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Everything posted by eSJayDee

  1. 14 minutes and 55 seconds. 14 minutes and 56 seconds ... We can only hope.
  2. Now I know why I'm not married. I was born 30 yrs too late. That is just tooooo funny. I have my doubts that it's for real.
  3. I haven't been to any practices, so I'm only basing my opinion on what I've read & more importantly, what I saw in the 1st PS game, but I think KH NEEDS to play. Not to determine whether or not he should be our starter, but whether or not it's worth keeping him at all as opposed to Klingsbury(sp?). Likewise, we don't know what we have in Nall, so really ALL QB positions are up for grabs (2nd, 3rd, 'on the street', & to a lessor extent 1st string). The question is whether we can keep 4 on the roster til after the 4th game when our non-starters will have more opportunity to play. (Traditionally, the 3rd PS game, starters play the most.)
  4. Trivia answer It's a football game (football stratomatic?) that uses offensive card overlapped w/ defensive cards resulting in a probability matrix that is 'randomly' determined by flicking a beed w/ a pointing in its seam between 2 springs. A & B Divide is when the 2 RBs (A & B), go out in short 'Go' routes 'dividing' the pocket. Wwow, haven't played that in about 30 years. Fun game though, but IIRC, the odds made for some unrealistic results. (I used to keep stats. Yes, I'm a geek.) p.s. Until proven otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, our best player is still kept off the field on 3rd downs. Moorman only plays on 4th.
  5. Like you, I'm of the opinions that having (& using ) brain power is always a good thing. However, I think it was last year, a discussion came out that some teams have target Wonderlics for various positions. In other words, there's some positions where they ideally want someone that doesn't go ABOVE their target.
  6. I thought I read somewhere that Marv likes to know what's going on during practice so he can follow along better seeing specifically who is doing what & how well they're doing their assignments. His clipboard is probably a list of plays, etc. If QBs (whose job it is to know this stuff) can have cheat sheets on wrist bands, why can't a GM (who has many other responsibilities) use a clipboard?
  7. Like I imagine most typical fans, I find the number and frequency of commercials during games to be quite annoying. The fact that many years ago, a game often finished in less than 3 hours. Now, after numerous rule and policy changes, they're to the point where a game finishing in under 3 hours is a rarity. In fact, it seems like prime time games are seldom finished in less than 3 1/2 hours. It'll be interesting to see what happens on the NFL network, now that they will have production control over their own games. Will they cater to the fan & have more reasonable commercial breaks, or will they be as bad as the other networks?
  8. I've got to disagree w/ so much of what you said. Sorry. If those guys aren't good enough to make our roster, (bear in mind, our offense has been near the bottom of the league for a couple years), I've gotta think there aren't too many teams that they would be major contributors on. As for being trade bait, if someone like Moulds is worth little more than a box of tape, what do you think a team would give up for someone who if he isn't on the street in a couple weeks, is basically equivalent to dozens of others? You don't make a trade for a 4th or 5th WR. As for them being snatched up quickly that is perhaps somewhat true. Wilson & Nance seem to have promise and are eligible for PS, so they would likely be picked up (& likely put on PS). Aiken is a proven ST contributor, so some team that is a bit weak/thin at WR & wants a ST producer will likely pick him up (maybe w/ ties to Greggggg in Wash or Mularkey in Mia?). If Davis doesn't make it here, that'll be 3 relative failures for him; I don't see anyone overly anxious to grab him. I would assume Fast Freddie is not eligible for PS & other than as a returner, hasn't shown much, so he, too, could likely find himself flipping burgers.
  9. I don't think it's an issue of cameras 'at RWS'. It's whatever cameras & equipment the broadcasting network chooses to set up each week. Last year, CBS only broadcast like 2 games in HD /week (typically their marque games). Few of them were the Bills & I don't recall if they were home or away. Fox broadcast all games in HD & did telecast our games that we hosted vs NFC teams in HD. Hopefully, CBS gets w/ the program this year but I haven't heard anything one way or the other.
  10. 1st time I read that, I thought the 'them' was referring to the kids!
  11. Wasn't it the OLine coach, who I think was Tom Breslahan(sp?)? Nicolau was WR coach, IIRC.
  12. It depends on the severity of the injury. There's a 'tweek', where you should take it easy for a couple of days. Being a QB although it might hamper him some, it wouldn't even prevent him from fully partaking in practice. At the other end of the spectrum is the 'having trouble limping for weeks', which would effectively remove him from starting QB contention. Not having seen the incident, I would assume that it's more likely toward the minor side, in which case, there's ample opportunity to continue to observe him equally w/ the the other candidates.
