"Commonsense" is having no problem understanding my point, but somehow you don't feel I'm "backing up" my point.
Here it is....I want them to approach the drafting of a QB as if they expect him to become the starter, not drafting a guy thinking "well, he doesn't really have the skills to be a starter, but he is good at everything else."
Tyrod is good, but the idea (to me at least) is to improve on what your starter. If there is a guy that they feel can become a better starter than Tyrod available when they pick, I want them to do it. They have gone too long without a quality starter, and they have had so few opportunities to select one, that they need to jump on it when it presents itself.
If there isn't a guy the feel will be better than Tyrod, stick with EJM, and either use a 6th/7th rd pick (I would rather it wasn't Hogan, but rather a "high risk, high reward" type), or get a free agent.