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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. I'm pretty sure the Bills tried to trade for Fowles and Bradford but because they did not have a QB to replace either guy they traded them for each other. I heard a interview with the Rams GM the other day. he said more than one team offered Mutible draft picks for Bradford. But the Rams GM said that it made more sense to get a QB in return. So that's why the jumped at the chance. i don't know anything about RG3's physical or mental health, and nothing about his ego or his sense of entitlements.. what i do know, is that Rex was working out Baylor's latest QB - who didn't play the position as well as RG3. i certainly understand the concern of the fans, because of the question marks.. but the idea of this staff trying to attain the player is reasonable This is a very good point and I agree RG3 would make Romans offense complete
  2. it's only a joke to the people on this board who hate him. most logic thinking football fans know this would be a good move. Hell we might even cut EJ later this year. that's why you make the trade.
  3. If the Bills made a trade for RG3 it would be 75 percent for it and 25 percent against it. and the word most talked about would be the Bills are one of 3 favorites to go to the Super Bowl in the AFC , Pats , Den and Buffalo and this board would melt down.
  4. Then why did they sign Tyrod Taylor they need a threat of a QB that can run. RG3 does not have to run like he did before but the threat of it will be there. he is a great passer too
  5. I guess you did not read the articles from today they want a QB in return neither has EJ been healthy
  6. Roman wants a QB like Kapernick RG3 is better then Kapernick hence the reason to make the trade being clueless is not an excuse of not knowing what type of QB that Roman wants.
  7. This is the 8th "trade for RG3" thread started here this off season. What makes yours so...special? because today there was new info through the beat reporter of the Skins saying RG3 could be had in a trade if it brought a QB back to the Skins. Gruden is using the media which would be to say he wants him gone That's why
  8. If RG3 is a bust then EJ is a total failure. let me get this straight RG3 had one of the best Years a rookie QB ever had in NFL History and he is still very young. This guy needs a coach that can work with him. That's like you having a boss at your work saying bad things about you. Then saying he can't work with you because you don't fit into there concepts and plans. How long will it be before your fired or you look for a new Job. Does that make you a bad guy. Does that mean you can't be successful and work some where else and be productive. Use your eyes look at what RG3 was before the Injury and all this miss handling and rushing him back. RG3 guy is and always will be a Franchise QB. EJ is a pretender, there not cut from the same cloth. RG3 is healthy, he has recoverd from his Injuries. He needs a change of scenery and a coach that can mold him and use his God given talents. Is RG3 a primadona sure he is show me what QB isn't. But he is the perfect fit for what Roman is trying to do. You know what they say one mans trash is another mans treasure.
  9. if you don't think the Browns, Jets, are not going to get involved your foolish. This is not a Cutler kind of deal. You will not get RG3 without giving up some draft picks or a player and a Pick. glad you are not a NFL GM you would never get a trade done.
  10. The writing is on the wall it's all over the media. RG3 will not be staying in Washington he will be moved. So what I want to know is, will the Bills try and trade for him lots of fire and smoke http://sportsglory.com/nfl/jay-gruden-wants-redskins-to-trade-robert-griffin-iii/38207 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dc-sports-bog/wp/2015/03/12/ryan-clark-says-rgiii-is-not-jay-grudens-guy-and-redskins-want-to-go-in-different-direction-at-quarterback/ http://youtu.be/2KaQxQMmsao
  11. Let's get back on topic, would you trade EJ for RG3 and a 4th or 5th round Draft choice in this years NFL Draft.
  12. finally some one with commen sense thanks Metzelaars_lives
  13. If you don't like the thread please don't comment. Its a fact that Gruden does not want RG3 as his QB and that there has been many stories in the off season he wants him gone. So where there is soke there is fire. Sort of Like the Rams saying that Bradford will not be traded and denying all reports. So now we have all sorts of report's stating that Gruden wants RG3 gone and there is no denying of the reports by the skins or Gruden. What do you think is going to happen. Then you have reporters on ESPN leaking hints that it would take a QB coming back in a trade to get it done. So why not speculate on a possible trade, its done on this forum all the time. Now all of a sudden because you don't like RG3 that I should pull the post.
