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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. I keep hearing this guy is run first. Its not true this guy is special Flaco was in his way but not any more
  2. I watched a bunch of Video on this guy and I see a guy that can take snaps under center. He moves around behind the pocket and looks to throw the ball down the field. He even says in this video, why its important to look down field when your pocket breaks down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be6_JtzrGbE If we are going to run the SF 49ers offensive with Roman then you need a QB that can do what Kapernick does. He can do what Kap does for sure with a read option. But I think he plays a lot like Russell Wilson see video below. Meaning he extends plays so he can throw the ball. He is a throw first QB that can kill you with the run. He is probably the fastest QB in the NFL. He is even faster then Kapernick. This guy has all the tools and 4 years of learning behind Flaco. Mark my words he will win the Starting job. Castle will be the back up and E.J. will get released. You just don't know it yet, but the Bills just found there Franchise QB. watch and learn
  3. Hey backindadsy- I don't know what you been watching but in this video he is a throw first and run 2nd QB. He doing a lot of what Russell Wilson does. I even see him taking snaps from under center. This guy is good and it's a great signing. watch the video and find out for your self
  4. time for a new thread on this subject its getting way to long come on mods do it
  5. the Dolphins are trying to play us, it won't work they can't afford Camerron and clay it's over
  6. 2 years 15 million how will this effect the bills signing Clay comment
  7. listen to this interview about scrambling and keeping your eyes looking down the field. This guy gets it http://youtu.be/be6_JtzrGbE
  8. After watching this video I am really impressed. I see a guy taking snaps under center. I see a guy that is NOT a run first QB when the pocket breaks down. I see a lot of Russel Wilson in this kid. Sure he can take off and run but after watching this video he really can play QB and throw the ball. I mentioned several months ago I would love it if the Bills got Tyrod Taylor. I think having 4 years to sit behind Flacco and learn his craft and how a QB is supposed to play in the NFL is very important. He could be a true Whaley steal and might be our QB of the Future. It's important that when you view these highlights you see a guy take snaps under center. When rushers come in he just does not take off and run past the line of scrimmage. He moves around like Russell Wilson and continues to look down field and makes great throws. It has now been reported that Rex tried to trade for this kid when he was the coach of the Jets. Man I a super excited he is a Buffalo Bill
  9. you might be right some great highlights https://youtu.be/z_cRSYokIQc
  10. he's a idiot only on first day of NFL free Agency could that happen on Buffalo Sports talk
  11. close this thread down. Revis will be a Bill time for a new thread
  12. Are you a idiot. The Bills already negotated a new contract with Shady McCoy. He is the center piece Of there new offense. Get over it and move on.
  13. this all could have been avoided if they had used the only 2 ligit sites for reselling Super Bowl Tickets. NFL Ticket Exchange and Stub Hub. both of these sites are the only way to go. if your using any other way your taking a big risk because these other sites are short selling tickets they don't have. There Hoping to buy them during the week before the Super Bowl at a price that is less then what the sold them to fill there orders. The problem was ticket prices went double or triple over the price of the orders they took. So they could not fill the orders. if they did they would have taken a bath. This is what you get when you have some guy running a Ticket broker business out of his bedroom. What a joke and who pays $50 grand for 4 tickets to the Super Bowl.
  14. There is no dilema all the Bills have to do is this. My prediction is that the Bills will draft Bryce Petty out of Baylor. if that happens I will be a very happy man. I feel he is the best QB in this draft. Yes you heard me right. He will have a better career then Winston and Mariotta. Many of the experts at the combine said he threw the best ball and his arm is a rocket. One guy said it hurt to catch his balls. I done some scouting on this guy. I have listen to his interviews and how he carries himself. This guy is a leader and the way he comes across reminds me of a Russel Wilson. This guy is 6 foot 3 inches tall and 230 pounds. Proto type QB he is the total package. My prediction is the Bills will Draft him and they will never look back. I still feel the Bills will sign a Vet QB my hope is it will be Matt Moore and he will start the year out as the opening day QB. But by years end Bryce Petty will lead us to the Playoffs. I encourage you all to go on the Internet and watch some of his game play and listen to his interviews. The guy is more then a 1 read QG. Watch how he throws the ball where only his reciever can catch it. In the past before the Bills made there selections in drafts I was one of those guys who wanted the Bills to draft Russel Wilson and then Collin Kapernick. So here we are again at a new draft and if I'm the Bills GM I would Draft Bryce Petty QB out of Baylor University. Bills can sign a lot of free agents because Pegula is willing to spend the money. So what ever short comings we have can be done in Free agency. But when it comes to the QB the draft is where we will get are franchise QB. That Franchise QB is one Bryce Petty. They should not wait to the 3rd round because he will not be there. As a matter of fact he could slip into the end of the first round. So the bills might have to trade up or if he is there at pick 50 which is there first pick in the 2nd round they should pull the trigger.
