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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. This is what a real GM is all about. Seeing the future and planing for it. listen to how he values the QB position. If your honest you will see we have a lot of problems in Buffalo. Watch it and learn http://www.chiefs.com/media-center/videos/John_Dorsey_Confident_in_Choice_of_Patrick_Mahomes_II/32100dc7-55ac-476f-a128-51f0998d6c5d We had our chance to draft a franchise QB last night. But the Chiefs stole him from us. See video above on what a real GM looks like
  2. This is what a real GM is all about. Seeing the future and planing for it. listen to how he values the QB position. If your honest you will see we have a lot of problems in Buffalo. Watch it and learn http://www.chiefs.com/media-center/videos/John_Dorsey_Confident_in_Choice_of_Patrick_Mahomes_II/32100dc7-55ac-476f-a128-51f0998d6c5d
  3. Good for them, really good for them is this is what we have become. We're lackies, were other teams farm team ( Patriots )so you say if he turns out to be a franchise QB good for them. Really well it's thinking like that, that got us where we are,no playoffs going on 20 years. I embarrassd to be a Bills fan right now. All we do is draft position players and then let the walk. We are losers with a capital L. All we did was let KC come in steal the next Farve. You know that guy Andy Reid the guy with the 12th most wins in NFL history. He was so surprised and happy that the Bills were so stupid to do this trade. He decided to look at future Super Bowl ring designs after he raped the Bills. Because Mr. Reid is about to do a lot more winning with Super Bowl titles and such in his future. You see he knows what a generational talent looks like at QB. He now has his hands on Farve 2.0 in Mahomes. So spare me the good for them statement. You and all your other loser fans can go to hell. You are a bunch of has beens, living in the world of 1970 NFL football. You see today's NFL is about passing. Real good QB's like Brady, Rogers and there ilk can beat the best defense that money can buy everytime. Passing on Mahomes who happens to be the next great one will haunt this franchise for years. This is not a day to celebrate unless you a Chiefs fan. If your not in morning as a Bills fan then you have no pulse. I am truly embarrassed to be a fan of this team since 1972 right now.
  4. No just draft the Best QB since Arron Rogers. Pat Mahomes the next great one. Hope the Bills don't mess it up.
  5. Sounds about right to me were only talking about the next great QB to come along. Who will be a future Super Bowl winner and Probowler and the next franchise QB. He is the next Farve or Rogers. This franchise will be in non playoff hell for 10 more years if they do not draft this guy. Yes worthy of a 100 page thread in my opinion.
  6. I will save you the time. Mahomes is a game changing QB. He is the next Rogers. If you draft him the team that gets him will be set for the next 12 years. Future Super Bowl winner and Probowler. Simply put the best player in this draft.
  7. Ok so let's just draft a corner back and miss the playoffs again. Grow a pair and man up. We need a QB, Nuff said
  8. John Murphy can kiss my Azz. He is a loser shill, I wish he would go away he's bad luck. Time to draft Mahomes and let's start winning with a game changing QB. Who ever gets him is going to be one lucky team.
  9. Only one QB worth drafting in this class and that's Mahomes. He is the best player in this draft. He is a game changer and the next Rogers. Who ever gets this guy the fortunes of there franchise are about to change.
  10. I hate to burst your bubble but this is not Jeff. It's Mickey in Rochester
  11. I could not have said it better my self. I've made many posts over the last few months about having to draft a QB. We could have 20 picks in this draft it would not matter who we got. Unless we get a QB were not going anywhere. So let's stop pretending and let's draft a QB like Mahomes so we can turn this franchise around. Trubisky is a Rob Johnson want a be. Please I will be physically I'll if we draft that guy. The game changing event will occur if the Bills get Mahomes. He is the next great one.
  12. This team can't even draft the right QB. Mahomes is the guy you want. He is the best player in the draft. I will be pissed if we draft a QB and his name is not Mahomes. This team is just so mixed up and not able to do the right thing when it comes to QB's.
  13. This thread is a bunch of bull. You could draft 6 Jerry rices with the Bills 6 picks. What will it solve, nothing. Let's just keep drafting everything but QB's that way we can make it to 25 years without making the playoffs. Let's get serious and draft a real QB like Mahomes who I think is the best player in the draft. He is a future pro bowler and will lead what ever team drafts him to a Super Bowl victory.
