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Everything posted by Brainiac21

  1. oh, it's low, obviously. but i just think a.) it's not SUPER important for a DB, and b.) doesn't mean he is exceedingly weak and never went into a weight room. putting up 225 is not something many people can just walk in and do, not people built for quickness and speed anyway. those people on here saying they can do it, or their son can, maybe so... but i don't they approach a 4.43 40, maybe not a sub 5, soooo... it's not really relevant.
  2. He's (Austin) is short, everyone knows being short helps the bench press. But Damontre Moore's total is puny regardless for a D-lineman or even a LB. Cornerbacks, however, should not be built for the bench press. While it may come naturally to a few people out there, for people of slender build, 225 is a lot; and even 4 reps would suggest time in the weight room. Speed and jumping would be the keys here,.
  3. let's see the official times. the nfl network times were next to worthless... not even close in many instances. i think they were a full .2 off in nassib's case and often at least a tenth. not sure the discrepancy but however they do it leaves a lot of room for error.
  4. i read a blurb yesterday that Patterson was very unimpressive in his interviews. if true, i don't know you can pick a guy that high that wasn't even that productive and played a season. this team can use an upgrade at almost ANY postion... i'd rather take less risk at 8. get a "sure" pro-bowler.
  5. I was thinking this too after watching the combine. Glenn played decent, but not great. I don't see him as ever being elite, which is why most didn't think he could play there at all. Considering our RT situation is below average at best (our short/quick passing game was predicated more on not having time to throw than it was Ftiz'a weak arm) I think we could do a lot worse than a stud LT. Fisher and Johnson look great... the QB's and WR's not so much. Not at 8. Even the OLB types have issues. If you want value at that spot, OT or that top CB might be the best ways to go, as unappealing as it may sound on the surface. There are worse things than having a dominant O-line, especially with a rookie QB.
  6. what's to discuss? what's the question? any team will trade a guy if it's in their best interest... and many teams will pause at giving near franchise QB money to a CB who is never happy with his monster paycheck, coming off an ACL tear. it's not rocket science.
  7. pretty much. a fairly obvious quote.. there is no Andrew Luck. no RG3. maybe not even a Tannehill or a Kaepernick either. that may very well mean we do NOT take one in the first round. if we do, or in the 2nd, pick one whose deficiencies you can work with or are correctable. i do see the original poster's point, i guess, but nothing to get excited about as i think Whaley is speaking a truth most already see. things is, there may not be a do everything guy next year either. Tajh Boyd and Aaron Murray may be the 2 best, and they both lack height. but i think they're taking one, so i hope it's one with only 1 or 2 flaws (Wilson or Nassib) vs. one with too many to ever fix (Glennon).
  8. Troup wasn't an unknown "whose he" guy to people who follow the draft. he was a good prospect, just one who should have been taken in the 3rd round... not the 2nd. i like his play when healthy, and 320 is not too undersized... he was drafted to play NT and he could be at the very least a good #2 NT. tough injury though. but they kept him so no harm in seeing what he can do this year.. not like he's eating up a bunch of cap space or anything. he passes a physical, suit him up.
  9. you are confusing the Rams with the Cardinals.... probably becuase of the St.Louis connection. The Cardinals pick 7th, and are often slated a QB. Rams don't pick until 16th. It mya be illogical to think a simple fan would know more than Brandt, but I can't remember ever thinking he knew what he was talking about... I only see the reasons he was fired. 20 years ago. Could be wrong, i just don't put much stock in him usually. However, in THIS case i tend to agree more than not. I don't like Glennon at all, and i see where he's coming from on most. That said i like Tyler Wilson best and if we can get him in the 2nd round thanks to his down year (after maybe on O-lineman or OLB or WR in the first), that would be great.
  10. but let's face it.. when you lose every takes issue with play calls no matter who it is. we hated Kevin Gilbride when he was here too for passing to much at the end of games, and he went and won 2 super bowls. these guys go less off stats and more with what they see and what should work based on the D, or expected D. if it looks like they are loading to stop the run, percentages say that a pass should work. but a bad throw or dropped ball so often would kill what should be a first down... a first down that would have allowed for a couple more running plays. i think the players definitely let Chan down in many cases where it was not necessarily the play calling, but the execution. not that Chan was completely without fault. he may gave better realized the deficiencies of his QB and cast, and run more anyways. with a better offensive group or at least QB, he may have looked like a genius. same with the drafting of QB's. his track record of working with mediocrities suggests he was too optmistic about the guys he was working with. while i still blame Buddy, it does not seem Chan took it upon himself enough to stand up and demand better.
