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Simplee more unedited stuff. We talk about Doc, ALLLL the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doug Kieffer 6:26 AM (3 hours ago) to me What do you need commentary on? Bahstun? It's horrific. Especially meaningful for me because I ran a marathon last year. I hit the wall and kept running. Probably did a little short-erm damage to my body but I was determined to beat 4 hours. It was hard enough to do post-race recovery in the relaxed atmosphere of the hospitality tents. Can't imagine running from bomb blasts. And as Monty Python would say, "Now for something completely different". My latest soccer blog entry. http://www.hottimeinoldtown.com/2013/4/17/4229972/and-now-a-word-from-our-sponsor Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 20:48:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Do you believe in miracles? From: pardeekid@gmail.com To: dougkieffer@hotmail.com Mr Winged Hooves I miss your comments. Are the wife & kids got you knotted up? P-Out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to aboyce, Kyle, Cindi, joe, Sports, wadenc, Doug Like I say.. Me & Dr Walk be handing out trophies. This blast would most likely be too far from the podium. The terrorist would have to have a press pass... & dropping hiz luggage in a near by garbage can... There is tons more security around me & Dr Walk. He died last April/early May... I miss him like a familee member. I wuz a nobodie when we met (Still am:)... but he knew I luv'd track. He got me media/vip hospitality passes (great food & spirits)... Even tho he has left us.. I could not bare to think, my MENTOR could be hurt. That's why I watched Fox ALL nite. It seems everee day something reminds me of him. One of the other USOC executives, is trying to git a hi-profile meet in Durham... But it is toooooo hard to due, w/o Dr Walk's fund-raising. Walk was good friends w/ comedian Bill Cosby, & other hi-dollar corpoarate sponsors. Rite now, corp Amer is dead (The Obama bail-outs). It's tuff to git them to sponsor track or futbol. Doog When we pull it off, I'll make sure your munchins have FIELD access. P-Out
Joe sez: Not a day goes by, that I don't think of Dr Walk Here is an unedited e-mail, I sent out this morning. The back story is teenage gurls who binge drink, & their 'sensitive' photos wind up on the Internet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoogBig Al I cannot comment on why a young gal would wanna harm herself, & in the process... hurt her familee. I'll lv that for: Dr Laura Dr Phil & Oprah I don't think Oprah has formal training in that area... but heck, she be Oprah. Oprah can do anything:) I save my sympathy for peo like.... CNN: Ball Bearings Used In Explosive Devices, Multiple Amputations Being Performed, Wounded 132+ http://www.mediaite....ed-wounded-132/ There is a legal term called--- contribuatory negligance. Teenagers that bringe drink, have contributed to their own demise. Years ago, when both of us had some DMV 'issues' ... I don't remember i-ther of us blaming other peo. You know how much I bleed Celtic Green. You & I have travelled together to see Lahree/Parrish/ & McHale. I consider SW Philly & Bahston my second homes. & I luv track-&-field & was really good friends w/ Walker was the first African-American to head the U.S. Olympic Committee and was instrumental in bringing the Olympic Games to his native Atlanta in 1996. http://www.newsobser...er-dies-at.htmlat.html#storylink=cp Doog Big Al He & I (Acually just him:) would be giving out the awards for these type events. The Kenyans & Ugandans (Where your wife be fr) would win. Then we would be doing age grp awards... From the Jr's... to guys in their 50's.Several local awards are named after him. Then we would have seats near the Parquet, for the Celtics, the nx evening. That's why I watched Fox, ALLLLL nite long. It could have been us, in those blasts. Doog I think you need help separating what is a stupid teenage prank on the Internet from what is legitimately TRAGIC. Here are some movie quotes: Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life http://www.hark.com/...go-through-life As Good As It Gets (1997) Receptionist: How do you write women so well? Melvin Udall: Easy. I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability. http://www.atlyrics....odasitgets.html Oh by the way... I'm seduled for ANOTHER hernia sugery, the 22nd. Why did I try to git back in shape... during my legal drama (It is exercised induced:) Toss up a prayer for yo boi & Pour out some Hienegan for him too (I'll have to be all milk & cookies... plus vitamins, during my recovery:( Ronnie West Raleigh P-Out