  14. There's only one QB I would consider drafting with the 10th pick in this draft and that's Patrick Mahomes. I consider him to be the best player in this draft and a future Pro Bowler and Franchise winning Super Bowl QB. To me he is a special player and if the Bills get him there QB problems will be solved for the next 12 years.
  15. 1 Mahomes 2 Mahomes 3 Mahomes 4 Mahomes 5 Mahomes Future Probowler and Super Bowl winning QB and the very best player in this draft
  16. Mahomes is the best player in this entire draft. It's not even close. My opinion he is a future pro bowler that will take the team that drafts him to multiple Super Bowls. The Bills need to do what ever they can to draft him. I know some people are gun shy or say wait to the 2nd round. But he will not be there. I'm sticking my neck out and making it known how I feel and I stand by my prediction. Mahomes will be come a franchise QB and go on to have a great NFL career. He is not a one year wonder and has the body size 6 foot three 230 pounds and the best arm to boot. The guy has the gun slinger look and feel and he can make impossible throws from bad angles, foot work and bad situations on the run. This guy is Farve like in every sense of the word. He just needs proper NFL coaching to mold his greatness. He is even worth trading up for in the first round to get him. I for one will be disappointed if the Bills do not draft him. I will always watch with interest what team he goes too and how his carrer turns out. I am so hoping he will become a Buffalo Bill.
  17. I wrote this in another post a bout Mahomes. This guy is the best QB in the draft bar none. He will be a pro bowler down the line. He is the closest thing to Aaron Rogers and Brett Farve there is. He makes un believable throws that are Acurate from weird angels and with bad foot work. This guy is the one you want. The NFL is not like college. You don't always get a lot of clean pockets and you don't always get to set up and throw on balance or get your feet set. I want a QB that can throw on the run or throw when his feet are not correct and people are in his face. This guy can do that in spades. Go watch him on YouTube you will see something extraordinary. Don't get fooled about the experts saying oh his foot work is bad, His back leg shakes, Blah, Blah, Blah. Watch Chargers Rivers, Watch GB Rogers these guys throw at all angels, throw with in correct foot work and throw on the move across there body all the time. Who the Fu@k cares how they throw it. Does he complete the passes yes he does. Yes you will be required to do that in The NFL , good one's can pull it off. Well when I watch Mahomes that's what I see. So please just stop the nonsense. If we get this guy a great new Era in Bills football is about to begin. His statistics mean nothing to me or what offense he played. my eyes don't lie I see the next great on and he's there for the taking. Let me ask all the detractors of him, how many times does a NFL QB go back and set up and not have to move off his spot. Most times QBs end up having to move and throw off there back foot or throw moving forward or rolling out. Playing QB in the NFL you don't have a lot of time. Go watch this kid play, watch him throw. He is doing amazing stuff. Making throws from all sorrts or bad angles off his back foot, flat footed and on the run. Most of them right on the mark. I could care less about his satistics or how many TDs he's thrown. He has started a ton of games. This guy is a leader and he has a very strong arm. He can do things most QB's can only dream about. He is Farve, he is Rogers he has that gift. Keep wanting that perfect foot work WB that Perfect throwing motion QB. I will take this guy over that guy 10 ways to Sunday every day of the week. If we are lucky to get this guy I be dancing in the street. I take him with the first pick in the draft he is that good. Here is Patrick Mahomes playing against the great LSU Tigers Defense from the SEC in his Bowl Game. Just some unbelievable plays by Mahomes. These are the type of players he will be playing against in the NFL. Maybe he will have some offensive linemen to protect him. LSU is chasing him all over the field and the kid is just making plays like a Farve or Rogers would. This guy is special you can just see it, feel it and sense it. These might be his most interesting high lights because of the stud defense LSU has. This is fun to watch. It's like watching Farve in his prime https://youtu.be/k4rGwPzAnbo You can't teach what he does and how he makes those throws in any of his games or in that LSU game against future NFL defenders. Only guys like Farve and Rogers and a hand full of other QB's can do that. I don't care what anyone says. I said it when the Bills passed on Russell Wilson and I will say it right now. You pass on this guy your making a big mistake. I can't wait for the John Gruden QB camp thing with Mahomes. Just like the Russell Wilson one. Man you could just tell that he was going to be special. Here it is for those who missed Russell Wilson with John Gruden how do you not draft this guy after watching this https://youtu.be/ON16iCklqLY
  18. Well Guess what some other teams will feel comfortable like the Cards, Steelers, Giants and Saints. They will be happy to scoup him up in the 1st round and then he will lead there teams to playoff and Super Bowl wins. But we're probably doomed anyways because I got a gut feeling the Jets will grab him. So keep studing those draft boards for the wide outs and defense backs. Maybe you will wake up out of your slumber and get on board the Mahomes train. We will not be a consistent winer and make the playoffs consitantly until we get a QB. We need to start drafting some QB's . Nothing else matters. I repeat NOTHING else matters. You could have 7 Jerry Rices it would not matter, you could have 5 first round draft picks it would not matter. Unless you draft QB's you are not going any where. You and me and everyone else is just wasting there time. Prediction Mr. Mahomes will be the first QB picked in this draft and he will go on to win 2 Super Bowls and make the Hall of Fame. I don't hide I tell it like it is.
