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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. read the comments under the video his actions on game day were what he believes. He is in fear of getting cut now he must conform to the liberal globalist agenda and play identity politics. He's like a Isis captured hostage reading a statement. So sad this country is falling apart.
  2. he has been forced to say that or he will be cut. so funny you believe that crap so made up. his first action on what he did on game day is what he believes. Another fake news forced action in the PC world. he fears for his job. He looks like a Isis captured person reading a statement read the comments under the video
  3. You want to have a protest I am 1,000 percent behind you. I support you but do not do it at the expense of the American Flag and the Anthem and our Veterns. Being Anti American is a no win proposition. you will lose. If your siding with the liberal fake news media blowing this up your just not very smart. Protest all you want I support it, just don't do it at work and don't be anti-american about it people have died for that flag and anthem. Your all being exposed of who you really are
  4. glad you and these Anti American fans support this at least I know where you stand. I pretty sure you won't watch this because your afraid of the truth and what's happening.
  5. An immigrant who now lives in the USA craving For freedom knows what the US flag and anthem means. everyone one of you anti Americans should be ashamed. Watch her cry defending freedom and what it stands for I'm embarrassd for you all http://youtu.be/vQqxV-zDy0g
  6. When your living under Shari law you won't be saying that. you will infact truly be oppressed, so keep drinking the liberal globalist kool aide why u bring down this country.
  7. Michael Savage said it best and I agree with him 100 percent. I quote TODAY, THE OPPRESSORS ARE THE BULLIES OF THE NFL WHO KNEEL OR HIDE WHEN OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM IS PLAYED, FORCING A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE TO WITNESS THEIR VILE, INSULTING, AND UNINFORMED VIEW OF WHAT AMERICA STANDS FOR. I’LL TELL YOU WHAT AMERICA STANDS FOR. WE ARE A NATION IN WHICH NO CITIZEN IS TREATED DIFFERENTLY UNDER THE LAW, REGARDLESS OF THEIR COLOR, RACE, FINANCIAL STATUS, CREED, OR NATION OF ORIGIN. EVEN THESE HYSTERICAL MILLIONAIRES HAVE RIGHTS. SO I ENCOURAGE ALL OF YOU TO DO THE SAME: EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS. TURN OFF YOUR TVS. “DO NOT CHOOSE THE WAYS” OF THE ANARCHISTS, THE IGNORANT, WHETHER THEY TAKE THE FORM OF NEO-NAZIS, ANTIFA…OR PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM IS ABOUT A NATION NOT A PRESIDENT President Trump says players who protested the National Anthem being played before games should be fired from their teams over the weekend, and the whole world exploded. Yesterday, America was treated to NFL players taking a knee, or sitting or locking arms while the national anthem was being played in protest of what the President said. Well, guess what? They weren’t protesting a President, they were giving a big middle finger to the country. That flag and that song should be a unifying moment, a moment to say ‘no matter what differences we have, we are all American, and it’s a privilege to be one.’ But a bad player,influenced by his radical Muslim girlfriend last year decided to make it about him. He claimed to be protesting the killing of black men in America by the police while at the same time wearing a shirt praising the Castros of Cuba. And it’s spread to this. ‘He’s practicing his first amendment rights’ everyone said. Well Donald Trump practiced his first amendment rights and an entire league lost their minds. This tradition goes back a hundred years to World War 1. The people loved their country then, with boys fighting overseas in a horrible war. We have soldiers on the battlefield today, and these players just spit on them. The national anthem is about a nation, not about a President. And if these thugs don’t know that, they should be thrown off the team. And the commissioner of this league supports this. He should be thrown out too. He’s saying these players have a right to their free speech and to protest if they see fit. But it wasn’t that way when the Dallas Cowboys wanted to wear stickers on their helmets to honor the police after several Dallas policemen were shot. No, he wouldn’t allow that. Or when an NFL player wanted to honor 9/11 victims with a decal on his shoe. No, we couldn’t have that either. But spitting on the flag, you can do that all day. But people will still defend these thugs who spit on everything good about America, saying it’s their right. But is it? Yes, they can say what they want, but shouldn’t they be accountable for what they say? Their bosses should fire them because they’re staining their product with anti-Americanism. But they won’t do anything because they’re too afraid of the backlash that the leftist fascists have instigated in this country. All that we used to honor and respect must be thrown out and we have to accept the ridiculous. Man is woman, woman is man, America is bad, the Soviet Union was good. The Soviet Union was good and now Russia is bad. The civil rights movement never happened, minorities are now more oppressed than ever. It’s upside down. The fact that these players can do what they did yesterday, with no repercussions whatsoever disproves their arguments. Where could you do this on the planet? Dictatorial regimes you’d be killed or put in torture prisons. Even in Westernized countries you have laws against certain speech. I’ve been banned from Britain for something I didn’t even say, but here millionaire thugs can go on national TV and vehemently hate the country. Remember this, when they do what they did yesterday, they’re not disrespecting a President, they’re disrespecting an entire nation. They’re disrespecting you and me.
