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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. I hate the offensive philosophy, and don't think they have the right players to execute it either. Again, a clown show. When they couldn't get a play off before the 2 minute warning (again!), the lack of urgency, ugh. It's the coaching, and the scheme, and it's bad.
  2. The question for me is "What can be done now, to best lay the groundwork for the future?" A message needs to be sent that these performances are unacceptable, and the organization is determined to weed out problems.
  3. I don't know...you tell me. I don't really hold TT any more responsible than EJ, Ryan, Watkins, Clay, Dareus, Whaley, etc. He is just another guy that can't or isn't doing his job well, and has let down the organization. There are so many to choose from.
  4. It's a clown show. A head has to roll THIS WEEK. Someone benched, or cut, or fired. What would Darth Vader do?
  5. I hate to pull out a cliche, but "it's the culture". Heads need to roll, and the standards need to be raised for every job in the organization. I mean everything, short of a name change.
  6. Looks like they have brought back the old JP Losman Rope-a-Dope Offense! Play inept, lull the defense, and chuck it deep.
  7. It's a clown show. The Jets have surpassed them, the Raiders have surpassed them, the Dolphins have surpassed them. This organization is now at the Cleveland Browns level.
  8. Wait until they play these Bills...ratings through the roof!
  9. Meh, I don't revel in him being injured, but I don't have much sympathy for him. He has squeezed a great living out of just a few plays, and he was lucky enough to go down after making one great play. Now he can stretch his career that much farther. It's really working out great for him, actually.
  10. Maybe they can start trading away some of these players for draft picks, mid-season. Maybe Denver is still interested in Tyrod...
  11. I don't know if Brandon is to blame. I know that anyone that wanted Wrex as head coach is to blame.
  12. I already wrote this season off. I'm not going to go out of my way, or skip out on doing other things, to watch them.
  13. Yeah, but the point is, it's because they aren't any good. It's not the schedule, it's the Bills, and their crappiness. They could have filled out the schedule's non-division games with the other bottom feeders of the league, and this Bills team would still miss the playoffs, methinks.
  14. You aren't one of the people making the claims I referred to ("Every game is a must win", "Every division game is a must win") I don't believe any game this early is a "must win", because we don't really know how good the rest of the teams on the schedule really are yet, AND teams have made the playoffs with divisional losses (obviously). Every team loses games, even the eventual champion. I think this team just sucks, and isn't going to make the playoffs because they suck. Not because a loss to a division opponent in Week 2 was some kind of "must win". Any team worth a crap could overcome a loss tonight.
  15. I define "must win" as "if they lose, they won't make the playoffs", or a playoff game that ends the season. Let's hear some other definitions, cuz I'm confused when I see things like "every game is a must win" or "I consider all divisional games must win".
  16. #dickingbimbos ...that's the best hashtag ever. I really hope it trends high, into November.
  17. Coming up on the agenda.... "Urinals must be eliminated, and toilets will no longer have a raise-able seat, in any government buildings" I mean it.
  18. I know, but at almost 2 decades now, it's time for some "real talk". I have seen this movie enough to know how it unfolds. It should have been obvious to Pegula after last season, but to see the same problems right out of the gate, and with nothing to point to as a tangible improvement....I can't play the fool for a whole season again. I wish you well.
  19. 85% of Hillary supporters believe leaving the seat up is sexist.
  20. Agreed. The team wasn't that good last season, and I can't see where people are expecting improvement. The offense is virtually the same players. I guess there should be some improvement because of continuity. Defensively, maybe people expect some improvement from Darby, and addition by subtraction of Mario Williams? Not much to hang your hat on. I can't think of a single positive development in the off-season. There was basically zero help from the draft. No important free agent acquisition. Any improvements are pretty much supposed to come from continuity, returning injured players, and development by players that were on last season's roster. Like "we were all set, player-wise. Now we just need to get everyone on the same page. Go Bills!" It's a bad joke, on the Bills fan.
  21. They suck, and aren't going anywhere, regardless of this game's outcome. But if we are lucky, they will lose, and Pegula will roll either Ryan's or Roman's head. Their incompetence is obvious. Let's move forward as soon as possible.
  22. Meh. I understand the love, but Fred is too old, and it's over. Is there a single player on this team that has been a starter on a Super Bowl team? A playoff team even? McCoy, I guess..but I barely recognize him as a Buffalo Bill. He hasn't really established himself as a Bill in my mind, as a fan. I used to think that kind of stuff was overrated, but when a team is starting from scratch, it could help set a foundation. I think they are floundering around without direction.
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