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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. For me Aiken is a no brainer that guy is good. I loved him when he was tearing it up during Bills preseason games and he put on a show 2 years ago when the Ravens got injured at Wideout. This guy is polished and good and NFL ready. Plus he knows what it's like to be in Buffalo. Get him and your number 2 wideout is solved. Maybe draft a stud wideout with one of your first 2 picks and maybe the Wideout Listerbee I think that's is his name,who was the fastest wide out in the draft last year who we drafted in the 6th round will panout . I also like Sam Shields a lot he would be a real good addition that knows what he's doing.
  2. In this draft Mahomes and Watson that was easy
  3. ok I may have been a little hard on my comments towards you I apologize. I just feel this is the guy. It's my opinion but I feel he will be special. The last time I felt this way about a QB was Russell Wilson. I about put my fist through the TV when the Bills drafted WR TJ Graham in the 3rd round and a few picks later the Seahawks took Wilson
  4. You said if. Of course the guy can learn. His dad was a professional athlete. He knows how to prep and learn so there is no if he can learn. He will learn. Can he then translate that into good on the field play. I feel he can.
  5. I sure didn't and neither did the Cowboys. But at least they did not draft a WR like Graham in the 3rd rd and pass on Russell Wilson like the Bills did, Boy I guess you just might get lucky if you do draft a QB
  6. I guess when you enter the pro's you can't learn any more and you can't be taught or coached. Maybe he should go flip bugers at McDonald's because k-9 says you done learing after you get drafted. Yes you have reached you max potential.
  7. Mahomes will not be there in the 3rd round. He will go early 1st. Loser take wide outs and corners and real teams that want to win take QB's I'm not complaining. I would take Mahomes and then Chad Kelly with my 6th pick and there would be a 3 way battle. one of them just might end up being a franchise QB No RG3 was LOL
  8. You know what I ment. I was high on Cardale jones. I said that That's not what I said. I said we should be drafting a QB every year until we get a franchise QB. I liked Cardale Jones.
  9. I guess you did not watch the Great LSU SEC Tigers Def chasing him all over the field. 98 percent of the QB's playing in the NFL could not do what Mahomes did in that game. So keep thinking he is another strong arm QB You know what I ment Dak stop playing games
  10. If you believe that then your on the wrong board.
  11. how about we draft Watson and Mahomes with are 1st 2 picks. I bet it works out some how.
  12. I did not have an opinion on Zac I was all in on Tyrod because I hated EJ. But then I watched and I saw. He holds the ball way to long. He does not anticipate throws. He has to wait until his reciever is open and then only then does he throw it. He hardly ever uses the middle of the field, You can't make the playoffs like that much less win the Super Bowl. So it's time to move on. Plus I wanted Cardale Jones. I like him and if and when he gets his chance he will either Make it big or crash and burn. The key is you have to draft the QB's to see. No point in drafting anything else. it won't get you any where. Only way to get a franchise QB is through the Draft. How is it that the Patriots who have the greatest QB of all time have drafted more QB's then the Bills. No wonder we suck. If I had it my way we would have drafted Zac Prescott and Cardale jones last year, how's that for thinking out side the box. just like RG3 and Cousins. Where would be with that kind of thinking. Well we be doing pretty good, don't you think
  13. No it's not stop lying I rest my case 3rd draft picks Zac Prescott and Russell Wilson. Either you can do it or you can't. But you have to draft them to find out
  14. Just like all that smack everyone was talking about Zac Prescott. Keep drafting everything but QB's and will be 25 years without making the playoffs.
  15. Play man against this guy and the Bills will be in the Playoffs
  16. Best arm in the draft bar none. That's from every scouting service. Most say one of the best arms in the last 10 years. What's not to like. he can squeeze any ball into anywhere. It's Farve reincarnated.
  17. He will throw the ball away and go onto the next play. very easy answer to a question about having all 5 wide out's covered with Revis Island coverage that will never happen. But keep thinking that. So the Bills can go 25 years without making the playoffs
  18. I watch a lot of it. Could care less about his stats the offense he was in or any of that. I see Farve I see Rogers. My eyes don't lie Watch him against the great LSU tiger defense. Chasing him all over the field. Very few QB's can do what this guy can do and I'm talking NFL QB's. So keep thinking that, If he can do that with no protection throwing from weird angles, flat footed, off balance, off his back foot. Oh my lord what will he do when he gets protection and you correct a few flaws. I never said draft 5 QB's but those 2 in this draft would be nice Pat Mahomes and Chad Kelly.
  19. So how did that work it for the Cowboys. Forced to Start rookie 3rd draft pick Dak Prescott after Romo is injured in preseason game against seattle. Either you can or you can't. This is no longer the 1970's where it takes 5 years to know what you got. You statement is a hot mess and wrong.
  20. Mahomes is the best player in this draft bar none. i would take him 1st overall he is that good. Just people are too close minded to see it.
  21. How did that work for the Redskins, They took RG3 in the 1st round and in that same draft they took Cousins in the 4th round. plus they gave up a crap load of picks to the Browns. I think cousins threw 35 touchdowns last year and the skins were in the playoffs. But the Skins GM was criticized when after taking RG3 and giving up a kings ransom. He still took a 2nd QB in the same draft in the 4th round. So I guess in hind site it was a good move. So to be clear here they ended up getting a really good QB it just happens that it ended up being Kurt Cousins the 4th rounder. Strange how that happens when you DRAFT A QB or a couple of them. Just like when the bills drafted a 3rd round WR named graham, you mean some guy we can't remember who is not playing football anymore. Boy now that's why these draft picks are so important LOL, You mean another draft pick we wasted and passed on guy named Russell Wilson. Idiots all of them ever last bills front office person should be fired. Draft picks really don't matter unless your drafting QB's
  22. Look at the Browns they had a million great draft picks the last 3 years. All sorts of high round picks, extra picks. Where did it get them. No where when the Browns draft a QB and he becomes a great one then they will be making the playoffs. Until then they will keep being the Browns. Same thing with the Bills. You can draft all these great players you want it won't matter. The only thing that matters is the QB I love it even the team with the greatest QB of all time has drafted more QB then the Bills, You can't make this **** up even if you tried. Then they trade these guys for extra picks. Then you wonder why we're kissing Beacheats rings
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