  8. Let me tell you something all these liberal kiss Azz antifa want to be bills fans have been duped by the fake stream media. it's a group effort by the media to make this a big deal. sure there going to show the national anthem. Have cameras in the faces of the players. Trump is right you should stand and respect the flag and the anthem and the people who died for your freedoms the Veterans. if you don't, your not an good American. This goes for all players White Black Hispanic Indian or what ever color you are. He never said just black players. I love how the media twists it into trump is telling black players they can't protest. I support there right to protest but not at work. your upsetting over half your customer base. If you want to protest do it on your own time and on your social media. The media has turned us Against one another. They are in the tank all of them against the president. They are helping to divide us. If you support not standing for the anthem then stay home. Players or teams should not be out on the field when the anthem is played if they can't respect the flag. Let the fans pay there respects. you who support kneeling are in with this group of Anti American sentiment. You are in for bringing down the laws of this country and its constitution. You want Shari law to happen so women can be abused and gays thrown off buildings with no religious freedom. I'm so sick and tired of this fake made up controversies by the liberal press that did everything they could to steal the election. They screwed Bernie Sanders and now there trying to bring down are government. Real Americans see threw this crap and if you keep it up Trump will win 48 states in 2020. Yes there is a lot of Kelly haters they hate him, they hate the bills our country and everything else it stands for. I'm a veteran from the US Air Force and also US Army. I will not stand for this and I will call you out every chance I get. How is this good for business when people are turning off the TV not going to games. Burning tickets and memorabilia. The media has used sports to compromise them. They have turned the ESPN and The NFL into communist organizations. The NFL even had the gull to tell teams like the Giants and the Cowboys they could not honor 911 victims with patches and When the Dallas police officers were killed by the BLM terrorists the Cowboys could not honor them with patches.they tried but were told to take them off. This is why you don't let this stuff infiltrate your business. The NFL commissioner is a weasel and he should have kept these teams in the locker room. You don't protest the flag or the anthem or Veterans holding the flag or singing the anthem on company time. No one thinks that could possible be ok and I'm pretty sure if you did this at your work you would be fired.
  9. Super great post I've been saying this on most of my posts. it makes no sense from a business sense to piss of millions of customers
  10. This whole narrative is being pushed by the Liberal Media. Hilary Clinton was on MSNBC tonight saying Trump is going after black players and telling them they can't protest. She made it a point that it's a racial problem. Trump never said anything about black players or race. He said players should respect the flag and anthem. That's what democrats and the lame stream fake news media does. They divide us and play us for fools. Keep drinking the liberal Kool Aide, You do not piss of Veterans like me and think your going to not get push back. Speaking of fake news. The day before the election some media outlets said Hillary Clinton had a 90 percent chance of winning. They whole lame stream media was in the tank for her. This whole fake liberal non story is being pushed by the media because they just hate President Trump. We all see right through this made up NFL protest narrative This is what a real american thinks of these protests. https://www.facebook.com/FreedomDilara/videos/1855870184742407/
  11. No I'm not stuck at all I'm changing the screen name as soon as I can
  12. could not have said it better my self main stream liberal media and the communist NFL all in on this one but the NFL fines the Cowboys for honoring 911 victims a few years ago and the Dallas cops that were assinated by BLM. This country is a joke right now. Lame fake news media stoking the flames again.
