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Everything posted by Brainiac21

  1. i agree that he was of little use with it, even compared to rogers... who at least can tackle, some, and made a pick at one point too. if you have zero chance at an interception, sure makes it a lot more appealing to throw the ball that way.
  2. i don't think he's in last year of contract... think he is signed through 2014: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/2012/05/bills-sign-rb-jackson.html also, he may not have had a lot of NFL carries prior to being 27, but he wasn't inactive either... got a lot of work in the Indoor league and Europe league for 2 or 3 seasons. hard to imagine he'll make it past this contract, so hope we can make it count.
  3. give the RUNNING BACKS chances to makes plays. the biggest problem i have with Hackett so far is the lack of getting them involved in the passing game. that is the strength of Jackson and Spiller both, and all they do is run up the middle. taking short passes, whether screens, short to sidelines, short over the middle (dumpoffs), or having CJ line up wide... their versatility is what makes them great running backs. And we don't utilize it! that's what frustrates me, cuz we know it works, and it has nothing to do with the QB's inexperience either, since they are easy throws. No excuse. RB is a strength of this team and Hackett is throwing it away by not capitalizing on the abilities that make them special.
  4. i don't think he was ever "not cleared". that's probably why he got a second opinion. he did say he played through it last year. so what, is it that much WORSE this year? despite resting it for 8 months, which is supposedly the only treatment? that doesn't make much sense. his own words betray his thoughts, he played through it before and this year he said he's not going out there until he's "100%". what more do we need to hear to believe he's milking it? that said, i wish he'd play, cuz Jim Leonhard is awful and a waste of space.
  5. right. HUGE mistakes. but you could also say "fire hackett" for not only some bad/conservative play calls (will we please take the 1 yard pass to TE out of the playbook or at least use Gragg for it?), but for putting a guy like Summers out there IN pass protection on crucial drives, when he's never done it as a pro. seems like there could have been better options. why not Jackson, or another TE?
  6. downtown somewhere is fine, but i agree it's a waste to put it RIGHT on the waterfront. weather is worse, and can definitely be used for more outdoorsy type stuff. i could see a ballpark... which allows for views and a whole summer of nice weather days. but a football stadium up north? kind of a waste.
  7. exactly. pretty much every year. if we always get ranked around 30th and deserve it, why do we pick 10th every year then? did the Jags? 2-14 and crushed by Bills.
  8. he had already taken a pay cut.. i'd say pretty bad. they moved him to RT and he lost the job after preseason game to a 5th round rookie. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/22249899-606/bears-cut-jmarcus-webb-jordan-palmer.html
  9. tougher on Leinart.. he had no chance at a good game. and he went against some starters, and overall better players than Lewis. Did Lewis do anything passing wise until the very end against non-NFLers? i'd have to think they went with whoever they thought would be a better fit going forward rather than how they actually performed in the game.
  10. i already semi-jinxed him by taking him in mine (12th).. so you might as well go for it. (and yes, i took fred-ex later... much later).
  11. didn't Colin Brown play any at LG?
  12. Owner donated $888.88 to a Brees charity as an apology.
  13. Moore definitely didn't retire... "waiting for the right opportunity". Wants real money. I'd say give it to him. May also want to be on a contender, but it's not like he's so old he can't put in a year dealing with our mediocrity. Could definitely be a playoff team in a year. OG aren't that easy to find. maybe if the rest of you line is great, you get buy with a body. But we had a hole there for years after Ruben Brown retired. Chump after chump.
  14. The reports on Woods are interesting.. cuz the quotes/reviews are always positive, that he loks so good with routes/hands, etc. Yet when it comes to plays, all I read about are drops, going back to OTA's and Spring camp. Almost no catches mentioned ever. Huh. I AM worried about Hairston. I know he didn't perform great, but if he could at least be average. Our O-line is not as good as some think. Pears was terrible the last 2 years after his first couple games. First impressions I guess. Urbik is average. Wood always a durability concern. Glenn looks decent but started getting beat late in the year. Levitre was most reliable and now replaced by 2 schmoes. We can't afford a liability like Pears again. Hairston has potential to be better than him. Wonder what the timetable is? Seems like his injury, don't even remember it, was forever ago.
  15. Hairston is to battle for that spot, and is possibly the favorite. He's just not free to practice yet, but should be soon. Zebrie Sanders could be in the mix too, now that he's healthy.
  16. yeah, once i saw this guy's times i looked up his hilights on youtube... and immediately said 'no thanks'. the way he crossed the middle and whatnot and took hits... part of it fearless, part maybe lack of situational awareness. i had no idea he actually had concussion problems already, just thought he clearly would eventually.
