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Prickly Pete

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Everything posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Up next "Biden Island". Biden is F***** This is going to get VERY ugly And Greg may have been so right that I'm actually pretty frightened.
  2. Have they been released without charges, like Antifa?
  3. Love this quote... “To me, he was like Tesla or Louis Pasteur or Ray Kurzweil. He might not have been working with circuits or engines or whatnot. He was working with musical notes and guitar strings and bridges and amplifiers.” – Kirk Hammett
  4. EVH has been a massively influential human. Even beyond his guitar playing, I would see how his DIY attitude and experimental approach to his equipment inspired people around me in areas beyond music. Even the paint job on his guitar seeped it's way into graphic/Pop art. An incredible person.
  5. How much of what Deranged Rhino posted here YEARS ago has turned out to be accurate (so far)? What's the score between Deranged Rhino and Tibs (or any of those other ****heads)? I think it's 254 to 0 (I might be off a little, because it's so hard to keep up).
  6. They'll protest if Trump wins the election.
  7. I have 100+ on my list. Many from the football forum...I just can't stand questions like "If you could pick one player from the 90's Bills to play on this team, which would it be?" When that other Bills forum went down, there was an influx of people that I didn't feel I needed to read posts from. It's all about tailoring the board to suit your needs. I see nothing wrong with keeping your feed tight.
  8. Then block him.
  9. This is exactly what the "Ignore" feature is for. No one is obligated to sift through the ridiculous posts of trolls, to somehow maintain that they have an open mind to counter arguments. Just block them.
  10. Really? "It sounds like him" is good enough for you fools at this point? This story is from 2018, and they just decide to pull it out of their hat. You haven't seen enough false smearing of Trump by the media to disregard anonymous sources, and hearsay from years ago?
  11. Sure. And when someone says "Make America great again" they likely don't mean "Make America Great Again", and aren't referring to the Trump slogan. And if the NBA paints "Make America great again" on their courts, it would be A-OK, and only insane Leftist's would confuse that uplifting message with supporting Trump.
  12. Take us to the Hamptons, Augie.
  13. At this point anyone using the term "black lives matter" certainly knows that it refers directly to the organization. There are plenty of other ways to get across the sentiment of black lives mattering than using the the same term. But then, you already know that, but want to act disingenuous....because you are full of crap..
  14. Okay, let's say "Until I hear them disavow Black Lives Matter the organization, I won't watch". Many (most?) of the players certainly donate and openly support BLM. ***** em.
  15. Done with the NFL until they stop sending money to Black Lives Matter, so that pretty much means I'm done with the NFL, and other major professional sports for a very long time. They can send money to other organizations that help those communities, and I will be fully supportive. Until then, I don't care if the Bills play in the Super Bowl, I won't be following it.
  16. How will the criminal acts be laid out, if the country is in chaos/civil war?
  17. In LA, it is very bad. Trump needs to do something.
  18. Are there still protests in Buffalo?
  19. Really sick and sad beliefs. Pathetic people that want to impose their unhappiness on the rest of humanity. Again, I know more than a few of these people.
  20. I still don't know a single Democrat that will care in the least if ALL the people implicated in this are guilty, or even if it is proven that they were staging a coup. They are willing to loot, vandalize and beat the opposition, you think they care if Obama had a database that was weaponized against people they think are deplorable? No ***** way They will think it's justified, and probably be excited that it exists. Sure I want this exposed, but again, unless there is damnable proof of the past administration committing crimes against ALL the people, it won't matter in the least.
  21. This exactly what these people are about, and the main reason I dropped my support for the Left. Social media is filled with little tests and groupthink challenges to get everyone to conform, or "be exposed". "Everyone should turn their profile black, in support of the protesters"...if you don't you are clearly a racist POS. Social media is filled with this stuff and kids are particularly pressured by these tactics. Even the "I Voted" stickers are a mild form of this. It's nobody's business whether I voted or not. It's a shaming tool. ***** them all.
  22. They will equivocate through this endlessly, and the Left media will dominate their outlets with talk of Russians, White Nationalists, and needing a leader with a "strong moral compass".
  23. It helps gun manufacturers, mostly.
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