  19. Wow just wow you can draft 7 jerry rices or Derrell Revis who the Hell cares we're going no where until we get a QB you just don't get it your living in a dream world quote name="OldTimer1960" post="4313322" timestamp="1491002450"]After watching Mahomes against K-state and Texas I see a guy who can see the field in scramble situations, but a guy who is very careless with the ball on a lot of plays. I saw a lot of passes behind the line of scrimmage and very few passes where he actually set his feet and strode into the pass. There is some talent there, but I think he is a bit of a long shot to really become a good player in the NFL. While he makes some very very nice throws without really setting up properly, many throws are made while going backwards. In my opinion, and I am not a scout, there are a lot of things to clean up in his game, but I will say that he does seem to see the full field when plays breakdown. My opinion is that Mahomes could be a major league turnover machine in the NFL who won't last long if he has to play without a lot of development. As with most QBs, I don't know if he will ever really shed those habits that look dangerous for the NFL. I know some see a "gun slinger" like Favre when they see him, there are a LOT of "gun slingers" who never make it in the NFL and Favre is the exception rather than the rule. I'd have a VERY hard time taking Mahomes at 10 or even in round 1. I think that even in round 2 you are taking a long-shot gamble on him and likely missing out on a starting calibre DB or WR if you take Mahomes.
  20. Now we see a QB in Mahomes showing he is as smooth as butter in his drop backs from center. This guy is like clay, mold him into greatness. The next great one has arrived. uote name="thebandit27" post="4313016" timestamp="1490985896"] http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-draft/0ap3000000796743/Patrick-Mahomes-Pro-Day-highlights
  21. You do that. I'm going to call it the way I see it. And I be tracking down everyone who bashed me for saying lets draft a WR or Corner. Time will tell
  22. All we need is jets to Get Mahomes and will be in last place for the next 5 years. Oh the misery of being a Bills fan quote name="jeffismagic" post="4312856" timestamp="1490979752"]Texas Tech The 40’s are being run and we’d expect the passing workout to start in about 30 minutes. I can tell you Patrick Mahomes met with the San Francisco 49ers last night and also spent a good amount of time with the New York Giants. I can also tell you the New York Jets have strong interest in Mahomes but I was asked not to go any further.
  23. Wow finally someone who gets it. Praise Jesus To be fair, the sort of throws that Mahomes makes with his body all contorted similar to what we would see out of Rodgers, Rivers or Favre with that gunslinger mentality gives many more hopes that he has that "it' factor more so than Cardale. Not saying that Cardale won't end up being a good QB, just that Mahomes seems to bring a lot of excitement along with that gun of an arm that people crave for.
  24. I have a conviction about this guy I'm not afraid to say it. I'm making it known that this is the best player in this draft bar none. he is the game changer. So if I'm The GM he would be my QB. Time will tell but there is no need to be nasty about it. quote name="Blokestradamus" post="4312815" timestamp="1490978146"] !@#$ing hell, how low is the life expectancy where you live?
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