  17. he has meathead qualities... i think what was meant by Pats knowing what he was up to is that he had gotten into some trouble... and that they likely knew it wasn't just obstruction when they released him... NOT of course that they knew he was dangerous when they gave him the extension. and it had to be Donahoe that wanted Losman. i mean, with the story today of how Ralph pal'd around with Troy Vincent, who notoriously broke JP's leg, i'd have to think that Ralph would know if the team was not behind him. Still, the momentum MM refers to was stopped by their inability to stop the Steelers backups in final 2004 game. Losman's inability to do anything against a cover-2 came later (and i seem to remember Belichik calling out Bledsoe helpless against the cover-2 as well).
  18. This is the part that hasn't gotten enough attention. He's saying that while the Bills go up against their own players, without pads. So I think it's pretty safe to say he doesn't want them taking out our own guys... in other words, just a figure of speech to ratchet up the intensity. So not the same as literally encouraging head shots and cart offs.
  19. why draw distinction at round one? if you do it say, top 12, it probably works out the other way. lots of those guys were #1, #2, #3, or #5... some 10 or 12. Freeman, Tebow, Weeden were the only ones picked after 12; 2 didn't start right away, and the one who did was 28 y.o. with a less viable backup.
  20. Silly to make conclusions based on what we've heard... we always here about how the defense gets big britches and does a lot of hooting and hollering when they dominate. Just as possible Brooks was in his ear all day or week, so it could be just a little fun between teammates and nothing to do with being a punk. That said, good that Marrone makes it clear that in a game it would not be acceptable, so watch it. Another thing I think is silly is the whole "act like you've been there before"... makes little sense because the guys who celebrate deliberately are the ones who have been there before and it shows. All the "great" celebrators (and potentially subject to penalties) are good at it precisely because they've been there before and have thought about it. Guys who score their first often have nothing elaborate or offensive... hand the ball back to ref... spike the ball hard perhaps... Maybe the saying should go "Act like you haven't been there before".
  21. wow, first post with a name and it's the same as mine. Roby was my prediction the day after the draft ended. mark it down. hey, the last time i predicted an OSU CB to the Bills it happened (and worked out pretty well).
  22. absolutely.. almost like people form an opinion early and never learn. his FIRST year, he was a lousy tackler. he's gotten so much better. in 2009 he had 30 solo tackles, by 2011 he had 75. Assists were similar. Last year the first game he looked lost (new system?) and then looked really good again after. granted, i don't watch other teams as closely, but i can't imagine there are 5 definitively better. certainly not geezers like polamalu or reed. this team has lacked playmakers and game-changers forever, and he's one of and maybe THE only we've had on defense. gotta keep guys like that, at least until you have others.
  23. well.. not if Troup is healthy and makes enough of an impression. He'll play NT over one of the others; it's what he was drafted for, built for, and better suited for than the other two who have never excelled there.
  24. I was into the Bills taking Troup, i thought they might, but in the 3rd round unfortunately. Still, he was known as a harder worker as opposed to Cody, known to take more plays off. Troup had coaches excited and received some glowing reports out of OTA's and training camps 2 years ago before the hand and back injuries. I still have hopes... and i think there is a place for him as he is the only notable true 3-4 NT on the roster. Maybe Dareus excels at it, but it seems a waste of his talent. And Branch was a bust until they moved him to DE. To me he's definitely in the 5 man rotation for the "3" in the 3-4.
  25. some numbers, various sources: Oct 10, 2011 - 23 + 5 http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/crime/Five-DWI-arrests-after-Bills-game Dec 4, 2011 - 26 http://www2.erie.gov/sheriff/index.php?q=26-arrests-made-bills-game-sunday Nov 4, 2008 - 37 http://privateofficernews.wordpress.com/2008/11/04/couple-charged-with-having-sex-at-buffalo-bills-game-wwwprivateofficercom/ Jan 5, 2010 - 216 for the season http://privateofficernews.wordpress.com/tag/buffalo-bills/ as you can see, about 30 per game. high, but in no way would equals the combined total of all other games. that somewhat ludicrous sounding statement sounds like it was made as a hyperbole as a point to emphasize. regardless, it IS a pretty big problem at the Ralph, but in all my games there never witnessed an arrest or anything definitely calling for one. just typical drunkeness, slurred speach, unsteady walking, and some beer spillage. annoying, but not exactly a prison riot either. the most annoying part to me is the beer in the stadium. if they were so concerned with drunkeness they'd stop selling it IN the stadium. if not, then obviously they are much more concerned with profit than they are with safety or image.
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