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17 Josh Allen

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Everything posted by 17 Josh Allen

  1. Good for josh. But it’s not good for trying to bring a locker room together with 52 different backgrounds. Is he going into the NFL to play football and be a leader or is he more interested in Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Youtube. Is he a good player yes he is will he fit in with every team probably not.
  2. SouthNYFan is all about politics. what can I say I would prefer you take that to the PPP board.
  3. Yes cornerblitz we disagree about Rudolph. I see something in Rudolph that you don’t. I will say this if the Bills draft Rosen I will support him and root for him to do well as the Bills QB or any of the top 6 QB’s. Secretly I would love it if the Bills got Lamar Jackson this guy could end up as the most exciting player in the NFL. I really love Allen, Mayfield, Rudolph and Jackson.
  4. This is a football board go to PPP if you want to talk politics. I will not fall for your stuff again. I’m talking about which QB I prefer based on there play and how I think there play In the NFL will be. So I like Allen, Mayfield, Rudolph and Jackson. your order maybe different but I will not put you down because I don’t agree with it. So keep it on football please.
  5. I predict Mason Rudolph will end up with the Better NFL career over Darnold and Rosen based on there play during there NFL career. Bills should stay put and draft Rudolph at 12 and use there draft capitol. This is my opinion not sure what Mcbean will do. It’s been reported that they have scouted Rudolph hard for the last year.
  6. Could not agree more with this statement. I would be super excited if we got Mason Rudolph.
  7. media is reporting he will drop because of many factors. Number 1 reason is his medicals. Why are you so hostile. Let’s keep it about the draft and drop the political stuff please. I’ve also made it clear I don’t want my QB talking about politics period no matter which way he leans. Politics do not belong in the locker room it divides not brings people together from all back grounds. Agree or Disagree. ?
  8. I think we might be looking at the beginning of the Josh Allen era at 1 Bills Drive.
  9. Lots of media and press are predicting Rosen is dropping to 15 or 19. I would say there is a 50 percent chance that this will happen due to his medicals. I predicted this many weeks ago. Now there are reports out predicting that this might happen. Note I had stated that Rudolph would go before Rosen if they were both on the board at the 12th pick when I started this thread. I’m sticking with that prediction. Rosen is one of the top 6 QB’s In this draft. But he might not be a good fit for every team in this draft. I have no Idea what there feeling on Rosen is They may love him or not like him based on many factors most importantly his medicals. So will see what happens but it’s possible that one of these 5 QB’s could end up being the best QB’s of this draft class. Lamar Jackson, Mason Rudolph,Luke Faulk, Kyle Lauletta or Mike White. No one knows for sure and it’s a crap shoot when it comes to what the outcome will be. I love Rudolph he checks all the boxes and he will go in Round 1 in my opinion. I will not be disappointed if the Bills draft him and use the rest of there draft capitol. I also love Lamar Jackson and I would be super excited if they got him too.
  10. Because Rosen will not shut his mouth so he’s taking all the media away from all the others. Dude can’t shut up. Talks endlessly about breaking all of Brady’s records and about fake sun gods and flat earth ? theory’s
  11. Are you afraid of the truth and what is actually happening and what there saying about Rosen on national TV. I did not cause this he did. He’s a real flake and there exposing him.
  12. I voted for Rosen he will surely bust big time.
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