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Dr Doom

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Everything posted by Dr Doom

  1. This weekends game is huge in putting the odds in Bills favor.
  2. I want to see him start every game for the rest of the year so the odds improve at drafting his replacement
  3. Unhappy Gilmore!
  4. Finally! After all these years I may have another chance to see him tear someone's clothes off!
  5. The other day when I came to the tough realization that Fat Dareus will never be a franchise player and I remember how many great players were drafted around him.
  6. The Devil is gonna be calling to collect the debt I owe him soon!
  7. I love the tank!
  8. Gambling problem... hope it's not too serious and he gets help! jk
  9. Was fun to watch. I think things were a lot crazier in the past, but things have evolved with more of an entertainment twist to it. The one thing I was really happy about is that there was no violence and it was more about having fun and being crazy and doing your own thing. I am sure people will have different thoughts/opinions, but we all cheer in our own way,
  10. Keep us posted for when he has a dump....
  11. Just expect to be disappointed... it's the safest bet with this team.
  12. Don't worry. You didn't miss anything. Still headed to a maximum potential 7-9 season. Dooooomed!
  13. They also have a better QB and opportunity for success this season.
  14. Perhaps he's just using the Bills for leverage...
  15. The only time that Dareus will rush the line is at the Buffet. That guy sucks!
  16. Finally! Another bust is gone. Keep the purge going!
  17. The Kool-Aid must have been flowing freely this weekend...
  18. It's quite simple to understand actually. The team, as it currently is built, is over rated. People say this is a veteran team built to get some wins now, but how good and how deep is this team? We are one McCoy groin pull away from being a run first team without a runner Watkins is one boo-boo away from having a peg leg Dareus is one urine sample away from an extended break So why not embrace the tank? Look at what the 7-9 average season has gotten us to. A lifetime in purgatory. If you trust the coach and the new direction, trust them to learn hard lessons this year and then learn from their mistakes. You guys are going to question not tanking when the Jets flop this year and pick the QB we want higher than us. People make it seem so easy to trade up with our two first round picks, but that is no guarantee. Why not tank, get the QB on our own and use the other first rounds pick for a new wide receiver or linemen to protect the new asset.
  19. I hate this current direction without a rebuild. I want to tank, as that would give me slight optimism for the future... However, 7-9 purgatory looks like goal of this team.
  20. Kevin Everett's miraculous recovery and video evidence.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI6uYJrIqaw
  21. It was only a matter of time.... Let the party begin!
  22. Loved that article! Please get rid of Russ! He is the curse!
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