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Everything posted by eSJayDee

  1. I attended UB in the 80s, so I don't know how relevant my opinion would still be, but I'd STRONGLY discourage you from transferring. The ramifications of these few yrs spent in school will have long term repercussions on your career & perhaps other aspects of your life. I took at couple of classes at smaller colleges & the experience & what one got out of it was just SO superior. FWIW, there was a time I considered making a (small) scholarship for people transferring from large universities to smaller schools. Again, my opinion may well be outdated & I don't know you or your situation, just providing you w/ a certain perspective. For me, attending a large school overall was a mistake. Good luck whatever you choose.
  2. Paraphrasing: It's far more important to work smart than to work hard. My boss at my 1st "real" job.
  3. The main reason I don't have a gun is that if I did, I'd play w/ it. Guns are not something that you should "play" w/. That said, although it certainly would be a necessity for TEOTWAWKI, fortunately for me as for most of us, it's something that we likely would never need or use and considering that in some circumstances, merely possessing one could easily escalate a bad situation to worse, I'd say if you haven't "needed" one yet, I'd consider other options (moving, self-defense classes, etc) 1st.
  4. Ahhh, isn't that a 2 stroke penalty for grounding your club in a hazard?
  5. Sean Connery in Untouchables?
  6. I thought I read somewhere 830 meters which, off the top of my head, is roughly 910 yds. How that's measured, I have no idea considering it's a 1400 ft drop.
  7. That'd be correct Joe.
  8. "Think big, think positive. Never show any sign of weakness. Always go for the throat." The rest of the quote would easily give it away.
  9. So the GF asks me, "do these jeans make my ass look fat?" After thinking for a moment, I respond - "No, I don't think it's the jeans." j/k, that didn't really happen.
  10. I assume the question posed implies you're trying to make the most dominant defense possible and what position is most critical for doing so. If you're talking man among boys dominant, I'd say DT. If you can't block a DT/NT, you're not gonna be able to pass or run much as an offense. If the scenario is more realistic, I think DE or maybe LB. They're in position to make plays in both the run & pass games. Being a great defense is all about making plays.
  11. You actually believe that? Where you think they got that #? One time, there were 3 "avg IQ scores" in their ad. 2 of them were for Denver Broncos (or maybe it was their fans, I don't recall) & the scores were noticably disparate, like 122 & 85. I'm pretty sure those #s are TOTALLY fabricated just to get you to click on their dang link.
  12. I can think of 2 reasons, but I don't think either is particularly valid, at least anymore. 1) is that it simplifies wiring. You don't need to divert some of the wiring to a separate switch then back b4 sending it out to the body harness(es). 2) A switch on the floor is more subject to exposure to the elements & is more likely to fail. Rusted out floor panels as well as water from the feet or possibly even accumulation in the footwell. Again, I don't think either of those things are much of an issue these days, but they probably were when the change was initially made maybe 30 or so yrs ago. edit : I basically agree w/ Cincy above. His post wasn't up when I started writing this. Honest.
  13. That seemed like a quote perfectly suited for unneeded censorship.
  14. How does asking "was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor" qualify?
  15. If I was a FA, particularly an offensive (or should I say a player on offense ) player, it would actually be a deterrent.
  16. I didn't vote, but I'm basically indifferent. My main objection is that they're all of about 1 sq inch on my screen. I only wish that some of them were hi-res & about 1 sq ft!
  17. I don't know how to solve your problem, but I might have an idea how to pursue a solution. I'm assuming you're running some type of Windoze? I believe a keyboard is "connected" to the BIOS by a hardware interrupt. I would think it possible to write some sort of overlay/TSR type thing that "intercepts" this interrupt & basically ignores the "7" key. Any PC gurus have any insight on something like this? Am I talking totally out of my butt?
  18. I did say SOME. Chris Brown, Tim Graham & I believe it's Alan Wilson seem to have some inside info, being "beat" guys. As for the D&C guys, I'm thinking particularly Sullivan, do you honestly think they're more "in tune" & up to date w/ Bills going on, than any # of the many of us that spend a couple of hrs or more a day, VOLUNTARILY, reading this stuff & watching each game twice. I'd like to point out that best I can figure, CB serves essentially as part of the Bills "marketing" (paid by them FOR them) and AFAIK, the only venue I'm familiar w/ TG from is ESPN online (& from my perspective TSW poster). Like many other activities, some amateurs produce better results than professionals (I speak 1st hand for auto restoration & believe it also to be the case w/ woodworking & PC programming.) You are presumably in the minority in that in your professional capacity/connections provides you w/ info that others of us wouldn't be privy to. But there are other posters here, whom I often enjoy their musings (& find them more insightful) more than that of the professional "editorials". Again, I contend that there are some of us that would be WILLING TO PAY for the access that these professionals are afforded. Whether that includes attending all away games, I'm not so sure. I find the TJ quote intriguing. I'd contend that civilization is impossible w/out SOME form of govt, be it even informal. As for the newspapers, again bear in mind that quote is about 200 yrs old. (I'd bet he didn't mention living w/o a cellphone or Tivo to be unfathomable ) It's unfortunate for the insiders that Newpaper publishing is a dieing industry. But much like Blacksmiths were hurt when "horseless carriages" displaced them & their livelihood, journalists will likely eventually find some other form of sufficiency. Journalism itself is something beneficial to us all.