  13. I explained this earlier if I had known Thurman was going to be a idiot and act like that I would not have used that screen name. I changed my screen name like one month ago. Per Two Bills drive rules you can only make a name change one every 6 months. I plan to change my name as soon as I'm allowed. As a Veteran I'm not supporting this crap any longer. Thurman is now dead to me. He can kiss my Azz
  14. This is what the Liberal main stream media has done, it's pissed off the Steelers fans and millions of Veterans. This why protesting at work in front of your customers is not a good idea. We have morals in this country. We stand for this country. My great uncles bones are lying in the bottom of Pearl Harbor for this country, for the flag, for your freedom to play in the NFL and to say whatever you want to say. But you do not disrespect the flag and the country and the Constitution. So watch this stuff burn, Williams said. Williams video gained more than 50,000 views since Sunday. Steelers fans have also taken to Twitter to post videos of themselves burning Steelers gear.
  15. I'm not saying saying the don't have the right of course they do. I support there right to do it on there own time and on there social media. you don't piss off millions of your customers and not expect a backlash. Simple solution keep the players in the locker room and this problem with the national anthem and disrespecting Veterans and the flag and are country will be avoided. They are there to play football Correct or did you pay to see a protest.
  16. please it's illegal for the president to say fire someone. Just like Regan fired the Air traffic controllers. he said get back to work or your fired. Then they called his bluff and he fired them. Another main stream media lie just like Chris Cuomo from CNN saying it's illegal to read wiki leaks and that he will read it for you and tell you how to interrupt it. Keep drinking the kool aide
  17. You guys just don't get it. See what this guy is saying, your pissing off millions of fans this can not be good for business. If these players don't want to respect the flag and Veterans then keep them in the locker room. You don't piss off your customer base and not expect a backlash. If these players want to protest they can do it on there own time and on social media. How would you like it if I owned a business and I pissed you off everytime you came in. You would not like it and you would be pissed and not come to my business anymore. Keep these idiot players in the locker room during the anthem problem solved. They are there to play football not protest and piss off customers.
  18. Thurmanator 12074, on 25 Sept 2017 - 8:23 PM, said: If Thurman Thomas is taking a knee and disrespecting the flag during the National Anthem he can kiss my Azz too. if I could change my screen name I would at this moment. I just changed it about a month ago, so you have to wait 6 months. I will be changing it as soon as I can per Two Bills drive rules. pretty harsh. Pretty harsh that these Millionare players have to disrespect our flag, our country and are Veterens which I am one of them. So please spare me the excuses. Your pissing off your customers. Keep these players in the Locker room. how would you like it if you walked into my business and I pissed you off and disrespected you. You would not like it. They can protest on there own time. These players should not be out on the field at all during the National Anthem. Let the Fans pay there respects to the flag and the Veterns and the singers of the Anthem. This will hurt the bottom line of owners and networks all to appease the Main Street liberal media and globalist.
  19. If Thurman Thomas is taking a knee and disrespecting the flag during the National Anthem he can kiss my Azz too. if I could change my screen name I would at this moment. I just changed it about a month ago, so you have to wait 6 months. I will be changing it as soon as I can per Two Bills drive rules.
  20. Any person kneeling or stretching not honoring our flag. Yes there dead to me, most players were standing. It's pretty simple keep these idiots in the locker room during the national anthem. They are there to play football not to protest. So every player that was on the field on Sunday. Or your sarcasm is just that good.
  21. This will not end well for Jerry Hughes as far as I'm concerned he is dead to me. Jim Kelly is Bills royalty my guess is this will become a huge mess rather quickly. Hughes needs to STFU and go back to the colts. Any bills player not standing with there hand over there heart when the anthem is being played is a coward and a puss. You don't deserve to be wearing a Bills uniform. When is is alright to piss off 70 percent of your customer base. Keep these f-players in the locker room they don't deserve to even have a chance to look at the American flag. I'm ashamed to be a Bills fan today. Just play football and you can protest on your own time.
  22. Yes I agree all teams on any given day can beat even the best team. So yes I'm tired of hearing about the jets.
  23. Thank you for doing this post. This takes a lot of time to put this together. That's why I feel 2 bills drive is the best forum in Pro football
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