My awareness took a leap during the Clockboy "scandal". It became apparent that, among virtually all my peer group, even questioning Ahmed's motivations was enough to have you branded a racist. From there to the Roosh (pickup artist) "scandal", where a tasteless "pro-rape" satire provokes death threats, yet from the same attackers not a single mention of actual rapes by migrants throughout the EU.
I expect Hillary to do for relations between the sexes, what Obama did for race relations.
The refugee crisis is beyond the pale.
The Orlando killer story...immediately converted into a gun issue. Even if they stopped selling any guns TODAY, there are so many guns already in circulation, that any terrorist would have no trouble obtaining one (or would just make a bomb, or run people over with a car, or....). need to go on, really. I'm preaching to the choir.
I have always been on "the Left", and throughout my life, it was the Right that I associated with censorship, and suppression of information. Now it is clear that "progressivism" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I have always been dismissive of conspiracy theories, but the table is being set for globalization, and it appears there is no way around it.