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Everything posted by eSJayDee

  1. What I find most astonishing is that he's supposedly turned over like 12,000 illegals over a 10 yr period. That's like 3/day! Either our Border Patrol isn't doing their job or this problem is WAY more severe than I imagined. I would imagine that there's a significant # of Law Enforcement Officers that perform less than 3 arrests /day. Maybe I live a pretty sheltered life (thankfully), but this guy has to resort to doing this for myself? He shouldn't have to.
  2. FWIW, I've always known midnight as 12 AM & noon as 12 PM. I'm hardly an authority though. Coincidentally, I was reading this thread as the noon siren went off (that's primarily why I posted).
  3. It depends on many factors. What type of investment the loss was in, whether the loss was realized or unrealized. Basically, I believe you can claim a loss of up to $3000 to offset ordinary income. Beyond that, you either need to carry the loss fwd or file amended tax returns for previous yrs offsetting those gains w/ this yrs losses.
  4. I don't know where they derive most of their income (I should, I'm a stockholder), but I suspect it's substantially due to refining. The have a very small share of the world crude mkt (I'd guess maybe 5%) but I suspect have a substantial mkt share of US refining. More important than high oil prices is the (what I assume to be) historically high crack spread. Unleaded & Heating Oil are WAY higher in relation to Crude than what they typically are.
  5. I'll propose a theory, not that I necessarily believe it. Bear in mind, I have no background in either genetics or biology in general, not even in HS. Athletes are, well, more athletic than the general population, which at least in one way makes them genetically superior (Some positions - QB, & OL come to mind are also at least as mentally gifted as the general population on avg). I believe the way genetic selection works is there's a dominant & a recessive gene. When determining a simple characteristic, one parent supplies one possible outcome & the other another. If they're both the same, obvious results. If they're diff, the dominant one wins. Only when 2 recessive genes match is that characteristic inherited. I'll interject that w/ less specific binary decisions (i.e. IQ level) it's possible that the "roll of the dice" isn't as simple as that. As athletes are atypical, they presumably carry (more) atypical genes as well. Thereby giving them a better chance of producing atypical offspring. It's also possible that their genes are more "dominant" and therefore will also contribute to a less balanced genetic profile in their offspring, i.e. even their "bad" genes are more likely to "win out" relative to a parent w/ a more avg profile. Just a (possibly inane) theory. Sincerely Yours, Cliff Claven Also WRT the baldness that's explainable. Athletes have more testosterone than the avg guy. Male Pattern Baldness is caused by some sort of faulty conversion/process of Testosterone. The more you have, the more likely you are to be (more) bald.
  6. There's a line in the Elton John-Kiki Dee song, "don't go breakin my heart" that's "I've got your heart in my sights". For the longest time, I thought it was "I've got you hiding my socks".
  7. And in exchange for that, they get income tax on probably about $200m, which is what, maybe $15m (that's one factor that I've never thought of about having a game in Toronto, NYS loses out on Income Tax presumably on about $8m). Sales tax revenue, increased upper echelon property values in WNY leading to lower school/property taxes for everyone else. Seems a worthwhile concession for financial reasons only let alone the "quality of life" aspect that it contributes to so many, especially those in WNY.
  8. Didn't read the story, but it being the middle of winter, I'd be the water is SUBSTANTIALLY colder than 20°C.
  9. I use a guideline that for normal sized guys, 1 extra inch in hgt = about 5 lbs. Now, not only is she far shorter than a avg guy, she's also about 2x the wgt. So for her, each inch is prolly 10-15 lbs. Extrapolate that to the hgt of a normal guy & you're talking about around 400 lbs. That's LARGE. I gotta think that only a small %age of the population exceeds that. I don't know much about MRI machines or the imaging, but I suspect it's a VERY expensive machine to produce, but has a ltd lifespan & isn't used too often, so ergo it's not practical to make an extra large machine for the very limited cases where one is required.
  10. After 13 months of waiting and ever knows how many calls to Oklahoma, they issued me a "provisional approval" (I don't recall the exact term). (It probably took them all of 5 minutes to review my paperwork for approval, but in the mean time they had already spent ever knows how many hrs losing my paperwork, making the AME refile, trying to find status, etc. ARGH, just so disgusting ) This allowed to continue my training (Personally, I think it's equally as dumb that if they're not sure of if this would make me an unsafe pilot, they then allow me to fly solo :duh: ) I had the option of either taking a separate "demonstrated ability exam", or have it incorporated in my Checkride. I opted for the latter (which I failed), but the Examiner allowed me to continue to complete the necessary items for the Demonstrated Ability (which I passed).
