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Everything posted by badassgixxer05

  1. I know, and im ok with his way or NY's way as long as they called it the same across the board. Thats whats so screwed up with todays officiating. One week the play is ruled one way, then the next its ruled another. Like wtf!
  2. Why wouldn't they put names next to the guys that I have no clue who the F they are instead of the popular guys that i can recognize by face... lol
  3. I agree with the review panel part. Needs to be some sort of war room set up somewhere with a group of educated Sr officials reviewing these plays live and phones in a ruling to on field referee after. This would keep rulings equal across the NFL.
  4. Hes not ready to throw this team on his back and march us to victory on his own. In all of those games we will still need to play good D and run the football. Allen is still developing, so there most likely wont be any shut up critics moments happening in this stretch. Hes going to make some good plays, some bad plays, win some games, lose some games and be exactly what he was drafted as. In the next couple of years we will know what his ceiling is and if he will or wont prove everyone wrong.
  5. Truth. Somehow its always in the news. Lots of f'd up people in the world with some serious issues.
  6. Young people with money tend to think they are above the law, all I was trying to say by that. Also when hes never been taught hitting women is wrong, or heck hitting anyone is wrong, hes going to do it and not think twice. Def no excuse, and hes a piece of ***** 100%
  7. Im OK with this if they actually get the call right. So many reviews have clear evidence on what the call should be and somehow the ref looks at it and rules it complete opposite. The fact that they would get the call wrong after review and then give that team a penalty on top of it, would have fan bases storming the field to string up the refs.. lol
  8. Looks like a trend of poor choices leading up to this. Young kid with some money and fame that was never taught right from wrong. Hes going to learn the hard way, well hopefully..
  9. Its OK. Tomorrow he will MotherF someone else just to dance around like he is important again. The guy is not stable and anyone that knows him should be trying to get the guy some help.
  10. He has the most receiving yards in the AFC right now. For sure should be in if he keeps up this pace. Just had his best game of the year and maybe career thus far. Go Bills! DJ chark has been pretty good too..
  11. Hes been turning it on as of late. I wouldn't be surprised if hes considered 1st round projection by end of season. Hes a beast and can run after the catch. Plus the guy catches everything!
  12. Competition is good. Bring the best out of both of them I hope. Wallace played good early in season and just looks to be in a slump lately. Coach knows how to shake things up and get these guys to perform. Process!
  13. Its a ridiculous narrative some are trying to drum up, to justify how this great player can snap and really not be that insane..
  14. This incident was gronk wwe x100. one was a dirty hit, the other was insanity
  15. There was no kicking motion. it was a push off with the foot to get a 270lb guy off of him. And ive played sports long enough to know you wear a cup. if he got wailed in the nuts forcefully he would have been on the ground instantly. lol get real.
  16. Rudolph did enough in this event to get a 15 yard pentalty. But some of you thought he would get a suspension? Anytime a couple guys tussle we want them suspended now!? You throw punches and hit people with helmets, you deserve to be out. NFL is correct with the suspensions so far.
  17. Are you serious? The scrum that took place in beginning is something we have seen a million times in nfl games. What we saw at the end is something we have never seen before in sports. Lets come back to reality would you....
  18. ESPN just had a segment on this. Max was defending Myles like no tomorrow, and pointing more fault at rudolph. Surprisingly, Stephen A. wasnt buying the "seeing red" excuse and saying Myles is responsible for his own actions. To me I see this as a guy gets rough with GF, she doesnt like it and slaps him back, then he turns around and knocks her out. Who is at fault!? Sex aside, even though it does fit here as rudolph would be Myles B word, the Guy 100% end of story.
  19. If he threw an open hand punch or something along those lines I would agree with this, but he did something you usually would only joke about happening in a game because you would think no one in their right mind would be that insane to do this. Like Adam Sandler happy gilmore scene where he said During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody. Its funny because its so outrageous that it would ever happen in real life. Well we just witnessed that level type *****. Well maybe it was a bad example since most people dont find Adam Sandler funny at all.. lol
  20. If thats the case, someone rip off Tom Bradys helmet right now.. jk jk...
  21. Rudolph was an unarmed man. Isnt there a group of people taking knees for this type of behavior? ?
  22. In the age of player safety, you have a player rip off another players helmet and then bash him in the head with it. This isnt even a small db, this is one of the largest men in NFL that had the strength to put up 33 reps at the combine. He could have killed him if it hit in the wrong spot. He should be done for the year and have to go in front of a committee panel next year to see if he even plays at all next year and repeat for every year after. Just crazy...
  23. Elementary school type *****. Putting your name on the board for misbehaving. I love the jets being the jets.. ?
  24. Im going to stay away from this thread. The comments section of that yahoo article say it all. ?
  25. Exactly. The issue escalates further when referees make different calls on the same play(was a fumble last year when bills did this same play and the ball was dropped.) When you watch it in slow motion you can not see if the ball went fw or not, and the call on the field was fumble, so there was not conclusive evidence to over turn the call. Should have stayed a fumble. I get that the design of the play is to be a shovel pass, which mean the ball is tossed forward to the man in motion, but in this case it was not..
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