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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. He is fine for about the first 53 minutes of a game. But so many games are won and lost on the last few possessions, and he blows it. I like him personally. He's "Fitztragic".
  2. SO, he reaches the next level, and becomes Just A Guy.
  3. http://www.tmz.com/2016/03/28/axl-rose-ac-dc-in-studio/
  4. Where? Edwards had a 4 game winning streak against some crappy teams...Jay Fielder had three 10+ winning seasons. I watched Trent Edwards, and he was no Jay Fiedler. And Alex Smith isn't taking anyone to the Promised Land. He can't advance in the playoffs. After he was with the Bills, where he had Chan Gailey (who actually squeezed some wins out of Fitzlacksit), Edwards had a chance with Andy Ried. Everywhere he went, he failed.
  5. I thought his ceiling was the second coming of Jay Fiedler, at best. (Actually, Fiedler was way better). Anyone else out there like Trentative, "pre-scrambled"?
  6. Well, the real question is "were you happy with his development prior to "the hit"? The pro's and con's have already been discussed ad nauseam, I'm just curious to see which people here are on which side. It's either "he was developing into a QB good enough to lead the Bills to the promised land, with the right cast around him", or "he wasn't good enough, even before he had his brain scrambled".
  7. A show of hands...how many people here really believe this crap?
  8. Any more Hagar fans? I just wanna know which guys here are "like that".
  9. My contempt for Hagar (and his fans) has no limit.
  10. There aren't many guys that can sing like Brian Johnson, but I think Rose can pull it off. It's more his personality that I think will be a problem. Axl is such a prima donna, I can't imagine Angus Young putting up with it, after him and Malcolm running the show for so long.
  11. Neither Thomas or Treadwell look quick. They are big, but not 6'5" type guys. I don't expect anything spectacular from either.
  12. Yeah great, except this story isn't about you. The fact that the kid is home schooled isn't what makes it over the top (though I have a feeling that, as the son of a multi-millionaire, he probably has better access to a fine education than you did). What takes it over the top is that not only is he home schooled, but that the rest of the time he is spending with his father in a MLB locker room (and that you think that is a better place to get an education in "real life").
  13. You have a wonderful imagination.
  14. I don't want it swept under the rug, I want it discussed as absurd. The guy is living in a fantasy world, yet some people are backing him.
  15. Yeah, get real, that Patriot team was arriving in wheelchairs. People hanging on to Fitz is comical.
  16. It's ridiculous. I can't believe it even needs to be discussed as anything but absurd.
  17. I don't have much invested, I don't even watch baseball. I'm well aware that people like him exist, and maybe a cloistered, "life is a country club" world is the aspiration of a significant number of people, but I have no sympathy for it.
  18. You think he looks like a "hero"? He looks like a nut job. He is the son of a major league player, and appears to have grown up a coddled athlete, and now he is in some weird fantasyland, and bringing his own kid along into it. And the locker room probably has other guys just as delusional. I'm all for shaping your own reality, but this guy gets no sympathy from me.
  19. PRO DAY RESULTS 40-yard dash: 4.55 seconds He doesn't look very fast on the field to me, either. He's not really a deep threat at the NFL level. I would prefer Josh Doctson to Thomas, for this Bills team.
  20. I hope he signs with the Patriots for the vet minimum.
  21. I'm sure there are some guys that can develop, and will be good players, but for 1st round talent, I'm not impressed. The 2 guys that would seem to be good compliments to Watkins, Treadwell and Ohio State's Thomas, both look big, but slow. I'm hoping they pick up a free agent WR, but that seems unlikely as well.
  22. It pains me to say it, because I would like them to get another good prospect at WR, but this years crop is bad. I'm hoping for a QB or O-lineman.
  23. So did Ryan Tannenhill and Sam Bradford (against the NE team playing on one leg). And then of course, there was the Bills game a week later, with everything on the line, against a team with nothing to gain.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhrzPFmfYu0 Love him up, CB97! Just wash his balls publicly, right here in this forum.
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