Kan't make this up. Simplee checking tthe ACC hoops sedule, in this area... Joe sez: Not a day goes by, w/o thinking of him February 22, 2013 War Memorial Auditorium - Greensboro Coliseum , Greensboro Bill Cosby in Greensboro http://www.concertboom.com/bill-cosby/tour-dates/ Like I said, Cos supports 'our' sport @ all levels, & I know how to talk to Cos.. Remind him of the ole daze... But Bossman, if I can get a message to him (trust me, It ain't that hard.. Temple has an SID... I would reach Cos thru coach.... I am also long time friends w/ the NCCU SID, that campus named a building after the guy. I can easily reach tons of Doc's supporters.. who have very deep pockets) But as long as Cos is in my back yd.... Can you 'spill' the word... serendipidy? Joe sez: Also, working on something to cement Doc's memory -- hopefully that will happen this year. G-boro is the ACC corp headquarters, `75 miles fr the east side of the Triangle. Do you feel like meeting me @ RDU-I... & we make a sales pitch? It's all about fundraising. We are worse than Obama & Romney:) You have to be there, in G-boro. I know little of the plan. Doc is still tak'n care of us, & helping us thru life. Can Magic's Jerry Buss top that? *The angels smile* P-Out
Here again too, I wanna share stories that everyone can relate to, not just us t&field nuts. As the great JoeF sez: I think about Doc every day and what I learned. I was blessed to be part of his life. Now not to get too weepy and sentimental. The sun did rise, the day after his passing (@ least I think it did?). But I wuz just watch'n Magic Johnson, on the NBA ESPN sho, talk about Jerry Buss. Magic (I'm a Celtic guy, & Bill Russell would say the same about Red). Everything Magic said, is what we ALL say about Doc. When Magic was a young player, he & Dr Buss would hang out. The other players sed, you can't do that. He represents ownership & mgmt. Magic sed he did not care. He learned sooo much from tthe man (Then Magic started to tear up... I knew what he felt. I was not going to cry, cuz Doc passed last yr. But Magic's wounds were fresh. I felt his pain:) Magic went on to tell of life's lessons, he learned fr his mentor.... But he was too choked up to talk. As JoeF sez: It be like having your own personal pocket Yoda I'll relate a story he told, yrs ago, that has stuck w/ me a while. Doc was the kinda guy, that could teach you things, while he was simplee being himself, not giving a lecture. I watch how he handled peo, his humility. None of us have 1/2 his talent... But he treats the guy parking cars, the same way he would treat a major corporate exec. @ These cocktail 'hospitalities' we would attend... Everyone is trying to suck up to the most powerful peo in the room. Netwking, exchanging bidness cards... Nothing wrong w/ that. We all need to git ahead. All the while, Doc would be thanking the banquet servers, for a job well done. Here is a lesson he taught: I sed Doc, don't it bother you, that peo who could give a flip about you, now suck-up/are your best bud... Now that you have been named USOC Pres. & as soon as that torch goes out... the Olym flame extinguished, these corporate muckidie-mucks won't care about you or t&field. He did not miss a beat- At least they care now son, at least they care now. That a humble & mature way to lk @ things. Let's promote our sport while it's hot, & let's try to keep the momemtum go'n, after the Games. Appreciate the fact, that Americans care about track, now. Here is what he said @ a Nations Bank (ole skool name of the bank) affair: We were in Char, NC, for the Oly Men's Marathon trials. He gave a speech @ a banquet. The theme of his speech was not racism in America. It was about global 'differences.' Arabs hate Jews/Bosonians hate Serbs... If we can unite on the field of play (the world-wide Games)... We can also have a chance, to end these wars.Remember how the Olym's is alwaze proud, when a record # of countries participate? Well those are the greater ideals of the games. But now some events are too boring. Generation X, likes other things. But Doc was serious about the Games being more than winning (& tv ratings? It's kinda like college sports, here. The ideal is clean-cut student athletes, that head skrate to the liberrie after practice. Well Dr Walk respected the 'greater' ideals of the Games. But since his audience was American... he brought it home. He spoke of discrimination, that Amer's can