  11. Tyler Wilson and Cobi Hamilton. That was easy.
  12. Only one person makes the final decision. "Know" is somewhat subjective... even Harbaugh didn't "know" or they'd take him in the first. But you can get a pretty good idea. I have an article saved where the Bills western scout raved about Kaepernick, especially his intangibles. The article sugested the Bills may take him in the 2nd. Had Chand and that scout been in charge of the draft, I bet they take him. Buddy admitted he liked him just a few weeks ago and saw him himself... he just did not think he'd learn an NFL offense quick enough. He was living in the past and still did not see how quick these guys can play IF you build the offense to their strengths. He was also slow to realize the trend in elevating QB's above their rating becuase of their importance. And worst of all, they vastly overrated Aaron Williams. Chan stuck with Fitz b/c he felt he was the best QB in the roster. He was probably right. but that doesn't mean he didn't see his flaws or wouldn't have preferred someone else. they did want Cam Newton after all.
  13. Well, he played less than half the time/snaps... so that certainly contributed to his "disappearing". People say "where were our LB?" without realizing that they were not even on the field most of the time. We so often had Scott out there and Rodgers, with only Barnett as a true LB. It may be that Sheppard isn't a great or even good player, but I'd still like to see him in another scheme with another coach before that conclusion is reached. Sure, he missed his gap sometimes, like everyone else on that horrid D. Other times mauled by O-lineman. But more often than not, standing on the sidelines. I liked his potential in college, so I still think there is something to work with.
  14. he didn't have much of a year, but will be missed as a person if not as a player. seemed a really good guy. glad he's at least had a decent career for an undrafted.
  15. fat is one thing, a few piunds is another. but whether she put on weight or no... whether she quit at end of season or no... she should be there because she is hotter than most. After all, isn't that what cheeleadering is really all about?
  16. Ruselll Wilson proved height isn't eveything, but he does have large hands... as does Drew Brees. Chip Kelly seems to think it's very important. That said, Tyler Wilson is my favorite prospect aside from this point. Dunno if he's worth the 8th (let alone the first) but, he is my favorite. Kaeprnick may be a running QB, but the size makes him different than RG3. he'll still take a bit of a beating but not as much. Cam Newton even moreso... no way you can say he's a scrambler... he's a runner. But he's huge... Having a solid build will go a long way. Not sure it even matters much whether you run. Roethlisberger is a scrambler, not a runner and he takes a beating.. only his size allowed him to last this long. Vick gets hurt more in the pocket getting sacked and throwing the ball than he ever does running it. I think if you hold onto the ball for any reason, you better be built solid.
  17. Even in a supposed QB-driven league, it's still underestimated how valuable they are. If a pro bowl LT can make 10 million, or a WR 12 million... then a pro bowl level QB should make that combined, easy. 20 million is definitely worth it for a franchise QB, even if he isn't top 5; so unless Flacco gets exposed in the SB as looking terrible, i think he'll get it. And btw, word is Matt Ryan wants this too... these guys are comparable.
  18. I've seen a few times people saying Alex Smith has no upside. To quote or at least paraphrase The Princess Pride, I don't think that word means what you think it means. He was a #1 overall pick... of course he has upside. He has a stronger arm than Fitz, is more accurate (on real throws; Fitz's completion % is only what is is because half his passes are screens), he's faster, he has a better record, he turns the ball over less... is there anything he's NOT better at? Fitz has him in Wonderlic (and everyone else), but not by much... Smith is one of few people to have a 40. Harbaugh is a good coach, but no evidence yet he's a miracle worker. Kaerpernick was fantastic in college. Luck has an excellent year as a pro w/o him. No reason to think Smith isn't just a better QB now and would fall apart without him. I don't think their numbers would be near as comparable if situations were reversed. Fitz cannot make the throws they have Smith make. Smith would benefit greatly from the easy screen passes to Spiller that gets Fitz most of his yards. He has way more ability throwing the ball. Unless he can't read a defense, and his intelligence would suggest he can, I think it would be a clear and marked improvement... not a negligible one. If Bills love a guy in the draft fine.. if it's just a crap shoot and they take a guy just to take one, they'd be better off with Smith than say Glennon (ugh). The way it looks now, I'd rather have Tajh Boyd or even Aaron Murray before anyone in this draft.
  19. You can't count on always having a strong O-line. Even if you have one, someone will be banged up and pressure will come, and then what? Glennon will panic and get sacked like he does now. If there is one QB I am absolutely sure I don't want, it'd be him. Well, and probably Landy Jones. Tyler Wilson still seems pretty good to me. Tough and pretty solidly built (I think Glennon might break if he got sacked by an NFL player). He underthrew the deep ball in Senior Bowl but at least he tried it and it was one throw. If he has just a little stronger arm than Fitz, and is just a little more accurate than Fitz, I'd take him failrly early. Of the other senior bowl guys, Nassib or Manuel may be worth a 2nd day pick... and Dysert maybe on 3rd day; he DID look decent on that final TD drive in 2 minute drill.
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