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Everything posted by eSJayDee

  1. Surprised (& very disappointed) that we're stuck w/ the Jests here in ALB.
  2. The one screen play that I recall, it looked like he purposely threw the ball, let's call it "uncatchable", cuz the play was covered. Do you know if this was the poorly thrown pass to which you refer?
  3. So let me get this straight - the penalty for an (illegal) absence from school is more (forced) absences?
  4. FWIW, the only time I noticed Williams on the field was on a punt return. Guess w/ the injuries, he was forced into svc. As we found out last week (when Watkins was seldom thrown to), plays have a designated 1st read, then a progression. Orton sez he goes through his progression & throws it to the 1st one that's open. If the primary rcvr is usually open, he doesn't need to find (another) open rcvr. So it would appear that their lack of use is more attributable to the play caller (Hackett) rather than Orton (who's just doing as he's instructed).
  5. Pretty lame article. No insight. Appears that they only based it on the televised version, ie didn't even use the All-22.
  6. Based on his performance on KOs last yr, Carpenter isn't a beast; I'd say he's actually below avg. He may have been a strong kicker when he came into the league, but the skill of kicking (much like punting) has improved over the last few yrs. And I'll also add that the ability to kick long placekicks is not the same as KOs; it's quite different.
  7. Actually, that's a quite poor ROI. But, as has been said before, you don't buy an NFL franchise as an investment.
  8. Other than their PK going 0-3, how did our ST outplay theirs? I'd say their punter was at least as good as ours, the had better punt returns & all KOs were touchbacks.
  9. Bye, bye, Miss American π. For that matter, I'm thinking there's a Police song w/ like all the vowels in the chorus. So i & e.
  10. Just ran across this: http://thechive.com/2014/09/26/stevie-johnson-drafted-you-to-his-fantasy-team-and-its-hilarious-15-photos/
  11. Wasn't he the guy Fitz referred to as "a punk"? Calling out an opposing player like that, especially by someone like Fitz, means something.
  12. You mean the Entirely Sabres Network?
  13. And since 1990 we've made the playoffs, what, like 7 or 8 times? That's 28 or 32%. I'm excited, but not too confident just yet.
  14. Q: What's the difference between a Ziegfield & Roy show & seeing the Rockettes? A: W/ Ziegfield & Roy, you see a cunning array of stunts.
  15. Along similar lines, I wondered why "hitting defenseless player" wasn't called on Williams airborne catch. Personally, I hate the rule - what are you s'posed to do, let him catch it, but it is the rule now.
  16. Well, if she "dyes" peacefully today, if she doesn't like the color, she can always dye again tomorrow.
  17. I'm thinking specifically about Urbik, but it could appeal to TJ Graham or many other cases. The general consensus is that either Legursky or Urbik make the roster & the other gets cut. The Bills have a certain value they put on each of these players; wouldn't it make more sense to offer either of them & accept whichever offer is most appealing relative to each? Unless they value one considerably higher than the other, ie they wouldn't part w/ Legursky for less than a 4th, whereas they've pretty much decided Urbik isn't worth more than a roll of tape & will be cutting him anyway. And the thing is, by doing this, they've (dramatically) lowered the trade value of that player.
  18. As opposed to what we did w/ Jackson where he was on the team for the whole season (after training camp) & never gave him the opportunity to learn the offense?
  19. I would imagine that woulds be one of the "exhange" issues. Since you can't stop the operation of a football team for any (prolonged) period, a sale price would be negotiated based on certain assets. This is what you buy. Then any other (significant) factors are adjusted for at the time of the actual sale. Much like School &/or Property taxes or possibly like fuel in a tank when you sell a home. For instance, if they were to sign a player w/ a huge signing bonus, presumably the amt of the signing bonus that would be prorated fwd would therefore be an additional asset that would need to adjusted for. Likewise, something like a trade for Brady where his future salary doesn't reflect the true cost of his "use" would require an adjustment, ie it would raise the sale price.
  20. I assume those odds are for a SINGLE clover, ie 1 out of every 10,000 is 4 leaf rather than 3. So, when you look down, you're presumably seeing far more than just 1, maybe 20, maybe 100 (IDK how well you focus on those things). Also, I'd add that those odds are in general. I suspect that like anything genetic, "families" skew the odds (ie ~10% of the population are lefties, but in my "close" family tree, the rate is over 50%), and since you're looking at a patch of clover, I think it's reasonable to assume they're "related".
  21. Well, from today I'd say start the countdown at about 500 days. ie, it'll take all of this season & most of next for him to accomplish it. Barring injury (to any of the likely significant contributors).
  22. I think that if school officials have a problem w/ that AND they didn't catch it ahead of time, then THEY should be suspended for being incompetent/stupid.
  23. BufBud. Yes, I know their stated life expectancy is 7-8 yrs. The dog in my avatar lived to be 10.5, which, barring typical "unexpected circumstances", I believe is more typical. (That an ability/tolerance for accommodating incontinence &/or limited mobility.)
  24. Anyone have any experience/opinions w/ "hand raised" puppies, ie when the B word dies from birthing? Looking for a puppy & I'm actually wondering if that might not be a good thing. I've encountered a couple of litters like this during my inquiries. I wanna get a Great Dane BTW. TIA.
  25. That presumably is in Canadian $. I wonder how much that's worth in USD? Geez, if only there was a place where I could figure that out.
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