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Everything posted by MOFO

  1. Painted my face for a game once back in the day...gave myself an eye infection...
  2. Imagine all the Ensure that combined backfield would go through...
  3. I hate this ^^^ Maybe I'm getting old (get off my lawn) and putting aside my general distaste for the "look at me craving attention" aspect, haven't we learned from Gramattica, Tulloch, and Houston that excessive celebration can end a season...must we celebrate a touchdown during OTA's like this...In the immortal words of AI- "We not talking bout a game, not a game, we talking about practice"...act like it has happened before...end of rant. Thank you.
  4. Never pay retail!!! I haggle with them about all programming...ask for customer retention but only after looking at a few past years threads for tips and tricks...the best advice I got here is if you aren't happy with the deal, tell them you will think about it and call again a few days later....often it just takes getting the right person at the right time...If the person who answers doesn't seem to enjoy their job and seems to be just reading cards and going through the motions, I tend to bail...the operators that you can have a pleasant conversation with seem to give the best deals in my experience...I have never paid more than half price, and the past two years I have got it for nothing...happy hunting and post your results for the good of the group!
  5. I agree DTV is so much better than cable...you can negotiate discounts all the time... I also will not sign the petition, but rather, will add this game as a reason that I should again get the Sunday ticket for free. Has that thread been started yet?
  6. Next Season is This Season...(unless it isn't)
  7. Some jokes write themselves....
  8. Reminds me of the "why the two orders" part in a few good men...apparently we can't handle the truth....
  9. When all you have ever been given to eat is lemons...
  10. Buffalo is a great place to test the integrity of one's lap band...I wish it luck...John Conner would be a cult figure on the team...would love to see it.... Update- glad to see it...
  11. There are no magic vaginas- Abraham Lincoln
  12. Would love to see a kid with this kind of character do well...will have to keep an eye on him...
  13. Back when the USFL was drafting before the NFL, Irving Fryar was signed before he was drafted. I believe teams were afraid of having players taken by the USFL...just recently saw this on a documentary on that years draft...
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonawanda_Kardex_Lumbermen Shortest Stint in the NFL...Tonawanda Lumbermen
  15. Buy the smallest you can find, if it is silly looking, pass it off as a "night shirt" to sleep in...they will get worn far more as jammies than it will as a tee shirt...during the formative years, the child will see the Buffalo logo many evenings in the mirror as they brush their teeth, forming a subconscious bond with the team that in later years will be to deep seeded to fight....have been doing this with my niece and nephew in Raleigh and so far is has been working to perfection...good luck!
  16. Think the Bills go all in with the Trent Dilfer model, and if it fails we draft a QB next year...I like the best player available in this drafts first spot for us, or trading back as well...
  17. If I were king...I would like a retractable dome stadium, that allows for concerts and other activities to be indoors. I would stipulate that for Bills games, the roof be left open to the elements. Should this rule be broken, the perpetrator would be beheaded in the stadium. That individual would be able to choose if the dome would be open or closed for the execution...I'm a king not a monster.
  18. Still undefeated....
  19. Looks better than any tight end I have seen on our team in a while...Got me a little excited...we should be a mismatch nightmare for teams...please god...
  20. He can't have puppies now?
  21. It feels like the NHL trade deadline without the hopelessness....
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