relate to. & you have to keep in mind, the racial climate of his youth... & how himself, & guys like Auther Ashe, overcome it w/ such grace & poise... While those like myself, are 'relatively' hotheaded. He is 'our' mentor/role model. He sez: I got on the elevator @ the A-T-L Hyatt. A White women switched her purse, to the other hip. Mam' I don't want ANYTHING that is in your purse. She o-pologizes several times. Sez she has raised her children to be fair to ALL peo... but she made a blatant error. He accepts her words. She sez, I'm sooo sincere, I missed my flr. Dr Walk pulls out his key card. She is like... oh no... I have insulted someone who has a Penthouse sweet (You have to have a card, for the p-house). They step out on his flr. Allow me to introduce myself. He hands her his card. Oh my God! You are him! & I have insulted you? (The Cosby humor) Will the CIA come & arrest me? Young lady, follow me down the hall. Some of the rooms are converted to office space. He gives her 2 ducats, each... for two Olympic events (Remember, there was an investigation. The politicians were hoarding all the good seats..what else be new?... a regular fan, was s-o-l). She sez, there is no way I can accept this due to my behavior, & besides, I have no cash. I have to get my hus... He interupts her. When did I ever ax you for monee? But why are you doing this, for me? Attitudes will never change, until we start to sho luv, for one another. ********* He taught that you change attitudes by showing KINDNESS, not anger. Even tho it may sound kinda sappy... Just like Magic sed... Being around, him simplee helps you grow as a person. Dr Walk was/is a special guy. P-Out
JoeF I'm going to mention things here, that EVERYONE can relate to... whether they like t & field, or not. I'll 'tease' w/ a story about the Olympic Torch, in the A-T-L ... a few months later, Dr Walk told me that that day, had the potential... to be the WORST day in US Olym history. The story involves this guy: (List of great Oly momments) 5. Muhammad AliNot every inspirational moment is because of an athlete competing. Muhammad Ali was chosen to light the Olympic torch at the 1996 Olympics, despite suffering from Parkinson’s in 1984. Ali has gone through a lot of controversy during his decorated boxing career, but remains one of the most revered and respected athletes of all time. As he carried the flame to light the torch, Ali was visibly shaking from his disease. Despite his frail state, he remained a determined and brave figure. The crowd quickly grew silent in respect and awe of the outstanding athlete. Not every inspirational moment is because of an athlete competing. Muhammad Ali was chosen to light the Olympic torch at the 1996 Olympics, despite suffering from Parkinson’s in 1984. Ali has gone through a lot of controversy during his decorated boxing career, but remains one of the most revered and respected athletes of all time. As he carried the flame to light the torch, Ali was visibly shaking from his disease. Despite his frail state, he remained a determined and brave figure. The crowd quickly grew silent in respect and awe of the outstanding athlete. http://terrifictop10.wordpress.com/tag/muhammad-ali-lights-torch/ An Olympic journey : the saga of an American hero : LeRoy T. Walker http://www.worldcat.org/title/olympic-journey-the-saga-of-an-american-hero-leroy-t-walker/oclc/39546948 But we will save that tale for another time. JoeF I knew Dr Walk many yrs before yourself, but that don't matter. You wk'd w/ him side-by-side... a shorter time, but very intensified. Dr Walk told several us, that he be burned out from the joy/exicitement, that wuz '96. But tis was in his (adopted) home twn of Durham, NC. So how could he say no? That's where you come in. He said he wanted the best CEO out there. & since Bill Gates wuz kinda busie... That's why I simplee quote you, cuz you knew him just as well: Mr Buffalo-Joe sez: ..it was fun to ride his coattails for two years... He was. Just tremendous at passing along life's lessons with practical examples and a wicked sense of humor. The humor part is monee. But he mite have had an edge on us. One of his trademarks, is his humility. He rambles along like your avg Sr citizen, who be hav'n trouble finding his car keys, & a couple of days later, he is in Europe meeting w/ world leaders. The guy ain't much into name-drop'n... simplee wants to support the sport he luvs. As far as humor goes, he mite be get'n tips from one of his oldest buds.... Many will miss Dr. Walker’s presence and for a great many