  13. I'm assuming you're not going into this business totally cold. i.e. you have some experience, hopefully professional in it. Get copies from several other firms of their proposals and contracts. Use them as a guide. (Heck, in my experience that's all you get when you pay a few thousand for a lawyer to do it. They just cut and paste sometimes not even understanding what they're doing.) As for actually drawing them up, any old word processor should do the trick.
  14. Ah yes, The Entirely Sabres Network. Seriously, for Bills news it certainly was better than any other outlet available here. (Although it probably was no better than the Buffalo locals or maybe even Rochester's.)
  15. I've got TW in Albany. Customer svc is great, surprisingly. There are occasional glitches in the signal & since it's usually multiple channels, I would assume that it's TW's problem, not networks. They actually have a pretty decent line-up of HD channels here; better than Directv. The one thing that is/was annoying is that until fairly recently my 'digital cable' consisted of many analog feeds, which my spiffy new HD Plasma doesn't handle so well. I switched from Directv to TW last fall after getting a new HD TV & not wanting to fork out like $500 for a HD DVR rcvr. Yes, I miss my Sunday Ticket, but I was never too found of the NFL Network. Maybe this year it'll be more necessary to have, in which case I'll likely go w/ Dish, primarily due to more HD channels. As for cable being your only alternative, we've had this discussion b4. If you have a balcony &/or porch, I believe you are legally able to have a small satellite dish (i.e. management can't prohibit you putting one up on 'your' property). Whether or not you can 'see' the signal is another issue.
  16. I think the main problem of using CC is that it's like what 20 years later & this is suppose to be a prequel w/ Fletch being a Jr Editor. Don't think having a 50 or 60 YO man play a glorified errand boy would look too good. Also, for that matter for the target demographic for a movie like this Braff is likely a better fit.
  17. I have a friend who's from around there & her sister teaches there. I've forwarded your inquiry & hopefully will hear back in the not to distant future.
  18. Actually isn't he setting back the movement by NOT protecting his tail? (That phrase can be taken more than one way.)
  19. Well, yes. Watching the kid would detract from her ability to do HER work.
  20. What, the guy probably asked him for a job & being the upstanding citizen that he was, obliged him in the only fashion he knew.
  21. You have 11 players on offense and 11 on defense. You're basically required to carry a few ST specialists (K, P, LS). You need a few extra players for situational substitutions (extra TEs, WR, DB, pass rusher, etc); let's say 10 there. You also need players that serve primarily as truly backup/replacements (QB, interior line, RB, LB). I contend that these 'replacements', even if they aren't accounted for in the situational 'roster', can be filled w/ about 10 players. That leaves roughly 10 roster spots 'free', of which pperhaps 5 will be active on any given game, to do w/ as you please. I would think if the option is between a superlative ST player that will see action several plays every game & likely will produce improved results or a borderline substitute that you'd prefer to be anchored to the bench, you choose the ST contributor. So yes, I think it is justified to keep perhaps 5 players who are kept primarily for their ST contributions. Bear in mind, back in 'the day' when Levy was coach when rosters were even smaller (although situational substitutions weren't as predominant), Tasker & Pike were kept for MANY years exclusively for their ST contributions & I'm sure several players were kept PRIMARILY cuz of them rather than perhaps more talented players at their 'real' positions.
  22. I checked & it totalled $2586 in 2005. Bear in mind, I don't have ANY gas (not available) or fuel oil. I know electric is more expensive than other fuels for heating and apparently here in NYS, we have one of the higher rates (what a surprise). That's for a single person living in a roughly 1600 sq ft house, BTW.
  23. Electric heat. Cheapest bill is over $100/month in the Spring/Fall. Winters are cold here (although probably not as bad as Minn). I think I pay roughly 12¢ /kwh plus various other charges.
  24. Dang, that's gotta really suck. I gripe and moan about the fact that I lose power almost weekly, but it's seldom for more than an hour. I almost posted a gripe post here about the 'rebate' I got from NationalGrid for roughly $5 for them failing to achieve their performance objectives. I spend ~$3000 for electricity & delivery & I get a pitiful $5 credit? Wow, I bet they're losing sleep over that penalty.
  25. It would seem to me to only be worthwhile if he thought that he had a high likelihood of a successful suit (or settlement) AND it will amount to a significant amount of work. I would think that the physical pain of having your knee trashed & even if there are psychological impacts of rehab would pale in comparison w/ the crap he is and will have to endure having people know that he's suing the Bills. He better be prepared to move out of the area.
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