  14. Yes I was speculating that the QB would be E.J. its no secret that Gruden wants him gone and that RG3 will become a free agent and he will leave. He will not sit behind Colt McCoy and this in it's self is a problem. Not to mention that Gruden's offense is not designed for the type of QB that RG3 is. So he will get moved or Gruden will get fired they can not co-exsit. it does not take a rocket scientist to see that this will come to a head and that will probably happen at the NFL draft.
  15. If you have to throw in a Mid range pick to get it done why not, its a chance to tip the scales of this teams future. I do know one thing this guy fits Romans offense to a tee.
  16. I said I thought it would involve and mid range draft pick also. No E.J. was not mentioned but what it did say was that it would probably take a QB coming back to the Skins to make it happen.
  17. I can site a few instances where a change a scenery for a QB is a good thing Daryle Lamonica Bills to Raiders, Vinny Testiverde Bucs to Jets, Steve Young Tampa to 49ers, Jim Plunket Pats to Raiders Note he was the number one pick in the draft, Brett Farve ATL to GB , Rich Gannon Chiefs to Raiders, Now you have Fowles and Bradford and Brees had to leave the Chargers to make room for Rivers.
  18. I respect your opinion but I disagree. RG3 just needs a offensive coach that knows how to use his talent. Roman is that guy he just fits his offense.
  19. see Redskins beat Reporter and Gruden leaker of info from yesterday http://sportsglory.com/nfl/jay-gruden-wants-redskins-to-trade-robert-griffin-iii/38207 Its being talked about and reported on ESPN'S web page today that the Skins head coach Gruden wants RG3 gone. It just not his style of Qb that fits his offense You can't really force a square peg into a round hole and thats why he wants him gone. When you read the questions in the mail bag. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2405097-redskins-mailbag-part-2 http://espn.go.com/blog/washington-redskins/post/_/id/16163/redskins-mailbag-part-2-65 The reporter speculates that it will take a QB coming back to the Skins to get a trade completed. I think Gruden really likes Colt Mccoy and I think he will win the job. It does not make sense to keep RG3 because he is going to walk anyways. The water is poisoned In Washington for RG3. He will want a fresh start so the Skins would be wise to move him while they can still get something for him before he leaves via free agency. If you read the tea leaves and can forecast the future my bet is they will trade RG3 and probably do it at the draft. My question is would you trade E.J Manual and a middle round draft pick for RG3. I know I would, I am really hoping this goes down. I do not see how the Skins can go through another year of Drama and have him be the back-up to Colt McCoy. I really think they are going to move RG3 and if the Bills can land him and get him some good coaching under Roman then we are ready for a Superbowl run. I am on record of fully supporting this move. I hope it happens. I can't wait for the draft to see all moves and trades. If the Rams and Eagles can swap QB'S why not the Bills and Skins, it would do both players good to get a restart on there careers.
  20. The title of this thread is confusing it's sounds like Percy made a statement. Then the whole thread is about ESPN AFC East Reporter Ridak. please change the thread title
  21. Why is it that you think he can't take a snap from under center go back and read the Defense and then go through his progressions. A lot of video I see on him in college has the pocket breaking down on him, just like what happens with Russell Wilson in Seattle. I don't hear any one complaining when Wilson's pocket breaks down and he moves around and gives him self more time to throw down the field. I don't know about you but I want a QB to be able to move if the pocket brakes down. I don't see how this is bad. If anything it shows he never gives up on throwing it down the field and finding a open receiver. I see a QB that is looking to throw first and has extreme athletic ability. I'm willing to bet if you give him time to throw like Brady and Manning he could take the snap from under center, do his drop and progress through his reads and make a good throw. I saw many times in his college videos where he was taking snaps from under center. You don't think he learned anything from the Ravens coaching staff like Kubiak and Flaco. if you listen to taylor talk he gets what needs to be done to play QB in the NFL. He just has not had the chance to do it. He does have 4 years where he matured and learned his craft on how to be a NFL Qb and a leader from one of the best orginaztions in the NFL the Ravens. Just think we now have a Qb that has a Superbowl ring how many teams have that. I for one am all in on this guy. I know what slow eye E.J. can do and Matt Castle. This guy is the total package for Roman's Offense and Rex Ryan Knows it. In a few years from now you will look back on this thread and realize I was right. You just don't know it yet but the Buffalo Bills just signed the best Free Agent in this years crop.
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