reasons, I could give you forty of them right now (as in the number of years he served as a Penn Relays officiate), but no one will miss him more than one Dr. William H Cosby Jr. The Penn relays, and Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby and the Penn Relays, two things that are synonymous and when I think of great people like Dr. Walker I can’t help but to think how his contributions to the Relays were forged some time ago perhaps with the hopes of making a path for Bill Cosby to accept the reins as The Relay Poster Icon. http://ybsportsonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=211:the-penn-relays-2012-edition He also joined the Navy's track team where he excelled, especially in the high jump event. Regretting his decision to drop out of school, Cosby earned his high school equivalency diploma while in the service. After leaving the Navy, he went to Temple University where he had been given a track scholarship. http://www.biography.com/people/bill-cosby-9258468?page=2 Coz luvs track & f, and supports it @ ALL levels... help'n youth teams travel & such. I used to live in Philly. The historic Penn Relays was going to change locations (or even fold, alltogether). The city could not pay (What else is new in Philly:( for renovations on an archaeic stadium (If you luv the place, it's referred to as historic:). Coz did a lot of things to help. The last was a celebrity relay race, to close the event. Coz was in his late 50's.... but insisted all the celebrity participants, run the full lap (4 X 400m relay). A gd time had by all, but more importantly, it saved the event. When Doc be up in the Tri-State, his best Buds are Coz (Temple alum) & coach Chainey (Temple Hall-o-Fame hoops coach). They are kindred spririts for many reasons. They are ~bout the same age. Black men, who overcome MANY obstacles, to reach the (literally) top of their professions. I took a photo of them. The Owls came down to the City of Malpractice, to take on Coach K, & his 3 best friends (the refs). Chainey was om the bench, shouting & encouraging... Coz & Doc were a couple rows back.... Yukking it up (Liv'n da dream, babee... Liv'n da dream) So I was in his office, on I-85, behind Honey's Resturant (Kinda like the Friendly's chain. Old peo luv that kinda stuff:). He's got pictures of hizself/Da Champ (Ali) & all the other hi-profle types, that were involved in the Opening Ceremonies. Then he tells me how it allllllll, almost collasped, @ the last momment. He said the entire Committee was in complete panic, but tried to lk calm. It goes w/o say'n.... The ENTIRE world is watch'n. The crisis was averted, so he could laff about it now. Which comes back to your observations, concerning his humor. Most don't remember that Coz did stand up, bak in da dey. One of the trademarks was how he can distort his face. Even when he is happy, like the pudding ads. His face tells us that pudding tastes like a French delakacie. Sitting across from Doc's desk, it was like being w/ Cosby. He contorted his face. His eyes would git wide, as he relives the 'tension' that all would unravel.... And he... the Oly Comm President, of the host nation... would git all the BLAME. Comedy gold my friend, comedy gold. You say you don't go a day w/o a memmory. I pass these 'landmarks' a couple times a MONTH.. But it alwaze brings a smile. I shared this, cuz many peo like t & field, & the humor of... the voice of Fat Albert. But there is another reason. You have to take the torch, to help finnish his journney. It's not enuff to swap ole war stories. You have to git out there & promote/fundraise. That's how he got you to the Triangle. I'll do my part too, but you have that executive/CEO type aura. I'll be your guy, crack'n heads, behind the scenes. As far as new Oly events... Greasey-haired kids, on skate-boards are fine. It's the modern era (But the Myan calendar is rite, the Apacalspe be upon us)... But @ the expense of the traditional sports??? Joe, I blame you:) Fix this & fix it now. This is no exaggeration. Peo like Coz, will do anything for you. Even if they don't particularie care for you, just to honor Doc. Get up w/ Coz's ast (I can help there)... Drop his name. You'll get a call back, w/i the hr. I used to do it all the time, on a smaller level. The ole skool banks, NCNB, Nation's Bank.... Doc would be in Charlotte, NC (a regional banking capital) to sign up sponsors. So I would shoe-horn in, on some of their hi-brow promotions. Sure, it kinda be an uphill battle. But Dr Walk has made it much easier for the rest of us. P-Out .
