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Everything posted by eSJayDee

  1. It was quite apparent on tv. As you say, he waited for the runner to come to him, rather than go after the runner. I was thinking that he probably ceded at least 5 yds, maybe 10 yds by not going up to tackle, but figured once you've given up 30 yards or whatever, what's another 10. Best to be sure of the tackle rather than take a chance of missing. Very good tackle.
  2. I don't think it's fair to group Pill w/ those other 2. IIRC, he was only OC for 1 season & he was thrust into that roll like a week b4 the season & burdened w/ running Fairchild's offense. Tough situation to be in. As for the other 2, I got the impression that Jauron dictated the style of offense run, ergo the dismissal of Fairchild when they disagreed on philosophy.
  3. I think Peyton Manning has said that much of what he sez in a no-rush no-huddle is subterfuge. ie so the Defense doesn't know what you're really calling. Once they're in a rush, I think as the Capt alluded to, it's simple enough to convey a simple play by only 1 word or gesture.
  4. How come it seems whenever there's a jump ball, he loses? One would think if he was indeed gifted, given those situations, he should win the better %age of them. This was always the case w/ Moulds. He just gets beaten too regularly even when he's there.
  5. Really? How do you count experience? Scott, Wilson, McKelvin & Florence all have OVER 2 yrs experience by my count. As for #4, I think you're parroting Chris Brown. IMO, Fitz's #s are noticeably inferior to Kelly's over that period.
  6. Wow. Hard to believe GB fell for that. As a punter, you're taught to yell out where the ball goes (left, right, short, middle). I would think that once you get to a better level (I was semi-pro & we virtually never practiced special teams), you actually designate where the kick should go as well, making this occurrence all the more unlikely.
  7. Really? How come I get about 10 items of unsolicited, unwanted junk mail for every "real" letter I rcv? Seriously, the ratio might even be worse than that. Personally, I'd prefer to pay (substantially) more for wanted service in exchange for no/less unsolicited stuff. It's just so wasteful.
  8. FWIW, I was a punter not a kicker, but I would think it better to use the tee. You get the hop by hitting the ball into the ground. I suspect you could get more hop were the ball sitting directly on the ground, but that would result in a predictable flight (IMO). By having the ball elevated, it allows it more distance before it hits the ground so the bounce if nothing else is less predictable. Good question. And I was under the impression that it is a requirement to use a tee to KO (last I knew there were only 2 allowable official models, the std orange "boomer" and an asymmetric red soccer style one). WRT using a holder - I would imagine that it would allow for a more dramatic kick as the ball could be positioned more radically (ie it doesn't need to stand up), but the major drawback is that it takes one person out of your "coverage" or at least dramatically slows down his arrival into the "scrum".
  9. I can only suspect/hope that they were designed "safe" kicks. IIRC, the only one when the game was in doubt was like a 65 yder. That nets to 45 so it's a good kick. After that, although a 55 yd touchback isn't a good result, again, it's the safe & easy thing to do.
  10. If records are made to be broken, why do they make them out of vinyl? Vinyl has a certain amount of flexibility to it. If they were meant to be broken, it'd be much better to make them of brittle glass.
  11. No reason for Sanchez to be nervous, assuming he still thinks they'll be able to run for like 300 yrs against us.
  12. I'd say you put them on opposite sides, at least in most situations. Primarily, if the offense opts for a predominantly quick passing attack (typical against a fierce rush) you can assign only 1 other blocker to help pick up whoever gets beat the worse allowing your QB to get the pass off if they rush from the same side. If they're coming from opposite sides, that becomes more difficult to cover in that fashion & the onus is more on the QB thereby at the very least messing w/ the timing of plays.
  13. I find it curious/dubious that his asking price would be the same for all teams. I would think that particularly w/ a "flat pricing" model the price should vary depending on the desirability of the team he's going to (ie winner vs loser, style to fit him, better city, etc). I could see how it's perhaps a starting price for negotiations where what he really wants is a multi-year deal. There's nothing to say that he actually has to accept the offer if it's presented is there?
  14. Or, another conspiracy theory: That Seal team is among the very few that know whether or not they really got Bin Laden. If we really didn't, w/ them gone, less chance for the truth to come out. Seriously, I hope the above is not the case. Those were fine, courageous soldiers.
  15. I'm concerned what msg this sends to potential signees. If they know that the Bills are resigned to "not make a splash", that implies that they're not really anxious to get ANY players. So, come the early stages of FA, even if it's someone we have targeted, how anxious are they going to be to sign w/ us? More than likely, they'll opt to test the mkt further & then we'll likely miss out.
  16. IIRC, you need to find the "hidden program". There should be a new 3-letter program that has been recently installed and regularly accesses the internet. Hopefully, your firewall identified it when it 1st accessed the internet &/or kept a log of what processes accessed the net. If not, I think you're gonna have to search your harddrive for all 3-letter EXEs & google them to see whether or not they're legit. Once this program is gone, you should be able to remove the rest of the virus w/ a cleaning program (in Safe Mode). Good luck. I was hit w/ this a month or 2 ago & it was terribly insideous.
  17. So instead of "patrons" "wasting" a few extra bucks of TP, the City pays someone how much to dispense it?
  18. A couple things: The b&m stores that have a presence in the State presumably also reap the benefits that the State provides. Therefore (IMO), they should pay. Companies that have no presence in a particular State are provided nothing from that State, so why should they be forced to pay? 2ndly, if someone buys something from a State where they aren't domiciled, they aren't exempt from the Sales Tax. ie, if I as a NYS resident were to walk into a CA store, it's not as if upon checking out I can say "I live in NYS, so don't charge me Sales Tax". Personally, as alluded to in my post above, I was "peeved" when NYS decided that it wanted to start collecting on purchases made from out-of-state vendors.
  19. Of course NYS was the 1st to start mandating this. Not to mention on top of that usurping it for other purchasing not already collected when you file your Income Tax.
  20. Assuming you're using the default (or at least that's how mine is set up) "sort topics chronologically": Go to any page other than #1. In the web address area the last variable should be like "st_40". Change that 40 to a higher #. Hope I described that adequately.
  21. Can't say I've ever seen much of a bump on either my dog or myself. If there was one, I would think it'd recede w/in a day or 3. As for complete healing time, I've had marks for a couple of weeks or more on myself & no signs of Lyme disease (knock, knock). Do you know how long was the tick there (as per below "a few days")? The longer they're there, the greater chance (& probably severity) of an infection. Perhaps your dog's size might also come into play WRT severity of the infection (my dog weighs 140+ & I go 220+).
  22. Somewhat different argument. In the case of mattress companies, they are able to construct individual mattresses say 25% bigger for roughly 25% more cost. In the case of airplanes, you've got a finite space to be shared by x # of people. If you put less seats on a plane, you accommodate less people, thereby making the cost/person more. The consumer, and by extension the airlines, want cheap seats & the way to do this is to make seats small so they can fit the max # of passengers on the plane. Many planes/airlines have "1st class" & "business class" where the seats are larger (& also more expensive). Some don't. Perhaps it should be mandated, but I'm sure you'd still have people complaining about being forced to sit in the "fat section" & pay for the more expensive seat.
  23. Animal House. "Fat, drunk & stupid..." "Oh boy is this great" & "...bombed Pearl Harbor" alone gotta put it near the top.
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