  11. When the doc goes "follow the pencil" or whatever & moves it around in front of you, I can only assume that it's apparent that one eye points one way & the other doesn't, i.e. you look cross-eyed except in my case it's the opposite.
  12. Let me know if I'm understanding this right. In a given yr, roughly 7% of the 15-19 yo female population is preggo? It doesn't say whether or not these pregnancies result in births, I significantly hope not. Since that age range consists of 5 yrs, does that mean that the chances of a given girl at some time in her late teens is like 1/3? (I do realize that there are likely many "repeat offenders".)
  13. Diplopia(sp?) Basically it's a vision/neurological problem the only symptom that I was aware of is that when I look up and left, I see 2 images. For most of my field of vision, my vision is normal, for another 25% or so, I can "fight" the natural tendency of images from both eyes diverging, but for maybe 15% of my field of vision, there's nothing I can do. After seeing and speaking w/ an AME opthamologist I've discovered that I have no depth perception when looking up & that I likely have more trouble tracking fast moving objects than "normal" people. I went to this AME to provide ammunition for my petition that my vision caused no problem. (Seriously, never thought it would, it's not something I think about. I function fine in all aspects (sports, driving, juggling) WRT vision. Sorry, don't know what you're saying/asking? Can you clarify? But to reiterate, I was/am disgusted at the ineptitude and general clusterf$¢k that is the aeromedical division.
  14. Getting your 3rd class medical soon is a good idea. Although, check into the new Sport Pilot license rather than Private Pilot. There was talk of not needing a medical for that (provided you hadn't already failed one). (I no longer fly, so I'm really not up to date on info.) I was a student pilot, but gave it up as I figured it wasn't worth the effort & expense to pursue unless I was willing to buy a plane. I'll interject that I'm not good at diverting my attention on several things w/o fixating, which means I'm not naturally good at flying. I waited until I was ready to solo to take my medical. It got "deferred". 13 months later, I got provisional approval. I largely had to start my training over. Don't get me started on home $#%^&! inept the FAA Aeromedical division is. My familiarity is several yrs old, so bear this in mind. At the time, minimum # of hrs required was 40, but only 30 if you went through a particular type of school training. The avg b4 taking a checkride (essentially your driving test plus a fairly extensive oral exam) was like 79. I used to flight plan for 8 gal/hr in a Cessna 172. At the time, gas was ~$2.50 IIRC (price is much more stable than auto pump gas BTW) & you could rent a "trainer" for anywhere from $50-$80/hr (flight time). Assume the cost would be $10 or more per hr more now due primarily to increased gas cost. Gotta say that landing a plane, by yourself, is an exhilarating sensation. If nothing else, I'd recommend trying it for a few hrs. Hope this was helpful. Good luck.
  15. Very solid assessment, though personally I'd give a few higher grades. Whitner is a solid starter & I think he makes a better FS than SS, so I think he deserves a higher grade, maybe a B. As some of McCargo's can be attributable to injury issues, I'd be reluctant to give him an F; D- for now. Curious that you grade Williams below Butler, yet he has contributed throughout his career & I think quite well for a 5th rounder. I think I might switch these two guys grades.
  16. I own a '68 Charger. Money no object, I'd like to have a 70s E-body convertible. I'm looking into buying either a '69 Charger or a B-body convertible. It's Mopar or no car, baby.
  17. Isn't scouting based primarily regionally? AFAIK, she isn't responsible for any region, so presumably she just adds her 2¢ to the final evaluation process.
  18. Big gift was a portable volleyball net system.
  19. Geez, you're right the guy is dumb. Everyone knows Oxy-acetylene works much better on ice.
  20. He's saving himself for the important game in Hawaii. Why risk injury & risk not being able to play there. Common man. Priorities.
  21. No. At least I hope not. Presumably based on the book, about a man, his dog (& their family). Marley is the dog (yellow lab IIRC).
  22. It's Catherine Bell. (Rayzers that is. Mine is my dog, Pooch.)
  23. How bout just the opposite? Jauron thinks the other coach is just as bad as him & figures that either he will call the TOs or they'll be so dumb as to have the clock expire b4 they kick the figgie.
  24. Worked for me. Trying cutting & pasting to browser address rather than linking directly.
  25. Note that I did put "avoidable" in parentheses. I'm assuming it's a muscle strain. Unlike something like your leg snapping, a muscle strain/pull, at least to some extent, the probability of one occurring and the severity can be lessened by good conditioning, diet and hydration. Look at it this way, in the extreme case, who is more likely to get a back strain, some 50 something outta shape desk jockey doing something strenuous for the 1st time in yrs, or an elite 23 YO athlete doing the same thing? The difference is conditioning.
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