency would suddenly come from.
  3. Except that these Bills haven't won 3 in a row all season, and have only one set of back to back victories. 4 wins in a row from a team that's as inconsistent as these Bills, against teams still in the playoff race, seems very unlikely
  4. 12 posts in, and no mention of special teams golden boy. Maybe people are coming to their senses.
  5. Not that good. We shall see.
  6. New England limped into Buffalo, and then lost their next 2 games in a row (so far), it's not the same team right now.
  7. The defense was under-performing even when all the guys were out there. Plus this season they have Darby. Every team has injuries. Injuries are not the reason for the drop off...it's Ryan. His NY Jets defense's were never sack machines, and he has always had problems with getting players to be disciplined. His "scheme" doesn't suit the players here.
  8. Do the Chiefs really look like a team that can win 10 in a row? Not to me, and they have 2 division games left, and just like in the AFC East, division rivalry games can be tough.
  9. I don't like the modern tight drum sounds at all. I like rumbling drums . Ginger Baker's phrasing is so great, melodic and varied (unlike Peart's which is almost always mechanical, and symmetrical.... "big 4 measure fill, ends with a single crash, followed by same big 4 measure fill, ends with 2 crashes, followed by same big 4 measure fill, ends with 3 crashes, followed by...." guess what's coming next?)
  10. Yeah, he has his paradiddles down. I think people that struggle with the creative/imaginative aspects of art, cling to technique because it is tangible, measurable. It can be practiced. Peart was obsessive about it, and the fact that he went to a mentor to loosen up his playing, is kind of comical to me.
  11. What are you trying say here? And I didn't use the term "sucks".
  12. What about the article proved me "wrong"? The article makes it clear that Peart felt his playing was too stiff. That was my exact claim, and Neil agreed.
  13. Nope. The term "swing" is also used to describe a drummer's ability to groove. Really, that needs to be explained? And Peart admitted as much..."We became lifelong friends and started working together to loosen up my playing". A little late, what 35 years into his career? All the "classic" Rush albums have the stiff guy playing on them.
  14. You need to resort to name-calling, because I poked a hole in your argument.
  15. Yep, he finally realized he was stiff. Why else would he seek the mentor? It's true that after the mentoring, his playing was better, but his reputation was built on his tightassed playing. I mean, that's the stuff you guys love, right? "YYZ"..."Bytor and the Snow Frog"... Hendrix has nothing to do with Peart. In fact I would consider Hendrix's approach (imagination/feel>technique) to be the opposite of Peart's technocratic approach. Same with Dylan, he couldn't be further from Peart in approach.
  16. Good. He was "The Stiffest Drummer in the World". The guy couldn't swing his way out of a paper bag. His influence on drummers was a bad one.
  17. Then there this map. Notice where the highest rates are (I wonder how closely this aligns with education statistics in these states....hmm.) Firearm Deaths per 100,000 People http://www.businessinsider.com/us-averages-one-mass-shooting-per-day-2015-8 And Alaska tops the list per capita! And Wyoming ain't so great either. Hmmm...
  18. Best: McCoy Watkins Gilmore Darby Tyrod Worst: Mulligan It's actually hard to pick the worst, because many of them rarely see the field outside of Special Teams. But Mulligan really stands out as bad, because they actually use him instead of other TE's that are better.
  19. Gee, maybe observe that more shootings happen in the most populated areas? https://www.google.com/search?q=mass+shooting+map&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwiN1ZrDscrJAhWtuYMKHR--Dh4QsAQIJQ And Colorado doesn't have tight gun control (and if you are counting Columbine, that was BEFORE they "tightened" the laws...http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/21/us/colorado-gun-laws-remain-lax-despite-changes-after-columbine.html?_r=0 And how many of the "mass shootings" are actually black on black, gang-related shootings, where both sides are likely "packing". I'm sure "peace officers" would be thrilled, if virtually every person they came in contact with had a gun (open, or concealed).
  20. Not if they don't care if they live or die, which appears to be the case with most of these recent mass shootings.
  21. My point was "so what?", and that neither of those states have the same circumstances as the heavily populated areas.
  22. Please... the demographics of those states are much different from the more populated states. And Alaska's violent crime rate ain't nothin' to brag about either. http://www.cityrating.com/crime-statistics/alaska/
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