JoeF sed: I think about Doc every day and what I learned. I was blessed to be part of his life. Bossman... You have sed so much, I can only 2nd it. You are the poet, btw the 2 of us:) When it came out the the Games are cutting traditional sports... in order to pander to 'marketing'... I felt like run'n to a fax machine (That's how Dr Walk liked to communicate)... & see if he could score me an x-tra plane ducat. Why??? Cuz we be head'n to Athens, to skraten this crap out. & as you know, he would most likely say- he knew months before, he fought against it... but he had to keep it on da lo lo (confidential:) He's turn'n in his grave. Colleges could feel impact of losing wrestling from Olympics http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/college/ct-spt-0214-college-wrestling--20130214,0,480586.column & now this: Thursday, Pistorius was charged with the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, at his home in Pretoria, South Africa. According to The Guardian, Steenkamp was shot four times. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2013/02/15/did-oscar-blade-runner-pistorious-kill-his-girlfriend-on-v-day/ Now the Great Dr be spin'n in his grave. You think a day never goes by, w/o think'n of him??? I'm still in the Triangle (Ral/Dur/Chapel Thrill). In some ways, you be kins fortunate. While improving your tan, in the Sunshine St...I pass the resturants where we ate/The track facilities... Where he,myself, coach Williams (NCAA Div II Champ, St Aug).... Would talk all day long, during a meet. Unless it was one he set up. Then he would be hobnob'n w/ corp sponsors, to support his nx big project. But he alwaze had a few VIP hospitality ( a euphanism for free, luxury eats:) passes, in his hip pocket... for 'his' guys. Simplee qouting JoeF: I am/was blessed to alwaze be included... being one of his guys. P-Out
Joe Don't o-pologize... I don't check pm's either (unless I expect one). Check yours NOW. As far as your 'friends' on this forum... Dr Walk told me that he wanted you to be paid, above market value.... It's impolite to say what you made... But the Bills fans mite wanna know... you kinda be a hi-powered guy... You are not some 'goober' (like me) post'n fr mom's basement. Gotta go. Mom has the spegetti-&m-balls ready for me:) One Luv P-Out
Like I say- o-polgize. None of us check the pm's. Joe F NEVER checks. Full disclosure. I'm a Dolfan. When will the Go-Bills, Go-Bills to Winnepeg? You guys (Go-Bills) can ALL learn French & learn to say- eh Joe F sed: R. Rich, on Apr 5 2007, 10:41 AM, said: Awesome. I remember my brother being all psyched when he got to meet Dr. Harry Edwards (the noted sports psychologist). He said the guy's just a phenomenal conversationalist. Not too preachy either, which I would've thought he'd be. I'll bet working w/ Dr Walker was a constant learning experience, huh? Someone w/ his credentials, I'll bet it was something else. If you haven't read the book by Charlie Gaddy, its a great story..its called An Olympic Journey: The Saga of An American Hero, LeRoy T. Walker. Charlie is a retired local news anchor in the Triangle (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill) and does a great job of telling Doc's story in Doc's own words. The book was written after the 1996 Summer Olympic Games which were the end of Doc's 4 year reign as President of the United States Olympic Committee. Its a really quick read and really a great book. Doc was President of the Board of the 1999 Special Olympics World Summer Games (at 80 years old) and I was the CEO of the Games Organizing Committee. It was like having my own personal Yoda for two years. I had been working in the Olympic World for 13 years prior to the Games but never as a CEO of an organizing committee...I learned so much about leadership, commitment, sheer will. He has forgotten more about life than I will ever know. Anyway -- I digress--the book takes you through not only his athletic and coaching career but what it was like to work and grow up with Andy Young, Dr. King. Doc was the first African American to receive a doctorate from Columbia I believe--he broke a lot of barriers and still is today...it was fun to ride his coattails for two years... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If he NEVER checks pm's... how do I reach him? But you guys should 'search eng' Dr Walk.... he is a 'gem' of a man. We can learn fr him, posthomlulous. If the Jews & Arabs can get along. Gunslinger Kelly, & Marino fans... have an outside chance:) P-Out
Dear Mr Joe F: You never check your pm's.. So I havta kinda do a thread hi-jack. Dr Walk talked sooo fondly of you... You sed: Rich--it really was. Knowing Dr. LeRoy Walker for the last 20 years has been one of the biggest treats of all. An amazing track coach, Olympic administrator, mentor. We worked very closely in 1998 and 1999 on an event -- best two years of my professional life.. I o-polgize to hi-jack the thread. Joe F... You lived offa Duraleigh, nx to my hi-skool (female) track teammate. I sent you: Dr Walker He was a great friend to me too. & I was just thinking about our work w/ the Spec Olympics (We were friends, yrs before). I'm a local (Triangle) sports photographer. I told Dr Walk- I really don't have time to do this... But because you have done soooo much for me, & everyone else... I have to help. I was talking to a friend recently... Our conversation brought back great memories of him. I 'search engined' some stuff about his life (Memory Ln), & came across you. I wanna tell you a story, cuz his selfless personality is sooo consistent, w/ what you said. He was speaking @ a Nations Bank function in Charlotte, after the 96 Games. His speech concerned that the Olympics are not simply sports... but bringing the World together. His topic was NOT racism in Amer. It was about how difficult it is to get the Bosnian Oly guys to sit w/ the Serbs/Arabs sit w/ Jews... But since he was speaking w/ an Amer audience... He used the Black-White thing... cuz that's what we can relate to. He said: It was during the Games, I'm @ the Atl Hyatt, heading toward the elevator. A White woman in her 50's is there. When the doors close, she shift's her purse to the other side. Young lady (He's in his 60's). I don't want anything that's in your purse. She blushes in embarrasment. I'm not that kinda person. I'm really not. I'm sooo ashamed. I tell my kids to treat everyone equal.. & lk @ what I do? That's quite allrite 'mam... No harm done. But I'm serious, I feel awful. I missed my flr, just to o-pologize. You did o-pologize. It's accepted. (Then he reaches in his pocket, for his keycard). You are in the Penthouse... now I feel even worse. (They get off). Allow me to indroduce myself (Hands ovah his bidness card). I wanna shoot myself. You are the President? If you have time, walk w/ me. How long will you & husband be in town? 3 more days. (Now in his office). Here are 2 tickets for tennis/2 more for swimming prelims. This is soooo awesome. But I have no cash. I have to get my husband, downstairs. When did I ax you for cash? This is terrible. I treat you so badly, yet you are doing this for me? Young lady, we will never settle our differences, & come together in unity... until we show LOVE for one another. That's who Dr Walk is... Alwaze a role model for me. But he set an unreachable standard. Ronnie West Raleigh P-Out pardeekid-gmail-com