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Everything posted by badassgixxer05

  1. Prime Dareus = Hall of Famer Post contract Dareus = Sail boat captain?
  2. In the practice that I saw, He looked really physical. He popped Bolden so hard in one of the drills that Bolden just said ***** it i cant even run the route now and went back to the line rotation.. lol
  3. Yes, and just in case anyone hasn't noticed, Cole Beasley has looked really really good in camp. Like check this guy for stickum type good. Doesn't drop anything.
  4. Yeah, hopefully a good one falls to us at the 32nd pick.. ?
  5. Ray-Ray McCloud III - Little dude came to camp ripped and looks laser focused out there. But his best work no one is talking about. Hands down best hair on the team.
  6. Does anyone have Hulu live? Was thinking of getting, so that I can dvr some of the games while im at work. Also heard you can use these creds to sign into espn app to watch replays of a ton of other content. Not sure its worth $50 a month though.
  7. For the Oliver comments, Oliver screamed 'it was on them", and coach put him in place saying no its on you. He still seemed to disagree as he said after "man all i did was put my hand down", but he still went and ran the lap with team, so he will just have to learn as there will be a lot of bad calls from the refs that we shake head at every year. Its just part of the game. Being a passionate guy I hope he can accept that and not get us 15yard penalties on top of that. Plenty of time to learn the process, so i think he will be fine.
  8. Nah, stick them in the freezer. Life will never be the same again without frozen pop tarts...
  9. I thought that could be the case too. Will know when he retires one day if he sticks around or sells place and runs. His comment of her in tears when they first walked through the Cali house though, just seemed like real people. And my god that man purse/pool table agreement ? Ive had those convos with the wife to get my man cave things too.. haha
  10. Got a flash into the Hyde house. Was a cool segment. Got to see they were pretty cool down to earth peeps. And they love Buffalo! ?
  11. Born and raised right here in WNY. Will most likely spend my last days here too. No place like home.
  12. I like watching the young fringe guys compete. Giving it all in hopes to earn that last spot. The coaches sure will have a tough time deciding if there are multiples of these guys to choose from in final cuts. Sign me up for good depth competitions! If that means winning some preseason games too, awesome...
  13. IDK. Average bull is 5ft tall. Anthony Barr is 6'5. And Allen cleared him in full football equipment not in his gym shorts. Both were looking to kill the runner.
  14. lol, Yeah i drink dark beers all year round. Most people think Im crazy. Ive had the Big Ditch make you wanna stout and it is OK. Nothing to scream home about. Now the Southern Tier Nitro s'mores I just tried recently is hands down the best stout I've tasted in a long long time. Everyones taste is different though.
  15. Just as I thought, even after being tased and cuffed still took 5 cops to get him in car. And love his "I'm getting rich off this *****" comment. That's the mentality that really hurts the whole system. Guys really getting mistreated and beat down out there, and this idiot is going to claim he was one of them. Unfortunate.
  16. Are you watching the same video? He sat after they wrestled and he fell to the ground. Then the officer said get on your stomach like 5 times. This was so he could cuff him. He would not comply and this was already after he was already violent in the aisle. He prob could have just kept taser on him until other officer arrived, but either way there was going to be another struggle to get this big boy in a squad car. This vid also stands for a good example of why cops don't use the taser against violent criminals(especially giants like this dude), as it had practically no effect. If he had a knife or any object to attack officer with the officer would have been dead.
  17. No he didn't, but odds are great that he knows who did.
  18. Russell Wilson in this list is laughable..
  19. We are further along then many other countries in the world, but Its just human nature to see differences. Hard to bring everyone together with so many different beliefs. Agreeing to disagree and letting everyone just be themselves(only in a non violent way) is prob the only way to all exist peacefully. Love not Hate people!
  20. Weird to see Edmunds over Allen. Both are going to be studs this year though! Go Bills! edit: NM, i totally misread this article.. ? Thought it was ranking by sales or something, like most popular jerseys over all not who was best wearing that said number.. Please ignore me... lol
  21. I read some comments and some are saying its Matt Milano.
  22. Ahh, you may be right there. I would have liked to see them draft a backup plan, or a tleast bring in a FA for some competition. They still have some cap space, so may see them bring someone in late camp if Murphy isn't looking so good. Word on the street is that he looks great though. Depth still would be nice to add too either way.. Hughes is getting 11mil and he is only a 6 sack a year guy right now. More to DE then just getting sacks. Trent will set the edge and force a lot of stuff inside to our new flashy toy. All will be well.
  23. Reminds me that I need some white tees. Them ***** are soooo expensive lately ?
  24. Sweet! I made a massive donation then too! $50 to sponsor my buddy in the 11 day power play to fight cancer event next month! http://www.11daypowerplay.com/
  25. I haven't bought a current player Jersey in a long while. I've also only been buying the legends(Kelly, Reed, Thomas and Smith). But I am all in on Allen too. Bought two, one for my dad and one for myself. Will be rocking them at camp next month. Go Bills!?
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