  15. My prediction is that the Bills will draft Bryce Petty out of Baylor. if that happens I will be a very happy man. I feel he is the best QB in this draft. Yes you heard me right. He will have a better career then Winston and Mariotta. Many of the experts at the combine said he threw the best ball and his arm is a rocket. One guy said it hurt to catch his balls. I done some scouting on this guy. I have listen to his interviews and how he carries himself. This guy is a leader and the way he comes across reminds me of a Russel Wilson. This guy is 6 foot 3 inches tall and 230 pounds. Proto type QB he is the total package. My prediction is the Bills will Draft him and they will never look back. I still feel the Bills will sign a Vet QB my hope is it will be Matt Moore and he will start the year out as the opening day QB. But by years end Bryce Petty will lead us to the Playoffs. I encourage you all to go on the Internet and watch some of his game play and listen to his interviews. The guy is more then a 1 read QG. Watch how he throws the ball where only his reciever can catch it. In the past before the Bills made there selections in drafts I was one of those guys who wanted the Bills to draft Russel Wilson and then Collin Kapernick. So here we are again at a new draft and if I'm the Bills GM I would Draft Bryce Petty QB out of Baylor University. Bills can sign a lot of free agents because Pegula is willing to spend the money. So what ever short comings we have can be done in Free agency. But when it comes to the QB the draft is where we will get are franchise QB. That Franchise QB is one Bryce Petty. They should not wait to the 3rd round because he will not be there. As a matter of fact he could slip into the end of the first round. So the bills might have to trade up or if he is there at pick 50 which is there first pick in the 2nd round they should pull the trigger.
  16. My prediction is that the Bills will draft Bryce Petty out of Baylor. if that happens I will be a very happy man. I feel he is the best QB in this draft. Yes you heard me right. He will have a better career then Winston and Mariotta. Many of the experts at the combine said he threw the best ball and his arm is a rocket. One guy said it hurt to catch his balls. I done some scouting on this guy. I have listen to his interviews and how he carries himself. This guy is a leader and the way he comes across reminds me of a Russel Wilson. This guy is 6 foot 3 inches tall and 230 pounds. Proto type QB he is the total package. My prediction is the Bills will Draft him and they will never look back. I still feel the Bills will sign a Vet QB my hope is it will be Matt Moore and he will start the year out as the opening day QB. But by years end Bryce Petty will lead us to the Playoffs. I encourage you all to go on the Internet and watch some of his game play and listen to his interviews. The guy is more then a 1 read QG. Watch how he throws the ball where only his reciever can catch it. In the past before the Bills made there selections in drafts I was one of those guys who wanted the Bills to draft Russel Wilson and then Collin Kapernick. So here we are again at a new draft and if I'm the Bills GM I would Draft Bryce Petty QB out of Baylor University. Bills can sign a lot of free agents because Pegula is willing to spend the money. So what ever short comings we have can be done in Free agency. But when it comes to the QB the draft is where we will get are franchise QB. That Franchise QB is one Bryce Petty. They should not wait to the 3rd round because he will not be there. As a matter of fact he could slip into the end of the first round. So the bills might have to trade up or if he is there at pick 50 which is there first pick in the 2nd round they should pull the trigger.
  17. For you guys that keep posting links that no teams have contacted the Rams for a trade for Bradford. That might be true but that's not what is causing these rumors. The Rama gave Bradford's Agent permission to try and work a trade. So that's why you should stop with the links and pay attention. Where there is smoke there's fire. # where there's smoke there's Fire Bradford might be a Bill
  18. I don't see a logo at all. just a very orange helmet what a waste of time. Did the owner ask a homeless bum his opinion on this decision too LOL. maybe having a real logo might spur merchandise sales but with this owner nothing is really possible I feel bad for the great fans of Cleveland that there stuck with this idiot
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