  19. I don't really have any sentimentality about newspapers, but I think the problem w/ them is that their model is antiquated. There was a time that I subscribed to the Buffalo News via snail mail; IIRC, it cost about $5/week & I got the news 2 days late most of the time. They probably lost $ on the direct cost of sending me back then. Bear in mind, from my observation, most of the content of local papers is provided by news agencies anyway (UPI, AP). Just recently, the local TimesUseless was touting the fact that they joined a "syndicate" that allowed them to share resources w/ other local papers. IMO, basically, just a news agency on a smaller, more regional level. My understanding is that the cost of physically producing a newspaper exceeds the cover price. Consider that the same paper is often available on a subscription basis at a far cheaper rate. As per above, a significant %age of their content (i.e. what they provide) is available elsewhere as they're basically just repackaging it. I believe they derive a significant %age of their revenue from Want Ads/advertising. Last I checked Ad costs they were obscene (a few hundred $ for a few line job ad; that or more of a real estate listing). Now that there are other, much cheaper and arguably more effective means of advertising (ebay, Monster, etc) there goes that revenue stream. Some of their better, original content people will essentially provide for free (think back to the early yrs of TSW or BillsDaily - I'd rate the original content provided by them w/ most of the stuff professionals provide. Unfortunately, some of the service they provide, I'm thinking investigative journalism in particular, just can't be supported. That's the only thing I feel is unfortunate. We've got dozens of talented people here that would gladly write about the Bills for free and would actually probably pay for the access that professional journalists are afforded. Problem is, it's hard to justify the probably several hundred if not few thousand $ that a good "scoop" costs to produce. Few are willing to put forth that sort of effort for next to nothing and newspapers no longer have the "cushion" of supplementing this form of journalism w/ more lucrative aspects of their business. The fact that newspapers are dieing, I don't really care. I recognize that journalism is taking a hit and that is unfortunate.
  20. I don't like the move. A possible motivation for it is perhaps he's due a large roster bonus soon (I saw mention of like a $1.75m above). I'll concede that he certainly didn't live up to his contract and in fact this past season was arguably not even "good". But he was apparently our best option there (or else he'd be benched). Our other options there also aren't likely to return. Whittle can't stay healthy & even when playing was merely adequate IMO. Fowler sucked & should be gone. Preston was adequate and has potential to improve but I certainly wouldn't want to overpay for him in FA to assure his return. Now we have to replace 4 interior linemen, not to mention upgrade other places. And it's not like we need to clear cap space. As others have mentioned, seems to me Kelsay would've been a far more prudent jettison - we've already got Ellis "in the wings" hopefully ready to contribute.
  21. The one thing that I can think of is that it gives them the opportunity to "crack" your Paypal acct. If you have an easy to guess password, wouldn't this allow them to misappropriate funds? I'm not entirely sure the security/assurance Paypal allows (I've only bought stuff & Paypal takes it from a credit card) but at the very least, I'd think this could lead to a big hassle.
  22. If it's the pressure line & not the return line, I seriously doubt you'd be able to cobb together a (temporary) fix that isn't VERY noticable. As for taking it someplace else, I assume the problem w/ that is that the 1st thing you're supposed to do when inspecting a vehicle is remove the old sticker. Ergo, any place else will know it failed. FYI, Napa online list the hose for a 3.8l as $31.99. Unless there's something in the way that is difficult to remove, it's something anyone w/ a mimimal amt of mechanical aptitude can replace (be sure to take not of how the hose is "routed"). You'll probably only need a few open ended wrenches (though using a fitting wrench would be preferable, it's not at all necessary).
  23. Is this a NYS Safety Inspection? IDK if it's actually something that's supposed to be checked, but it certainly isn't something that's routinely checked. Not familiar w/ that particular car, but my old-dated opinion on the cost (it's been over 20 yrs since I worked in a garage or car parts store) is that's high. Rough guess maybe $50 retail for the hose (i.e. a garage will mark it up to $100) & less than 1 hr labor to replace, $80. Add a few bucks for more fluid. Unless you want to constantly check your fluid level & the condition of the hose to assure a failure isn't imminent I'd suggest replacing it.
  24. I just got sent a couple of emails (duplicate) requesting that I "reconnect" or something similar w/ an acquaintance of mine. AFAIK, I neither went to HS (my HS is 250mi away) nor college (but I did go to a large State University) w/ her, but I think we're about the same age. AFAIK, I have no presence on ReUnion.com, however they/she apparently got my email address from somewhere. Odd thing is that the msg I rcv'd appears to be from HER AOL acct. It doesn't appear we've ever exchanged emails, but we are on a common email list. Embedded w/in the msg is a "yes I know her", "no I don't" links. The "Yes" link is : http://smtp26.mail.reunion.com/track?Bunches of other stuff I should add that there also a help link provided that's : http://smtp26.mail.reunion.com/track?bunches of stuff then http://help.reunion.com/selfhelp Isn't it odd that it's both http AND smtp? Is this legit? Some sort of virus? Advice? Thanks.
  25. What & you think the Catholic Church isn't? Only difference is that they've got about a 2000 yr head start.
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