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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Hahaha! It was a stupid thing to say. There is no situation where a team would give up 2 1st round picks for EJM. None.
  2. Eventually these feeble protests will be worn out. I'm kinda glad that there have been some really silly ones. Keep'em coming.
  3. I have seen enough of his behavior these past seasons, to know he will make a fool of himself (and any organization foolish enough to let him represent them).
  4. B-b-b-but he is so well spoken, and has thought deeply about this very serious, and important issue. He shouldn't be treated like a child or a clown! He is stepping forward as a leader in race relations!
  5. Possibly. As I said, "viewing the movement as having the best of intentions".
  6. Even if viewing the movement as having the best of intentions, the underlying message is "We have to handicap whitey (especially the men) until everyone can win a trophy". That will turn into The Special Olympics.
  7. Now Watkins gets involved. It would be glorious if a high percentage of players refused to stand, and the fans reacted by plummeting TV ratings and attendance.
  8. Because you ignored everything else about my post, to expound on my use of the term "globalism", (even though I mentioned totalitarianism earlier). I could have used more specific language, but was in a bit of a hurry. I think it was motivated by a resentment over previous conflicts regarding Deflategate. No big whup. I don't intend to comment here on politics regularly, but as I mentioned, I felt I should acknowledge my misguided comment, and the change in my thinking. I'm happy these views are being discussed here, because people need to read these perspectives.
  9. Thank you. I was merely a "Democrat" really, but had accepted some of the progressive ideas. Now I can see how it is being used to undermine the election (and far beyond). I came to the Politics forum, and noticed I had posted in this thread way back, nearly 2 years ago, then saw that I had a complete change of perspective since that time, and felt I should acknowledge it. If I'm dismissed as a troll, no big deal. I usually stay off politics on a sports forum, I get my fill elsewhere. I think many here are dicks, but at least they are dicks against Hillary, and progressivism.
  10. ha. Not trolling at all, unfortunately. But maybe you're all dicks. That's fine with me, I was just acknowledging my previous mistaken assumption. Not sure what part of my post could be construed as trolling.
  11. I'm fine with this kind of protest, except that when White people make protestations (as in, mention it at all) on the disproportionate Black on White crime, they are immediately attacked as racists.
  12. Oh, &^*^ off. I was keeping it simple, and didn't define "globalism". The issues here are way more important than our feelings about Tom Brady. But you have to be a dick.
  13. My awareness took a leap during the Clockboy "scandal". It became apparent that, among virtually all my peer group, even questioning Ahmed's motivations was enough to have you branded a racist. From there to the Roosh (pickup artist) "scandal", where a tasteless "pro-rape" satire provokes death threats, yet from the same attackers not a single mention of actual rapes by migrants throughout the EU. I expect Hillary to do for relations between the sexes, what Obama did for race relations. The refugee crisis is beyond the pale. The Orlando killer story...immediately converted into a gun issue. Even if they stopped selling any guns TODAY, there are so many guns already in circulation, that any terrorist would have no trouble obtaining one (or would just make a bomb, or run people over with a car, or....). Transgender...BLM...no need to go on, really. I'm preaching to the choir. I have always been on "the Left", and throughout my life, it was the Right that I associated with censorship, and suppression of information. Now it is clear that "progressivism" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have always been dismissive of conspiracy theories, but the table is being set for globalization, and it appears there is no way around it.
  14. Way back at the start of this thread, I was all Hillary. Today, I'm here to tell you I was a fool. My apologies. Hillary is the most blatantly corrupt Presidential candidate I can conceive of, and my political views have completely changed. I see totalitarianism on the horizon.
  15. I finally agree with GreggyT!
  16. Stats, reason, logic...these things only tighten their grip.
  17. Self-loathing runs deep in Kaepernick. Hopefully he gets help.
  18. C'mon people! He's doing it to benefit humanity.
  19. Next up, people insisting that a flag of their choosing is honored before events, along with the American flag. Canada will lead the way by adopting this practice first.
  20. hahaha, I looked it up! It's because his eyes are so close together. Meh, he's a clown, and will only further embarrass himself (and any movement he attaches himself to).
  21. Why make him into a martyr? That's likely what he is aiming for. Just make fun of him.
  22. He is positioning himself a victim, as his career "moves forward".
  23. I didn't see the game, did Robert Woods contribute?
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